Campaign Launched Against the Illegal Blockade of Countries and for Solidarity Among Peoples

On April 6 a petition and Twitter campaign was launched by the Sao Paulo Forum calling for the end of economic, commercial and financial sanctions imposed on nations such as Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the campaign is to get the word out to the widest possible audience, including to political authorities at different levels, trade unions, solidarity organizations and members of social movements.

Everyone is invited to take part in the following program:

Thursday, April 9: First Twitter storm under the hashtag #BloqueoNoSolidaridadSi
Duration: 10 am-2 pm EDT / 3-7 pm GMT

Thursday, April 16: Second Twitter storm under the hashtag #BloqueoNoSolidaridadSi
Duration: 10 am-2 pm EDT / 3-7 pm GMT

Participants are asked to use the one hashtag only and no others, as when multiple hashtags are used, Twitter's algorithm treats it like spam, reducing the effectiveness of the initiative. Posts on other social media platforms are also encouraged to help get the word out.

The petition in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese can be found here.

Petition Against the Illegal Blockade of Countries
and for Solidarity Among Peoples

1. We are experiencing an alarming health situation worldwide with the SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Today April 6, almost one million people are infected, with thousands of deaths in several countries. Nobody had prepared for a situation on that scale! Health systems in general were not prepared and few countries were able to minimally contain the initial number of infections and thus prevent the collapse of their own system.

3. The general reaction was to order quarantines and isolations to reduce the spread of the virus, measures that have catastrophic consequences for economies, which are not yet fully defined.

4. There is also an increase in xenophobic positions, blaming a culture or country for the emergence and spread of the virus.

5. In response to these positions, the Chinese government's attitude was exemplary in cooperating with Italy and other European countries to help them contain the epidemic locally.

6. In the midst of these problems, some nations that have already been the victims of unilateral coercive measures have unsuccessfully requested the lifting of sanctions in order to purchase supplies, medical equipment and medicines for their health system.

7. Nicaragua has suffered these sanctions for years and now it does not even have the right to obtain humanitarian aid.

8. In Venezuela, the government was willing to buy supplies, but international companies refused to sell it for fear of suffering some kind of penalty or fine.

9. Cuba remains subject to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States, exacerbated by the current aggressive escalation of that country's government, which constitutes the main obstacle to its development. In its constant example of humanity and solidarity, Cuba once again offered cooperation in the area of health to face the pandemic and, upon request, sent Medical Brigades to more than a dozen countries.

10. In view of the above, we, the undersigned, request that the blockade, the unilateral coercive measures and the sanctions applied against the countries be completely lifted.

11. We hope that our voices can represent that of millions of people who suffer unfairly in their daily lives the political persecution against their countries promoted by some governments.

Further information about the campaign can be found here.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 11 - April 4, 2020

Article Link:
Campaign Launched Against the Illegal Blockade of Countries and for Solidarity Among Peoples


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