Canada-U.S.-Mexico Agreement

Ruling Elite in Canada, Mexico and U.S. Push Continental Integration to Serve Their Private Interests

U.S. President Donald Trump signed into law an amended version of the 26-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) at a White House ceremony on January 29. Four hundred members of the ruling elite attended, against a backdrop of U.S. manufacturing and oilpatch workers in coveralls and hard hats, to watch as the U.S. officially adopted the Canada-U.S.-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), as Mexico has already done. Not one representative of Trump's bitter rivals from the Democratic Party political faction of the financial oligarchy was allowed into the ceremony.

In Trump's inimitable style of flaunting his immense social wealth and class origin within the financial oligarchy, as conferring on the rich the right to rule over the working people, he told the assembled crowd to loud laughter, "This [CUSMA] is something we really put our heart into -- it's probably the number one reason I decided to lead this crazy life I'm leading right now, as opposed to that beautiful, simple life of luxury that I led before this happened."

Trump initiated the talks to replace NAFTA in 2017 with strong words condemning the agreement as a "disaster" for the U.S., yet the replacement does not make any fundamental change. CUSMA strengthens the original free trade root of the agreement, giving the financial oligarchs greater supranational power to manipulate the economies of the three countries to favour their narrow private interests, exploit the working class, rip out the natural resources without restriction, control the $1.2 trillion in annual U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade of goods that workers produce, wage war with impunity in their striving for global hegemony, and disregard the consequences of their irresponsible actions.

The enlarged control of the rich oligarchs over the three countries and their economies and their integration into Fortress North America should also be seen in connection with the secure trade and communication corridors the oligarchs are building across the continent, the extended power of the U.S. border police into Canada and Mexico, and all three peoples' entrapment within U.S. Homeland Security, the ever-expanding war economy and the violent striving of the U.S. financial oligarchy for global hegemony.

CUSMA Enabling Legislation Tabled in Parliament

On the same day as Trump's signing ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland tabled a bill in the Canadian Parliament to implement CUSMA. The mass media of the financial oligarchy went into overdrive to demand the Liberal-led minority Parliament swiftly pass the bill and that the opposition political parties not impede its rapid approval.

The business organizations of the ruling elite also forwarded their concern that nothing be done to delay passage of CUSMA, putting the government and opposition on notice not to mount any obstruction. The Business Council of Canada, together with the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters sent a message to Parliament calling "on all Parliamentarians across party lines to support swift efforts to ratify and implement Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA). After three years of uncertainty, it's time to restore long-term predictability to North American supply chains. [...] This is about certainty and North America's ability to compete with the world as an integrated market. It is time for Canada to follow suit and ratify."

CUSMA and NAFTA both indicate the control of the financial oligarchy over the lives of the peoples of North America and negation of their right to a say and control over those affairs that affect their lives, of which the economy is central. CUSMA makes local and national control of the economy and social and natural environment that much more remote and difficult. It represents the power of the oligarchs to skirt and overrule any regulations or restrictions that have been introduced in the past or may be contemplated to ameliorate the harsh effects and consequences of their socially irresponsible aim for maximum private profit and the disturbing trend of the imperialist economy for the concentration of social wealth in fewer and fewer hands as the rich become richer and the poor poorer.

The peoples of the continent should loudly denounce CUSMA and those political forces that have pushed it down their throats. The working people of North America do not presently hold political power and are not sufficiently organized to mount an effective opposition at this time. But they should be clear that this direction for the economy under the control and aim of the financial oligarchy is not sustainable and can only lead to recurring economic crises, war and increasing damage to Mother Earth.

A new pro-social direction for the economy, under the control and socially responsible aim of the working people is not only possible but necessary. But control of the economy and an aim to serve the people and humanize the social and natural environment require the efforts of working people to organize themselves for empowerment through democratic renewal and to use their own voice to speak boldly and clearly in their own interests and for a bright future for the youth and society.

For a review of the main changes to NAFTA and additions within CUSMA, read the TML Weekly items below:

- "The Noise Accompanying New Free Trade Agreement Between U.S., Mexico and Canada," K.C. Adams, October 6, 2018,

- "Aggressive Trade Agenda of the U.S. Shakes Existing Arrangements," K.C. Adams, June 15, 2019, and

- "Rounds Six and Seven of NAFTA Negotiations," March 3, 2018

(Photos: TML, B. Proulx)

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 2 - February 1, 2020

Article Link:
: Ruling Elite in Canada, Mexico and U.S. Push Continental Integration to Serve Their Private Interests - K.C. Adams


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