Reception at Cuban Embassy in Ottawa"> Reception at Cuban Embassy in Ottawa">

61st Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution and
75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Cuba and Canada

Reception at Cuban Embassy in Ottawa

 On January 30, members of the Cuban Embassy in Canada, together with representatives of the Canadian government, Parliament and First Nations, members of the diplomatic corps accredited in the country, businessmen, academics, journalists, Cuban residents, representatives of organizations working in solidarity with Cuba, as well as friends of Cuba from all walks of life, celebrated the 61st anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution and the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and Canada. Over 300 people participated in this very spirited reception.

The Carleton University Choral Ensemble sang the national anthems of Cuba and Canada, following which it performed the Venezuelan folk song Maracaibera and Matona mia cara by 16th century composer Orlando di Lasso. The Ensemble's skill in performing various kinds of music was much appreciated.

Her Excellency Josefina Vidal, Cuban Ambassador to Canada, presented remarks. She recounted the main milestones of the Cuba-Canada bilateral relations, explained the challenges Cuba faced in 2019, mainly as a result of the tightening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade by the United States, and highlighted how the Cuban people have mobilized themselves to deal with these challenges.

Robert Oliphant, MP and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, highlighted the positive relations that have existed historically between the two nations, their future perspectives and the importance of these ties for both countries, pledging Canada's resolve in further developing these relations.

A raffle draw and a delicious buffet followed.

The entire event was marked by the broad support and social love for the Cuban people and all their achievements in their quest for sovereign nation-building in the service of the well-being of all, and for their lofty internationalist spirit, which has won universal admiration from the peoples of the world. Also expressed was the sentiment that the Canadian people see diplomatic relations between Cuba and Canada as an important tool in strengthening the fraternal unity and for holding exchanges of various kinds between our two peoples and countries. The need for friendly relations based on respect for sovereignty and dialogue to prevail over the imposition of dictate, foreign-instigated coups and the use of force to sort out differences between countries, as witnessed through the U.S. strengthening its blockade on Cuba, is more important than ever in the present period.

Remarks by Cuban Ambassador

The Cuban Embassy's website provided an overview of the remarks of Ambassador Vidal at the reception.

It informs that:

"[She] recounted the main milestones in bilateral relations, especially in the last 60 years, which have witnessed a sustained strengthening of diplomatic and economic ties, and an increase in contacts between the two peoples. She recalled, in particular, the relevant place that Canada occupies in our foreign relations, as the first issuer of tourists to Cuba, second foreign investor, fourth trade partner and one of the main sources of cooperation projects.

"On the other hand, she referred to the challenges Cuba has had to face in the last year, mainly due to the tightening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade by the United States, which has adopted unprecedented measures due to their level of aggressiveness and scope, with the aim of suffocating the economy, depriving it of vital income. She thanked business organizations, solidarity groups and associations of Cubans residing in this country for supporting Cuba in its fight against the blockade, and also the Canadian government for its vote in favor of the Cuban Resolution at the United Nations General Assembly and for defending the legitimate right of its companies to trade and invest on the Island.

"The Head of the Cuban diplomatic mission in Canada highlighted how, in the midst of these difficult circumstances, Cuba has not been paralyzed, but mobilized itself with the decisive support of the population, the economy was able to exhibit modest -- but meritorious -- growth, and progress continued to be made in the institutionalization of the country in accordance with the provisions of the new Constitution of the Republic approved by popular referendum.

"The Ambassador concluded her remarks by stating: 'As in the past, once again Cuba will resist and win, and nothing will divert us from the path of building a country that is increasingly just, inclusive, prosperous, free and democratic; a country that continues to care about the welfare of its people and other peoples beyond its borders, for the care of the common environment and for a stable and peaceful world.'"

(Photos: TML, Cuban Embassy)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 2 - February 1, 2020

Article Link:
: Reception at Cuban Embassy in Ottawa


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