Actions Across Turtle Island and Beyond Stand with Land Defenders

The Wet'suwet'en nation has been stewarding and protecting their traditional territories from the destruction of multiple pipelines, including Coastal GasLink's (CGL) liquified natural gas pipeline. To defend their just stand and to prevent a repeat of the RCMP raid on their territory one year ago the Wet'suwet'in land defenders called for a week of solidarity actions, "All Eyes on Wet'suwet'en," January 7-12. Some 42 action were advertised on their calendar of events, most in Canada and Quebec, and actions have carried on to date. Solidarity actions were also organized in the U.S. cities of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Rochester. 

Many actions have taken place throughout BC. One of the largest, in Vancouver, saw some 1,000 demonstrators gather outside the BC Supreme Court, which issued the December 31 injunction ruling that Coastal GasLink must be allowed on Wet'suwet'en lands, against the will of the Wet'suwet'en. Speakers at the rally, which included Union of BC Indian Chiefs President Stewart Phillip and Vice President Don Tom, emphasized that there would be no backing down. Tom summed up the defiant mood of those present stating "It is up to us to create the change that is necessary." Others said that the RCMP are acting as private security for Coastal Gas and private companies. One speaker stated the Wet'suwet'en "are fighting for all of us" and "protecting all of our livelihoods." Another said, "we must resist the criminalization of front lines" and government lies of "reconciliation and climate leadership."

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 1 - January 25, 2020

Article Link:
Actions Across Turtle Island and Beyond Stand with Land Defenders


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