U.S. March on the War Machine Opposes Wars and Atrocities

The Rage Against the War Machine march on October 11 in Washington, DC brought together various individuals and groups to stand against all U.S. wars, atrocities and interference against the peoples worldwide. It demanded an end to war funding and targeted the war monopolies, war economy and war government. Held during the 2020 election campaigns, it stood against both Democrats and Republicans as war parties that refuse to implement the broad anti-war stand of the country's majority that are calling for an end to U.S. wars. In saluting the actions to defend the environment and affirm the right of the youth to a bright future, it was brought out that the Pentagon is the world's single largest polluter and that U.S. wars and military worldwide poison the water, soil and human beings, often making land uninhabitable. Stopping war is key to stopping climate change.

Starting from the White House, the demonstration -- held on a Friday during the day in order to do outreach to the public -- proceeded to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is responsible for massive attacks on social programs and the sovereignty of countries worldwide, while profiting from wars and the huge debts imposed on the peoples. The march also went to the office of the Atlantic Council, which is in an unmarked building, consistent with hiding the role of its influence in acting to advance U.S. domination and use of force, using the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). As the leaflets distributed pointed out, the Atlantic Council specifically targets the anti-war movement, using disinformation while acting, for example, to have 800 Facebook pages removed, many of them opposing U.S. wars and crimes. No explanation was given for the removal of the pages, some of which had millions of "likes," including Police the Police, Cop Block, and Free Thought Project.

The demonstration proceeded to the Washington Post, where it denounced current owner and Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, as a CIA contractor, responsible for the widespread misinformation and disinformation of the Post. This includes its consistent failure to even report on anti-war demonstrations and many other efforts of the peoples in DC defending rights.

Leaflets with information about the role of the various pro-war forces were distributed to the many passers-by at each stop and to workers along the way. This outreach to the public was an important part of the action and reflective of the need for demonstrations today to be directed to and engage the public in discussing and standing against the U.S. war machine and war government. Importance was given to putting the issue of war and peace on the agenda during elections and to demanding that candidates support the call to Bring All U.S. Troops Home Now! This is a solution the peoples at home and abroad are demanding.

The march was followed by a summit the next day where all involved were able to share their organizing experience and provide information about ongoing struggles. Discussion included the Syrian people's efforts to get the U.S. out, Venezuelans defending their right to decide their government against U.S. efforts at regime change, and opposing the crime of collective punishment against the peoples, including sanctions.

The importance of the people relying on themselves, not the government, including organizing work to repeatedly engage and politically mobilize the public was raised. So too was the need to be pro-active, to advance a pro-people, anti-war program and not be limited to reacting to the agenda set by the rulers and their pro-war parties.

(Voice of Revolution)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 28 - November 23, 2019

Article Link:
U.S. March on the War Machine Opposes Wars and Atrocities


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