Trudeau Government Sets Direction for 43rd Parliament

The Necessity for a New Direction and Control of the Economy in Conformity with Its Socialized Nature

The ruling elite are talking of a global recession as inevitable. The President of the World Bank, David Malpass, recently described the global economy as "fragile" and on the precipice of a recession. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says the global economy will grow at its lowest level since the economic crisis in 2008. The new IMF Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva, states, "The global economy is now in a synchronized slowdown. We expect slower growth in nearly 90 per cent of the world."

The representatives of the financial oligarchy expose themselves as enemies of the people when they speak in this manner. To accept an economic slowdown as inevitable is criminal for those in authority. They refuse to see what they do not want to see, what they do not want to change.

The socialized economy of industrial mass production is more than capable of providing a modern standard of living for all without recurring crises. The obstacle to bringing the economy under control to solve its problems lies with the social class in control and its outmoded aim of forcing the economy to serve the narrow private interests of competing factions. The contending companies, monopolies and cartels turn the various parts and sectors of the socialized economy against each other and the whole to serve their private interests. The result is chaos, anarchy, recurring crises and war.

The modern socialized economy is integrated. It needs all its parts functioning in harmony with each other and the whole in a nation-building project. The nation in turn does not look at others in the world as competitors or people and regions to exploit but as one humanity, cooperating for mutual benefit and common development. This can only occur if those in control of the parts and sectors of the economy have the aim of cooperating with all other parts and sectors for the common good of all and Mother Earth herself.

This means those in control of this new direction for the economy hold the well-being and rights of all their fellow producers in the same regard as their own. Those in control realize that their well-being depends on the well-being of all humanity and Mother Earth. In this way control over the economy and the relations among its producers are in conformity with the socialized interrelated nature of the economy itself.

It is the determination of the working people to set a new direction and control of the economy in conformity with its socialized nature which opens a path to progress. The announcements of the Trudeau government cater to the competing private interests of those currently in control of the economy. They will make the rich richer, the poor poorer and exacerbate the contradictions and crisis.

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 29 - November 30, 2019

Article Link:
Trudeau Government Sets Direction For 43rd Parliament: The Necessity for a New Direction and Control of The Economy in Conformity with Its Socialized Nature


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