Global Day of Action Against War on Iran

Fight for an Anti-War Government and Oppose Canada's Appeasement of U.S. Imperialism!

Montreal, January 25, 2020

Around the world, on January 25, people took to the streets to reject any possibility of war with Iran, along with all of the U.S.-led imperialist aggression and sanctions against Iran and other countries.

Across Canada, people affirmed the anti-war consciousness of Canadians, condemning U.S. aggression, declaring Canada a Zone for Peace, and calling for an anti-war government that will immediately get the country out of NATO and NORAD. The actions showed that despite the January 3 U.S. drone strike on Iraq, and Iran accidentally shooting down Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752, they are keeping their bearings and working out the stands required to unite themselves in defence of international peace.

In spite of all the efforts to present the events in Iran as a long-standing feud between Iran and the U.S., people are well aware of U.S. hegemonic aims in the Middle East, and that Iran and its people have long been singled out by the U.S. because they refuse to submit to U.S. dictate. This is also the case with Iraq, which has been occupied for over 15 years by the U.S. and a coalition of NATO forces, in which the Canadian military plays an integral part, and still its people refuse to relinquish their right to decide and to be free from foreign dictate.

The bold positions of Canadians against U.S. imperialist war and aggression stand in stark contrast to the Trudeau government's craven appeasement of the Trump administration and U.S. imperialism. This is indicated by how Canada is fully embroiled in NATO interference in the region, and is supporting the U.S.-led sanctions against Iran.

Not only does Canada directly participate in the military occupation of Iraq, it consistently takes up the role of appeaser of U.S. war crimes by putting forward its thesis that Canada's contributions to NATO -- both in terms of armaments production and participation in U.S.-led coalitions, such as the one now occupying Iraq -- are part of Canada's "contribution to peace-keeping." This is mixed in with U.S. notions of "collective security," whereby the U.S. considers opposition to its attempts at world domination as a threat to its own security. These are the "high ideals" of a "rules-based international order" which are invoked, for example, by Canada when it interferes in the internal affairs of Venezuela and Bolivia and calls for regime change and open coups d'état.

This appeasement is also clear in the Canadian government's refusal to acknowledge that the blame for Iranian airspace being turned into a war zone that resulted in the shooting down of Flight PS752 on January 8 lies in large part with the U.S. drone strike on Iraq, January 3, to assassinate Iranian and Iraqi military officials. Global Affairs Canada states, "Prime Minister Trudeau has spoken with Iran's President Hassan Rouhani directly and clearly stated that Canada expects and demands full cooperation from Iranian authorities in all respects of access, repatriation and investigation." Yet it will not hold the U.S. to account for instigating the conflict.

Canada's appeasement of the U.S. does not represent Canadians and is an insult to the memory of all those killed on Flight PS752, regardless of nationality, and only creates the conditions for future such tragedies. It is altogether unacceptable.

Lately, the NATO Association of Canada has been attempting to foment a spirit of distrust and hostility toward China, acting as the mouthpiece for the U.S. and NATO position that China poses a threat to the world. Canada has been appeasing the U.S. on this front as well, as shown by its detention of Huawei executive Meng Wangzhou in the service of U.S. interests. This too must not pass.

For the U.S., the drone strike in Iraq is another desperate attempt to unite its bureaucracy to overcome a deepening internal crisis. Such a scenario took place in April 2017, with a U.S. missile strike in Syria, followed shortly after by the use of the Massive Ordnance Air Blast in Afghanistan. At that time, CPC(M-L) condemned the use of Syria as a proving ground for larger wars. It also pointed out that the U.S. "failure to [unite its bureaucracy] with its missile strike on Syria is now leading to wilder and wilder acts of revenge against all those who refuse to toe the U.S. line. Its assaults on vulnerable targets so as to threaten China, Russia, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and peoples everywhere fighting for their right to be deserve the condemnation of all justice- and peace-loving peoples." It is clear that such attempts to unite the crisis-ridden U.S. bureaucracy have utterly failed.

The "rules-based international order" promoted by the Canadian government is window dressing for their flouting of international law, which requires conflicts between nations to be resolved peacefully using diplomatic means. Canada must withdraw its troops from Iraq, a basic requirement for peace in the region, and the demand of the Iraqi parliament and the Iraqi and Iranian peoples. Canada must also re-establish diplomatic relations with Iran which were severed by the Harper government in 2012 and which have not been re-established as promised by the Trudeau government.

How to make Canada a factor for peace in the world and the need for the modern democratic personality to take its place front and centre to lead the struggle for people to have decision-making power on matters of war and peace is the order of the day.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 2 - February 1, 2020

Article Link:
Fight for an Anti-War Government and Oppose Canada's Appeasement of U.S. Imperialism! - Nick Lin


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