Control over the Canadian Energy Sector

 The Canadian energy sector is completely under the control of the global financial oligarchy, which colludes and contends for the strategic resource both for profit and to power their economies and militaries.

Canadians do not control the energy sector and have no say over its direction and development. The development or not of the sector is a direct result of the decisions of the cartels in control and their collusion and contention.

Oil, natural gas and LNG are exported and imported through business deals between and among cartels. They are not state to state trading relations that the people control, as they do not control either the private cartels or the state. The price received or paid for the energy commodity is a private affair of the cartels and states involved and the scores of parasites and speculators that abound within the imperialist system.

The market price for natural gas is now well below its price of production, as is the projected market price that LNG Canada would receive in Asia at this time. The price of natural gas has fallen below $2 per MMBTU (one million British Thermal Units), while LNG has gone down below $4 per MMBTU on world markets. This is below what is considered profitable from fracking extraction and LNG liquefaction. Some find it remarkable that LNG Canada would proceed with a project when oil, natural gas and LNG market prices are below their prices of production. But this may be the point or at least part of the attraction aside from the need for the strategic energy resources to power industries and militaries.

One of the investor/owners of LNG Canada is Mitsubishi, which controls the LNG import market in Japan and is also a major user/consumer of LNG throughout its vast financial/industrial/trading empire. The cartel wants to sustain its control over the LNG market and to seize/steal natural gas from other countries at the lowest price possible. This forms part of its program to maintain control over the market in Japan and maintain a constant supply of energy for the Japanese economy including its own industries and military. As far as supporting or opposing other energy projects around the world it analyzes the situation and takes a position that favours its private interests. This is exactly what all cartels do. This is what cartels in the expanding "green" renewable energy sector do as well. They finance NGOs and other groups to do their bidding either promoting or opposing energy projects.

To have a rational planned energy sector requires the people's control over the direction of the economy, which necessarily controls the wholesale sector and export and import of commodities. This requires activating the human factor/social consciousness to take control over economic affairs so as to see and act on the necessity not to permit the private interests of the imperialists to prevail. Their aim for maximum private profit is very narrow and has no regard for the social and natural consequences. Similar to other sectors of the economy a new pro-social aim and direction is necessary.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 12 -

Article Link:
Control over the Canadian Energy Sector


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