
No. 20June 1, 2019


One Year of Resistance to Escalating
Anti-Social Offensive
- Photo Review -

All Out to Oppose the Anti-Social Offensive of the Ford Government on the First Anniversary of Its Election!


June 16, 2018
Demonstration at the Ontario legislature, Queen's Park, Toronto, following the June 7 election of the Ford Progressive Conservative government, demands the government not privatize public services or revoke improvements to labour law and the minimum wage included in Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017.

July 14, 2018
People's rally at Queen's Park says No! to the escalation of the anti-social offensive
by Ontario's newly-elected government.

July 18, 2018
York University faculty and students and their supporters rally at Queen's Park to denounce the government's passage of back-to-work legislation against striking CUPE 3903 members.

July 27, 2018
Rally at Toronto City Hall denounces the government's anti-democratic and arbitrary plan to introduce Bill 5 to restructure Toronto's municipal government, cutting by half the number of councillors, legislation announced the day nominations close for the city election.

August 2, 2018
Torontonians Say No! to anti-democratic municipal restructuring at Queen's Park, as the government rams through Bill 5 in the midst of the municipal election campaign, cutting half the seats on Toronto City Council.

August 7-10, 2018
Actions in a number of cities and towns demand the government reinstate the Basic Income Pilot Project it cut when it came to power. Below, photos from Lindsay (top) and Cobourg. While the project itself fell far short of guaranteeing the right to a standard of living that befits a modern society, many activists had fought for years to gain this small advance in the fight to end poverty.

August 15-16, 2018
Torontonians hold town hall meetings to discuss legal challenges and other ways to stop the government's anti-democratic municipal restructuring introduced in Bill 5.

September 6, 2018
Information picket at the entrance to Laurentian University in Sudbury opposes any development of the Ring of Fire that does not have the informed consent of the Anishinabek, or recognize that Indigenous peoples must be the primary beneficiaries of any such developments on their lands. Mining companies continue to destroy their homelands, steal their wealth, and leave them with scraps they are told to be grateful for.

September 12, 2018
Torontonians pack public galleries at Queen's Park and rally outside City Hall to express their anger as the provincial government reconvenes the legislature to re-introduce the anti-social municipal government restructuring legislation invoking the "notwithstanding clause." The new legislation is introduced after a judge rules sections of Bill 5 violate the Charter.

September 21, 2018
Some 40,000 students walk out of class across Ontario, affirming that the government does not have their consent for retrogressive changes to school curricula which eliminate Indigenous studies course content and revert to an outdated 1990s sex education curriculum. Photos below from (top to bottom) Ottawa, Penetanguishene, Toronto, Mississauga, Guelph, Woodbridge/Bracebridge, and Parry Sound.

September 23, 2018
Students take their demands to the government with a rally at Queen's Park.

September 26, 2018
Injured workers picket the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board annual general meeting in Toronto, demanding it withdraw its plan to cut employer premiums, depriving the compensation system of $1.5 billion.

October 15, 2018
An Ontario-wide Day of Action tells the government to keep its hands off the 2017 improvements to the labour law. Community college faculty join in with actions at all community colleges marking the one-year anniversary of their strike and demanding that pay equity for contract faculty not be eliminated. Photos from (top to bottom) Toronto, Hamilton, St. Catharines, North Bay, and Sault Ste Marie.

October 23, 2018
Thousands converge at Queen's Park for a mass rally to demand the government rebuild and restore health care services, not further cut and privatize. After decades of downsizing and cuts, Ontario has the lowest public hospital funding in the country. Broad participation from front line health care workers and people from across the province confirms that Ontarians are united in their defence of the public health care system and their right to health care.

October 24-26, 2018
Emergency actions across Ontario oppose the government's anti-worker Bill 47, the Making Ontario Open for Business Act. The bill rolls back improvements workers won in 2017. As well, it freezes the minimum wage at $14 per hour, repeals equal pay provisions for part-time and casual workers, makes union organizing more difficult, and replaces the Ontario College of Trades with a new model for regulating skilled trades and apprenticeships. Photos from Queen's Park, Brampton, Kingston, Sudbury and Newmarket.

November 26, 2018
Unifor Local 222 press conference demands GM reverse its decision to close its Oshawa plant. Workers walked out and picketed the plant prior to GM's in-plant announcement of the closing.

December 1, 2018
A Day of Action in more than 40 communities across Ontario condemns the provincial government's decision not to build a planned French language university and to eliminate the Office of the French Language Commissioner. Photos from (top to bottom) Ottawa, Sudbury, Sault Ste Marie, Thunder Bay and Essex. 

December 10-14, 2018

The Workers' Comp Is a Right! campaign of the Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups continues with a week of actions across the province. The government's cuts to employer WSIB premiums, take much needed funds out of the compensation system and the actions highlight the hardships injured workers and their families face, especially during the holidays. Photos from (top to bottom) Ministry of Labour offices in Toronto, entrance to Victoria Park in London, WSIB offices in Windsor and Sudbury.

December 14, 4018
Demonstration outside Environment Minister Lisa Thompson's office against changes proposed in Bill 66 which, among other provisions, would allow municipalities to be exempted from critical environmental protection legislation, including the Clean Water Act.

January 11, 2019
Autoworkers rally in Windsor against GM's closing of its Oshawa plant and demand the Trudeau and Ford governments take action against GM's wrecking of manufacturing. 

January 18-25, 2019
Across Ontario, post-secondary students take action to oppose the government’s anti-social offensive on education, including attacks on their right to organize collectively in their student unions and associations. They boldly affirm education is a right. Photos from (top to bottom) Toronto, Brantford, and Windsor.

February 4, 2019
Students' province-wide Day of Action against the planned government cuts to education funding include a march to Queen's Park, and a rally (top). Pickets and marches were held in a number of other Ontario cities. Shown here Ottawa, Peterborough, Barrie, and Guelph.

February 7, 2019
Teachers unions organize actions after the government announces in late January that it intends to cut funding to education by four per cent. Photos from Orleans, Peterborough,
and Parry Sound.

February 19, 2019

The re-opening of the Ontario legislature is met with a militant student action at Queen's Park. Students from as far away as Kingston come to protest the government's cuts to the Ontario Student Assistance Program, attacks on their student associations and to call for increased funding for public education, among other demands.

February 27, 2019
Hundreds of teachers, education workers, parents, students and supporters of public education rally out front of the Toronto Congress Centre in Etobicoke against funding cuts to public education in Ontario. The occasion was a $250-$1,600 a plate fundraiser for the Ontario PC party, where Premier Doug Ford was the keynote speaker. 

March 7, 2019
Queen's Park demonstration against the government's cuts and restructuring of supports for children and youth with autism.

March 13, 2019
Protest against cuts to autism programs outside Premier Ford's press conference in Cambridge.

March 15, 2019

Teachers and education workers meet the government's latest assault on public education with sustained acts of solidarity, making it clear they intend to fight for their rights and those of their students. They hold "black shirt" and "Red for Ed" days in their schools to involve everyone. 

March 20, 2019
University and college students hold walkouts and rallies across Ontario to reject the government's assault on post-secondary education and the existence of the students' unions and their ability to organize. Photo from action in Windsor.

March 22, 2019
Unions representing teachers and education workers, along with other workers, protest outside PC Party events in Nepean and Essex (shown below).

April 4, 2019
A province-wide walkout by students gives a resounding No! to the government's retrogressive changes to K-12 and post-secondary education. Photos from (top to bottom) Napanee, Barrie, Etobicoke, Essex, Elliot Lake and Thunder Bay.

April 6, 2019
Mass rally brings together teachers, education workers and their supporters at Queen's Park to defend the public education system against the government's attacks.

April 30, 2019
Some 10,000 health care workers and people from all walks of life, from cities and towns around Ontario, rally at Queen's Park to demand the government stop its planned draconian cuts to public health care.

May 1, 2019
Teachers and education workers in Windsor, Sarnia and Thunder Bay (top to bottom) hold actions on the occasion of May Day opposing the government’s attacks on education and those who provide it.

May 9, 2019
A provincial day of action is organized by anti-poverty organizers to protest the government’s 35 per cent cut to the Legal Aid budget. Photos from Ottawa, Peel/Hamilton.

May 10, 2019
Picket organized in Toronto against funding cuts to Legal Aid.

May 14, 2019

Injured workers' day of action, mobilizes for their Compensation Is a Right! campaign and builds momentum for Injured Workers' Day, June 1. Photos from (top to bottom) Toronto, London, Windsor and Barrie/Thunder Bay.

May 25, 2019
People of Toronto oppose the Ford government’ Bill 107, the Getting Ontario Moving Act, at PC MPP Vijay Thanigasalam's constituency office. Among other things, the bill gives the province ownership over all future transit expansion in Toronto, leaving the Toronto Transit Commission in charge of only the day-to-day-operations of subways, buses and street cars. This is seen as breaking up of public transit in Toronto in preparation for massive privatization of the transit assets and lands, first, underfunding the public system, criticizing it for not working and then privatizing it. People firmly demand to Keep Transit Public and to have a say in its direction.

June 1, 2019
The Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups holds its 36th Injured Workers' Day rally at Queen's Park. Speakers express injured workers' determination to step up their Workers Comp Is a Right! campaign in the face of Ford's cuts to funding of the compensation system and other services.

(Photos: (Photos: TML, OFL, ETFO, OSSTF, D. Curran, J. Draper, Isabel, Schweitzer, N. Citron, S. Donegan, B. Van M., K. Fife, Emma, S. Doopert, ONIWG, M. Magner, North Bay Labour Council, OPSEU, CUPE, Ontario Health Coalition, Workers United, Kingston 15 and Fairness, Y. Kelly, C. McLardie, Occupy WSIB, H. Singh, E. Esensoy, K. Taghabon, G. Kirby, A. Robichaud, P. Coates, M. White, ETT, J. Lachia, Durham DECE, OSSTF District 20, ETFO Peel, A. Johnson-Ford, M. Manthra, R. Fleming, Injured Workers Online, Acorn, AEFO, E. Ade Kur, B. Hogan)

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