U.S. Criminal Threats Against Venezuela Cannot Be Allowed to Stand!

After years of brutal sanctions and threats of military intervention against Venezuela, the U.S., frustrated by the failure of all the attempts to impose regime change, has escalated their attacks by accusing Venezuela and President Nicolás Maduro of narco-terrorism and offered a $15 million reward for his arrest or assassination along with the other leaders of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Only yesterday [March 27], the U.S. was invoking a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, blaming Maduro and calling for his overthrow in the name of the human rights of the Venezuelan people, to give their umpteenth attempt at regime change some kind of legitimacy. Now that mask has been cast aside and the U.S. is openly resorting to a blatant form of targeted assassination, a repugnant form of international bounty hunting. This must not pass! Needless to say, the U.S. authorities did not present a single shred of evidence to support their accusations. It is a well-known fact that it is the U.S. through the CIA and its main ally in Latin America, President Duque of Colombia who are the main sources of narco-terrorism in the region.

This dangerous and criminal action of the Trump administration comes at a time when Venezuela and countries around the world are mobilizing their resources to fight the COVID-19 pandemic which is rapidly expanding. Peoples around the world are uniting in an unprecedented international effort to overcome the virus and defend the health and safety of the people. It comes at a time when the U.S. itself has become in recent days the epicentre of the pandemic.

It has been recently reported that eight countries representing around one quarter of all humanity, say that Washington's actions are undermining their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The governments of China, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, Syria and Venezuela -- all under sanctions by the United States -- sent a joint statement to the United Nations Secretary-General, the UN's High Commissioner on Human Rights and the Director General of the World Health Organization calling for an end to the unilateral American economic blockade as it is illegal and a blatant violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.

In recent weeks, nations have been calling out for increased cooperation, for a pooling of resources and a setting aside of differences to work together to overcome the planetary pandemic. The times are crying out for new international relations under the banner "One Humanity, One Struggle." The U.S. is intent on running counter to the needs of the people on the world scale and is hindering the forward march of the people with their sanctions, their ongoing wars of aggression and occupation and their plots for regime change. These latest hoodlum activities of the U.S. against Venezuela must not pass!

This latest outrageous provocation by the U.S. administration creates a very dangerous situation for the people of Venezuela and all the ALBA countries. The invitation to violence against the democratically-elected government of Venezuela not only poses a clear threat to the independence and sovereignty of Venezuela but also threatens the stability of the whole region of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The U.S. criminal threats cannot be allowed to stand! The Venezuelan people and their President Nicolás Maduro, deserve the support of Canadians and peoples all over the world against these latest U.S. provocations.

Hands Off Venezuela!

(March 28, 2020. Photos: Alba Movements Canada, PSUV)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 10 - March 28, 2020

Article Link:
U.S. Criminal Threats Against Venezuela Cannot Be Allowed to Stand! - ALBA Social Movements Canada, Ottawa Branch


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