Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces Reject Latest Vulgar U.S. Attack

On March 27, after Attorney General William Barr announced that the U.S. government would pay millions of dollars for the handover of President Nicolás Maduro and other named leaders of the Venezuelan state, the following communique was issued by the Bolivarian National Armed Forces of Venezuela (FANB):

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces categorically reject the extravagant and extreme accusations of the United States Department of Justice against the citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros, Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, our Commander-in-Chief; the citizen General-in-Chief Vladimir Padrino López, Vice President of Political Sovereignty, Security and Peace, and Minister for Defence, as well as other important political and military leaders of the Venezuelan State.

Without shame, this base attack of the U.S. empire occurs precisely at a critical moment experienced by humanity, when it is fighting for life, trying to contain COVID-19, against which the Bolivarian Government, through its civil-military union, is achieving effective results and adequately attending to the basic needs of its population. Likewise, this onslaught arises right after a plot was revealed involving the carrying out of violent acts against recognized authorities of our country from Colombian territory. It seems that their frustrated attempts to overthrow the legitimately constituted government have led them to come up with judicial fantasies, that without a doubt deserve the international community's strong condemnation.

It is obvious that their treacherous intention is to discredit our democratic institutions and render invisible the extraordinary sacrifice that millions of Venezuelans make every day to overcome the sanctions and economic-financial blockade, which has been categorized as a crime against humanity, imposed by the empire itself, and to overcome adversities in order to achieve peace and national development. It can also be easily inferred that they are trying to divert attention from the enormous difficulties their capitalist health system is having dealing with the pandemic currently plaguing us, and from the electoral race for the re-election of Donald Trump, who will go down in history as the most disastrous and irrational of the U.S. presidents.

These accusations, totally devoid of any kind of evidence, are intended to tarnish the morality of a handful of patriots who have dedicated their lives to the service of the Nation, and contrary to what they claim, fight the scourge of drug trafficking generated in Colombia with vehemence and revolutionary ethics. According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, it is in Colombia where 70 per cent of the world's cocaine is produced, 93 per cent of which reaches the United States via the Pacific route. In this regard, the magnanimous effort that the FANB has made in combating this illicit activity needs to be highlighted, pointing to the neutralization of more than 189 aircraft used for drug trafficking, all within the framework of the Control Law for the Comprehensive Defense of Airspace .

President Nicolás Maduro Moros is a renowned social leader forged in union struggles for the demands of the working class, who promotes a humanist and social justice project for our beloved homeland; he has also served as an exceptional Commander-in-Chief. For his part, General-in-Chief Vladimir Padrino López, is a General with a refined academic and professional career, with great moral authority both inside and outside the institution, at the head of which he has assumed complex challenges for more than five years as Minister of People's Power for Defence. For these reasons, the FANB reaffirms its absolute loyalty and unwavering commitment to continue accompanying them in the battles that we wage permanently to guarantee health, safety, good living and the sacred interests of the Venezuelan people.

Holding firm to the traditions handed down to us by the Liberator Simón Bolívar and the Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez, we reiterate to the entire world that the U.S. empire and its allies will never bend our dignity and irrevocable decision to be free, sovereign and independent.

Chávez lives The homeland continues. Independence and a socialist homeland We will live and win. Always loyal Traitors never! 

(Translated from original Spanish by TML)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 10 - March 28, 2020

Article Link:
Venezuela's Bolivarian National Armed Forces Reject Latest Vulgar U.S. Attack


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