NATO at 70

Opposition to NATO 70th Anniversary Summit in Britain During General Election

No to NATO! action in London, England, April 2, 2019, as NATO celebrates the 70th anniversary
of its founding.

The British anti-war organizations -- the Stop the War Coalition, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and the No to NATO, No to War Network -- are organizing actions across Britain on the occasion of the NATO Summit to be held in England in December. The organizers write:

"On December 3 and 4, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) will mark its 70th anniversary with a Heads of State Summit in London. With Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and Recep Tayyip Erdogan set to attend this gathering of the world's largest nuclear-armed military alliance, it is vital that the peace and anti-war movements are mobilized to full capacity to oppose what John Pilger calls an 'American invention designed to impose American power on Europe.' In advance of the protests being organized around the Queen's reception for NATO leaders on December 3, [the Stop the War Coalition and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament] are hosting a counter-summit in Central London. The event will bring together anti-war voices from across Europe and beyond, to discuss NATO's nuclear warmongering, its interventionist wars, and set out how civil society can work to abolish NATO and create a more peaceful world.

"NATO is by design a powerful arm of U.S. foreign policy, and increasingly dangerous in the hands of the reckless Donald Trump. We must take action against NATO -- Join us in saying 'No to NATO' on November 30."

 The organizers write:

"Donald Trump is coming to London in December for the NATO Heads of State summit. On Tuesday, December 3, the Queen will be hosting a reception for NATO leaders at Buckingham Palace and it is crucial we raise our voices against the world's largest nuclear-armed military alliance which is overseen by one of the most reckless U.S. Presidents in history.

"Donald Trump is a racist, a misogynist and a climate change denier who threatens communities at home while destabilizing the rest of the globe.

"NATO, as an aggressive and expansionist nuclear and military alliance, plays a dangerous global role -- it is still in Afghanistan 18 years on and is expanding further into Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.

"The summit is a crucial opportunity for our movement to oppose Trump, his nuclear warmongering, interventionism and destructive social and political agenda. Let's unite against war and military aggression and ensure President Trump's visit to Britain will be met with the response that it deserves.

"Assemble at 4:00 pm in Trafalgar Square on December 3 for music and speeches before we march to Buckingham Palace saying loud and clear: No to Trump, No to NATO!"

International Counter Summit
Saturday, November 30 -- 10:30 am-5:30 pm

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Ave., London WC2H 8EP
For information click here

December 3 -- 4:00 pm

Assemble at Trafalgar Square and March to Buckingham Palace

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 28 - November 23, 2019

Article Link:
NATO at 70: Opposition to NATO 70th Anniversary Summit in Britain During General Election


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