Reject State-Organized Attacks on the Right to Conscience, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Association!

Ontario Premier Doug Ford's fundraising letter that shows how it is targeting the political activities of students' unions indicates that the aim the Ontario government has given itself is to threaten and try to silence the collective dissent of college and university youth and violate their right to conscience. This comes at a time the government is waging an all-out assault on public services that the youth require such as education and social programs. B'nai Brith's intervention in support of the Ford government's Student Choice Initiative, in the case brought against it in the Ontario Court of Justice by the Canadian Federation of Students and the York Federation of Students, shows that the agenda of the Ford government is linked directly with attempts to silence Canadian youth who want Canada to stand against Israel's occupation of Palestine. These developments are consistent with similar unacceptable attacks taking place in Alberta, where Premier Jason Kenney has made claims of a defamatory nature about the political views of a well-known University of Alberta lecturer and unionist, Dougal MacDonald, a teacher in the university's Faculty of Education.

Universities are venues where the youth and faculty organize themselves to investigate and express their views on all matters of importance, including those related to Canada's role in the world and grave matters of war and peace. It is not a coincidence that federally the Harper government and now the Trudeau government have, for example, argued that youth and students should not be permitted to openly defend Palestinian human rights by using their speech to advocate for a boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign to put pressure on Israel to end its occupation of Palestine. A referendum passed by the vote of a majority of students at the University of Windsor in 2014 to have their student union divest "from companies that support or profit from Israeli war crimes, occupation and oppression" was denounced in Parliament by the Harper government. Subsequent to this and with threats from a wealthy patron to withdraw funding from the university, the student union was defunded by the University of Windsor. The Trudeau government too, upon its election in 2015, officially condemned the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement as a form of anti-semitism and has made it clear that it does not want the youth to express their views on this matter on university and college campuses.

The arguments now put forward by B'nai Brith that mandatory membership in students' unions violates the individual rights of students who do not agree with their actions show that, like the Ford government, they want to smash students' collective defence organizations in the name of individual rights. As self-proclaimed "staunch allies of Israel," are they supporting the Ford government's initiative to try to silence or at least interfere with students' ability to organize collectively against Israel's occupation of Palestine? If so, does this not reveal the anti-democratic nature of the initiative? It is no coincidence that B'nai Brith's arguments are in fact the same as those being put forward by the Ford government, that payment of membership fees in students' unions should be a matter of "choice."

Similarly, in the name of individual freedom, choice, and even liberty, the Ford government and those who support its actions are attempting to suppress the youth and others who are organizing to resist its attacks on public services and social programs, and who uphold the principle that society has a responsibility to its members that governments are duty-bound to fulfil. They target for defamation those who resist -- like labour and student unions and champions of the oppressed -- insinuating that they are mafia bosses, criminals or "anti-semites," depending on the circumstances, in an effort to deny the justness of their cause. It is all to hide the government's real aim which is to silence those who refuse to accept state-organized violations of the right to conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of association. It is important to oppose the aims of the government's Student Choice Initiative, and not just based on whether it is legal or not. It must be declared illegal because it is unjust and violates rights!

(Photos: TML)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 31 - December 14, 2019

Article Link:
Reject State-Organized Attacks on the Right to Conscience, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Association! - Enver Villamizar


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