Communist Party of Vietnam's 90th Anniversary

Vietnamese People Celebrate Momentous Achievements of Their Party

Cultural performance in Hanoi, February 1, 2020, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

On February 3, the people of Vietnam marked the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), founded by their legendary leader Ho Chi Minh.

General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee and President of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong speaks in Hanoi, February 3, 2020.

At a ceremony in Hanoi, General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee and President Nguyen Phu Trong stated that the CPV is the only political organization in Vietnam with the quality, brainpower, experience, prestige and capacity to lead the country to overcome all difficulties and challenges, and drive the national revolutionary cause from one victory to the next.

Those in attendance included Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, and many other incumbent and former leaders of the Party, State and Vietnam Fatherland Front, and veteran revolutionaries.

President Nguyen looked back over the process of the establishment, training, devotion and development of the CPV and highlighted the historical significance of its founding on February 3, 1930.

"The Vietnamese revolution's diverse and vivid reality over the past 90 years has demonstrated that the Party's sound and clear-sighted leadership is a leading decisive factor to ensure all revolutionary victories and make many exploits in Vietnam," he said.

Mentioning Vietnam's achievements during nearly 35 years of reform, President Nguyen said Vietnam has emerged as a developing country whose people have reached middle-income status. Its politics and society have been stabilized; national defence-security, independence and sovereignty have been firmly maintained, and its position and prestige in the international arena have been enhanced.

The country has to date joined most international organizations and become an active and responsible member of the international community, he stressed, noting that Vietnam was recently elected for the second time as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in a landslide vote.

On the front of party-building, President Nguyen emphasized the need to carry forward Vietnam's beautiful traditions, while maintaining and building on the Party's revolutionary nature and its pioneering role. He said that the Party must be principled and strong when it comes to its politics, ideology, morality, apparatus and personnel. It must revamp its leadership methods, strengthen the close-knit relations between the Party and people, prevent and counteract degradation, and enhance the Party's ability to lead and fight the battles to come.

President Nguyen also pointed out major tasks in 2020 -- the final year of the 12th National Party Congress -- such as completing all socio-economic development targets, reinforcing macro-economic stability, accelerating the implementation of strategic breakthroughs, restructuring the national economy in tandem with reforming the growth model, ensuring social security and welfare and improving people's living standards.

He also called for greater efforts to firmly maintain national independence and sovereignty, as well as  a peaceful and stable environment to serve national development and promote external relations.

He said, attention must be paid to the successful organization of Party congresses at all levels, in working towards the 13th National Party Congress, as well as to the implementation of resolutions on party-building adopted at the fourth plenums of the 11th and 12th Party Central Committees, and the Politburo's Directive No. 5 on promoting the study and implementation of President Ho Chi Minh's theory and practice, to strengthen party-building and rectification work.

The CPV received congratulations from political leaders and parties from around the world.

Educating the Younger Generations About the Party

Cultural performance "Mau co toi yeu" in Hanoi, February 1, 2020.

A contest to educate Vietnamese youth at home and in the diaspora about Vietnam and the CPV culminated with an awards ceremony during an art performance titled "Mau co toi yeu" (The flag colour I love) on February 1 in Hanoi.

Organized on the social network VCNET by the Party Central Committee Commission for Popularization and Education, the contest aimed to celebrate the founding of the CPV and the upcoming 13th National Party Congress. Eighteen weeks of competition began August 22, 2019, and was open to all Vietnamese teenagers and youth,  9-30 years of age, at home and abroad. The 138 questions were related to the history of the CPV, highlighting the historic moments which were connected to the country's important achievements under the leadership of the CPV and President Ho Chi Minh, especially in earlier struggles for national liberation, national construction and protection as well as the current renewal process.

The organizing committee awarded 198 prizes, including 18 first prizes, 36 second prizes, 54 third prizes and 90 consolation prizes.

Book Launch

The book Nguyen Ai Quoc -- Ho Chi Minh on the Way of Founding the Communist Party of Vietnam by Associate Professor Dr. Le Van Yen, was launched on February 6 by the People's Public Security Publishing House. It has three chapters: Ho Chi Minh -- From a Patriotic Person to a Communist Soldier; Ho Chi Minh's Activities and Contributions to International Communist Movements; and Ho Chi Minh -- the Founder of the CPV.

Release of Anniversary Stamp

A stamp celebrating the CPV's anniversary was revealed to the public on January 31. Designed by painter To Minh Trang of the Vietnam Post Corporation, it features the number 90 on the Party's flag with a portrait of the late President Ho Chi Minh, the founder of the Party. It includes an image of a dove representing peace and national independence. Also featured are images that represent the country's achievements in the economy, industrialization and modernization under the Party's leadership.

Celebrations in Ho Chi Minh City

A program of artistic performances and a photo exhibition were organized in Ho Chi Minh City on the occasion of the CPV's anniversary.

The art program featured 200 artists performing works celebrating the achievements of the Party and Ho Chi Minh, as well as glorious feats of the Vietnamese army and people in the struggle for national liberation, national unity, and the construction and defence of the country.

The photo exhibition about the leadership of CPV, located on Nguyen Hue Street, was comprised of 300 black-and-white and colour photos featuring all of the important struggles taken up under the Party’s leadership over the past nine decades, and the city's revolutionary tradition.

(With files from VNA, CPV Online Newspaper. Photos: CPV, VNA, )

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 6 - February 29, 2020

Article Link:
Communist Party of Vietnam's 90th Anniversary: Vietnamese People Celebrate Momentous Achievements of Their Party


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