Throne Speech Opens First Session of 43rd Parliament

Failure to Provide Canada with a Worthy Aim

The Trudeau Liberal Party government in power delivered its Throne Speech on December 5 opening the 43rd Parliament of Canada. As is the custom for the cartel parties in power, the Throne Speech talks in vague terms of what the government may or may not do.

A feature of the Liberal cartel party is its striving to demobilize the people from actively participating in politics and fighting to affirm their right to control the decisions that affect their lives. The Liberal Party insists that the people hand over their political rights to it and demobilize and disempower themselves from active political organizing and involvement.

The Throne Speech talks of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and that the government will deliver clean water, conclude the investigations into the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and resolve other pressing issues. Within all these promises, it refuses to acknowledge that the consent, active participation and control of the Indigenous peoples are necessary when investigating and taking decisions on those issues that affect their lives. The Indigenous peoples demand control over their lives and territories, and nation-to-nation relations with Canada. They do not want the continuing oppression and suffocating paternalism of colonialism and the Indian Act that enable the global financial oligarchy to steal their resources, ruin their lands and deprive them of the right to control their affairs and open a path towards a prosperous future.

In the same vein, the speech promises certain social programs and public services to Canadians yet gives no encouragement to the people, especially in Ontario and Alberta, who are actively fighting the anti-social offensive of their provincial governments. Concrete steps towards establishing the long awaited national daycare system are missing, which is a shameless situation in a modern economy. No mention is made of the grave inequalities, poverty and insecurity that are deepening in Canada because of the dictatorship and control of the global financial oligarchy over all political and economic affairs and the destructive trend of the rich becoming richer and the poor poorer. The Throne Speech ignores the priorities of the people to stop paying the rich and increase investments in social programs and public services.

The Throne Speech talks a lot about climate change but again refuses to acknowledge that to achieve any concrete steps on this front the people must have the power to take decisions that humanize the natural environment and to restrict the right of the monopolies to pollute. The Throne Speech turns the struggle to combat climate change into pay-the-rich schemes with handouts to the global auto monopolies to produce and sell "zero-emissions vehicles" and for "clean technology companies" to receive public funds to build their private empires.

The Throne Speech ignores the urgent need to make Canada a zone for peace and to take the country out of the aggressive military alliances with U.S. imperialism that have entangled Canadians in its war economy, constant wars and striving for world domination.

The people are increasingly not fooled by Liberal Party policy objectives and empty talk that seek to demobilize their organizing and actions with analysis to solve the economic, social and political problems as they appear in their concrete reality. The people want to be political and empowered to bring about democratic renewal and a new pro-social direction for the economy that favours them, to humanize the social and natural environment, and to make Canada a zone for peace.

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 30 - December 7, 2019

Article Link:
Throne Speech Opens First Session of 43rd Parliament: Failure to Provide Canada with a Worthy Aim - Hilary LeBlanc


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