30th Anniversary of U.S. Invasion of Panama

Graphic posted to Venezuelan president Maduro's twitter account in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama.

Christmas of 1989 is keenly remembered in Panama for the brutal military invasion by the United States. Twenty-seven thousand U.S. soldiers, plus 12,000 more who were stationed at the 14 U.S. military bases in the former "Canal Zone" mercilessly attacked this small Central American republic.

According to the United States, in the words of its president George Bush, the reason for the invasion was to protect "American" lives and overthrow the government of dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega. We know that to overthrow the Noriega dictatorship, a military invasion of that nature was not justified. Only a small military command was needed to eliminate Noriega from the Panamanian government.

Other methods could also have been used without spilling a single drop of blood. Today we also know that the invasion, which caused more than six thousand (6,000) Panamanian deaths, really had other aims.

The United States wanted to regain its hegemony in the region. Secondly, the invasion had as one of its purposes the elimination of the Panama Defence Forces, established by General Manuel Antonio Noriega. Thirdly, it was a rehearsal for the total war model, without regard for the scope of the experiment. In it, new weapons were tested such as: Stealth F-11 bombers, 2,000-pound bombs, Hellfire missiles, Blackhawk, Apache AH-64 and Cobra helicopters and missile launchers, A-37 assault aircraft, 30 mm rapid-fire cannons and M-16 rifles with infrared sights.

Another powerful reason is that in January 1990, it was up to Noriega to appoint the [Panama] Canal Administrator, as established in the Torrijos-Carter Treaties.

The attack on Panama began from Ancon Hill towards the poor neighbourhood of El Chorrillo. This neighbourhood was burned down by the United States military and several thousand people died, including women and children. To this day we do not know how many people died in that attack, since U.S. soldiers dragged many bodies into the old "Canal Zone," where they were buried in common graves.

The merciless attack continued in other areas of the city, where more than 400 bombs were dropped during the invasion. The United States attacked other places that it considered of utmost importance in the Republic of Panama. "The country went bankrupt and in the following months there were mass layoffs of public employees and workers of private companies." (Ecured, 2009).

The United States government swore in Guillermo David Endara Galimany as president of Panama and Ricardo Arias Calderón as vice president on one of its military bases in the former Canal Zone. President Endara served as the "puppet" president of the United States in Panama. He was always at the service of the imperial power of the United States, following its orders. An immediate consequence of the invasion was the reinstatement in power of the oligarchy.

As Latin Americans, we cannot forget this act of aggression against Panama carried out by the U.S. empire.

Carlos Pérez Morales is a Puerto Rican historian.

(Nodal, December 20, 2019. Translated from original Spanish by TML.)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 32 - December 21, 2019

Article Link:
30th Anniversary of U.S. Invasion of Panama - Carlos Pérez Morales


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