Photo Review

Actions Continue Across the Country Demanding Rights and Title of Wet'suwet'en Be Respected

During the past week, along with the continuing blockades of transportation infrastructure in locations across the country, rallies and marches took place in a number of cities and towns. These included large marches in Vancouver and at the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls. Film showings, concerts and other fundraisers and events were also organized to support the Wet'suwet'en land defenders. 

In Ottawa and Toronto marches were organized on Ontario's Family Day holiday. Thousand poured into the streets of Toronto for the Family Day march to voice their demands that the Canadian government and Coastal GasLink must get off Wet'suwet'en lands and that new relations must be established with the Indigenous peoples that respect their jurisdiction and rights. For two hours the march made it way through the streets of the downtown, closing several major intersections along the way, before ending at Queen's Park.

Vancouver, BC

Powell River, BC  

Chase, BC

Edmonton, AB

Winnipeg, MB

Niagara Falls, ON

Windsor, ON

Thousand Islands Bridge, ON

Ottawa, ON  

Montreal, QC

St. Lambert, QC

Family Day March in Toronto

(Photos: TMLW, EFTO, Climate 604, N. Knight, A Dub Lion, Dylana, Calgary for Wet'suwet'en, R. Brunell, Daanis, S. Rotz, Montreal Wet'suwet'en Solidarity, C. Farrugia )

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 5 - February 22, 2020

Article Link:
Photo Review: Actions Continue Across the Country Demanding Rights and Title of Wet'suwet'en Be Respected


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