Vietnam's Proactive Approach to Battling COVID-19

Vietnamese family of recovered COVID-19 patient presents flowers to a doctor in the  northern province of Vinh Phuc, Feb. 26, 2020. At the time the patient was the last being treated.

From the get-go, the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has taken all measures to combat COVID-19, including a massive public education and rules enforcement campaign. As of March 28, Vietnam reported 174 cases and no deaths. As soon as the virus appeared in Vietnam, the government struck a National Steering Committee for COVID-19 with the participation of ministers and officials across ministries, led by Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, who is determined that Vietnam will keep its number of cases to less than 1,000. Deputy Prime Minister Vu noted that with the people mobilized under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and the government and its ministries, the Vietnamese people will defeat the virus. Ministries are responsible for implementing any decision taken by the National Steering Committee. In addition, Vietnam works closely with the World Health Organization, which has provided lab testing resources to the country.

In a recent interview, Professor Le Vu Anh, a public health leader and founding Dean of the Hanoi School of Public Health, pointed out that citizens' health care is a top priority of the government. He explained that health care is organized through four levels of administration -- central, provincial, district and commune -- and at each level there is adequate staffing and infrastructure to support the health of the people. These levels of organization make it possible to undertake a successful public education campaign to inform the citizens of the danger posed by COVID-19 and involve them in the fight against the virus, he noted.

Professor Le also pointed out that there is public health insurance, and although there are public as well as private health facilities, all are required to be licensed by the state and are regularly monitored to ensure that a thorough job is being done to secure the people's health and well-being.

Reports reveal the level of intervention and support Vietnam gives its citizens when it comes to fighting COVID-19. For example, if a person is sick in a building, the whole building is locked down and the government provides three hot meals a day to everyone in the building at minimal cost until the person recovers. If a person enters the country from abroad, government health officials immediately put them in quarantine for a 14-day period at state expense. Hotels are being opened and rooms made available at subsidized rates for those who wish to move there to self-isolate. This also helps to keep the tourism industry active during the pandemic. These and other measures have proven to be effective means of fighting COVID-19 and Vietnam is showing that the full intervention of the state and the mobilization and active participation of the entire people are the key to successfully containing the virus.

(Source: Nanh Dan, Orinoco Tribune. Photo: VNA)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 10 - March 28, 2020

Article Link:
Vietnam's Proactive Approach to Battling COVID-19


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