Priorities During the Pandemic

CPC(M-L) has long pointed out that under imperialism the authority in control is in contradiction with the conditions. This is blatantly obvious in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic. It creates a very worrisome situation for the U.S. working class and people and for the peoples of the world. Settling scores with U.S. authorities is a task the peoples of the world join the U.S. working class and people in doing.

The U.S. authority in control does not see the pandemic as a health emergency where all human and material resources should be mobilized to defeat the virus and support the people. The authority in control of the material and human resources does not recognize the objective concrete condition as it poses itself but instead imposes its subjective private interests on the condition and declares it in practice a financial crisis leading to a possible existential crisis for the imperialist system.

This subjective stand of the authority in control leads it to mobilize the material resources of the country to save the private interests of the financial oligarchy and the imperialist system at the root of its power and wealth instead of dealing with the health crisis. The result is chaos and anarchy as sections of the financial oligarchy fight with each over who should be saved and blame others for the failures to deal with the objective condition of the health crisis. The authority in control blocks the people from unleashing their collective power and social consciousness to deal with the condition.

Using its authority and control of the political, economic and social affairs of the United States, the financial oligarchy seeks to save itself, its private interests, empires, immense social wealth and power. To accomplish this it has mobilized its authority over the material resources and state institutions to defend its private interests in the U.S. and abroad. In doing so it objectively shifts the burden of the crisis in the U.S. onto the backs of the working class and other strata of the people including many professionals and owners of small and medium-sized businesses. Globally, the U.S.-centred financial oligarchy is shifting the burden of the crisis onto weaker countries under its influence, and those countries under sanctions, occupation and suffering U.S. wars of aggression and regime change.

The actions abroad to defend the interests of the U.S.-centred financial oligarchy also heighten the contradictions with its competitors amongst the big and medium-sized powers. This competition is centred on the conception of U.S. imperialism as the "indispensable" power, with U.S. dollar hegemony continuing as the only viable way to conduct international trade and commerce, the U.S. Federal Reserve as the "indispensable" central bank and the U.S. military as the world's "indispensable" police power enforcing the dictate and authority of the U.S.-centred financial oligarchy.

Immediately the extent of the current crisis became known, the U.S. authority in control instituted measures to defend the private interests of the financial oligarchy at home and abroad. The Federal Reserve has gone into action along with Congress to defend the private interests of the rich oligarchs.

They are using the experience of the measures taken during the 2008 economic crisis to save their empire and authority such as the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) but greatly expanded versions. These measures will cause great harm to the peoples of the world and their economies. The needs of the people will not be met during the crisis and the seeds will be sown for even greater economic crises and wars in the future.

The authority in control is exposing itself as the greatest roadblock to the peoples of the U.S. and the world in finding a way forward out of the pandemic and imperialist system and to emerge as one humanity in control of the conditions they face and empowered with the authority to rule itself and deal objectively with the conditions.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 11 - April 4, 2020

Article Link:
Priorities During the Pandemic


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