Toronto Picket Against NATO Summit in London

A lively noon hour picket was held on December 3 outside the NATO Association of Canada headquarters in downtown Toronto, to stand with the tens of thousands of protesters gathered in London to oppose the NATO Summit held in that city and call for the abolition of NATO. The Toronto action was organized by the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and included activists from the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist Leninist), Bayan Canada and others who shouted slogans, passed out information and called for the end to NATO which for 70 years has been involved in war and aggression around the world in service of Anglo-American imperialism.

The participants shouted slogans such as No to NATO!, Get Canada Out of NATO!, Not a Cent to NATO!, End the Wars that Destroy the Environment!, Canada Needs an Anti-War Government!, Make Canada a Zone for Peace, NATO Out of Latin America and other similar slogans calling for the banning of NATO from different regions of the world. Many people expressed support for the action as they walked or drove by, giving a thumbs up or raising a fist.

At the end of the event, Tamara Lorincz from Canadian Voice of Women for Peace thanked everyone and the organizations that have taken part each month for the previous twelve months. Tamara said she had organized these monthly pickets outside of the NATO Association of Canada office during its 70th anniversary year to point out the work that this organization, which receives funding from U.S. weapons manufacturers, is doing to justify NATO's agenda in Canada and to subvert the Canadian people's demand that Canada stand for peace in the world. She pointed out that tens of billions of dollars are being contributed to promote and justify militarism and war in Canada by the Canadian government, including contributing to the NATO budget. This money could be used instead to address the pressing social needs of the people in Canada and invest in protecting the environment. She called on everyone to step up their work in the new year to demand the end of NATO as the protesters in the London Summit were doing at that very moment. Tamara called for the Trudeau government to stop interfering in the affairs of other countries and build peaceful relations with them.

The participants expressed their resolve to step up their work to oppose NATO and contribute to making Canada a Zone for Peace.

(Photos: TML)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 30 - December 7, 2019

Article Link:
Toronto Picket Against NATO Summit in London


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