

At a recent press conference with representatives of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the current level of COVID-19 cases across Africa in early April was described as the "dawn of the outbreak" on the continent, noting the lack of capacity to treat serious infections due to the number of ventilators and other necessary materials.

The virus "is an existential threat to our continent," said Dr. John Nkengasong, head of Africa CDC. As of April 2, all but four of Africa's 54 countries had cases, while local transmission is reported to have begun in many places.

Nkengasong said authorities are "aggressively" looking into procuring equipment such as ventilators that most African countries desperately need, and local manufacturing and repurposing are being explored. "We've seen a lot of goodwill expressed to supporting Africa from bilateral and multilateral partners," but "we still have to see that translate into concrete action," he said.

The WHO does not know how many ventilators are available across Africa to help those in respiratory distress, WHO Regional Director Dr. Matshidiso Moeti told reporters. "We are trying to find out this information from country-based colleagues. [...] What we can say without a doubt is there is an enormous gap." Some countries have only a few ventilators. Central African Republic has just three. WHO official Dr. Zabulon Yoti added that a small percentage of people who are infected will need ventilators and about 15 per cent may need intensive care.

"Even if equipment is obtained, getting them to countries is a growing challenge with Africa's widespread travel restrictions, though countries have made exceptions for cargo or emergency humanitarian flights," the Associated Press reports. It goes on to state:

"Simply gauging the number of coronavirus cases in Africa is a challenge, even in South Africa, the most developed country on the continent, where authorities have acknowledged a testing backlog.

"Other countries suffer from the widespread shortage of testing kits or swabs, though 43 countries in the WHO Africa sub-Saharan region now have testing capability, up from two in early February.

"As more African countries impose lockdowns, both the WHO and Africa CDC expressed concern for the millions of low-income people who need to go out daily to earn their living. That's a 'huge challenge,' Moeti said, noting that hundreds of thousands of children are now out of school as well.

"It is too soon to tell how the lockdown in places like South Africa has affected the number of cases, she added.


"The first sub-Saharan African nation to impose a lockdown, Rwanda, has now extended it by two weeks, a sign of what might be to come for other nations. Botswana imposed its own, effective Friday [April 3]."

(Associated Press)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 11 - April 4, 2020

Article Link:
Africa: Overview


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