Cuba's 28th Victory at the UN General Assembly: Animated Exchange with the Cuban Consul in Montreal

On Sunday, November 10, the Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba (Quebec-Cuba Solidarity Roundtable) organized a meeting with Mara Bilbao Diaz, Consul General of Cuba in Montreal on the overwhelming vote in favour of the resolution opposing the U.S. blockade against Cuba. Nearly 50 people were present, including members of the Salvadoran, Chilean, and Haitian communities and activists. To loud applause, Mara announced that for the 28th consecutive year, the resolution against the U.S. criminal blockade against Cuba was adopted by an overwhelming majority at the UN General Assembly on November 7. This year, 187 countries and nations voted in favour of the resolution condemning the blockade. The United States, Israel and Brazil voted against the resolution; Ukraine and Colombia abstained.

Despite the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act by the Trump administration in January 2019 and even though the latter exerted enormous pressure on Latin American countries, Mara said that the overwhelming majority of  votes in support of the struggle of the Cuban people exposes how the United States is increasingly isolated internationally.

She detailed the new attacks against the Cuban economy by the U.S. government through Title III, activated for the first time since its adoption in 1996. Every six months since its adoption, the U.S. administration has examined its feasibility, but the Trump administration is the first to implement it. One of the immediate consequences for Cuba is limited access to fuel. Consequently, in September Cuba was forced to slow down its activities. Moreover, the law allows any American citizen or entity that possessed Cuban land before the revolution to appear before the courts and apply for control over any company now located on the land. This manoeuvre obviously has the effect of intimidating new investors, which Cuba, like any other country, needs at this time.

She presented the list of measures imposed on Cuba: fewer visas issued as well as a reduction in consular services, the annulment of the agreement between the Cuban and U.S. baseball federations, U.S. citizens are no longer able to travel to Cuba. Direct flights to Cuban airports are prohibited, except to Havana. In addition, with the clause prohibiting the sale of all equipment that has more than 10 per cent U.S. components, the island's acquisition of new technologies, drugs and necessary materials has been rendered virtually impossible. This is reflected in all aspects of life, with implications for health care and the treatment of various diseases.

The 59 years of the blockade, she said, has cost the Cuban economy over $922 billion. From April 2018 to March 2019, the Cuban government was deprived of $ 4.34 billion. In spite of this, no school has been closed and the Cuban health system is such, noted Mara, that a Cuban who waits for more than 30 minutes at a clinic or hospital gets angry and asks to see the administration!

This spirit is owing to the resistance of the Cuban people themselves and to their leadership, said Mara. She also highlighted the crucial role of international solidarity, including organizations in Montreal, which month after month, regardless of the weather, picket the United States Consulate.

So many movements throughout the world, she said, including in our Americas, are rejecting neo-liberalism and its violence against the peoples. Cuba is testimony to the fact that a nation can be built around meeting the needs of the people. This is also the reason for Cuba's 28th victory at the UN General Assembly.

A very lively question period followed the presentation, interspersed with shouts of Viva Cuba! When asked what those 28 years of votes against the blockade represent for Cuba, as the United States continues to maintain the blockade while ignoring the resolution, and how the 187 countries can make their vote effective, the Consul first explained that the resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly are not binding, as the UN structure does not work that way. However, she emphasized, the vote has a very important moral value. The United States, to its detriment, continues to ignore the decision of an overwhelming majority of the countries voting in favour of the resolution, while Cuba's example and determination continue to shift the votes of countries against the United States. 

For example, the African countries have not forgotten everything that Cuba has done selflessly and the blockade has awakened sensitivity in these countries, which have their own direct experience with Cuba. These are not just empty words. Cuba has very little, materially, but selflessly defends a policy of assistance to countries. It sends hundreds of doctors. With the emergence of Ebola in Africa, only three or four countries sent help and Cuba was one of them. The training of these doctors in the conditions of the revolution and the blockade enables them to act care for people in the most difficult circumstances.

Further, the European Union opposes the blockade and votes en bloc in support of the resolution. Some of the European countries, such as Spain, have many economic and commercial links with Cuba. Parliamentarians have moved motions to denounce the blockade as it affects the interests of Spain. Of equal importance, through the vote at the United Nations, Cuba also wants to expose the illegality and immorality of the blockade.

Other questions were raised about the work of doctors abroad, their training, and the work of diplomatic representatives in Canada. The responses illustrated the tangible imprint of 60 years of revolution on the outlook of the Cuban people, their daily battle in defence of their sovereignty and how they tackle problems so that they are settled in favour of both themselves and the peoples of the world.

The meeting followed just days after the Havana Anti-imperialist Solidarity Conference for Democracy and against Neo-liberalism held November 1-3, which the Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba took part  in. A slide show of the conference's proceedings was shown, and a photo where Nicolás Maduro was seen alongside Raúl Castro, which sparked applause and shouts of Viva Cuba! Viva Venezuela! The Conference is testimony to the fact that Cuba is not alone at a dangerous time for the peoples of the Americas and the world.

At the very end of the meeting, news of the resignation of Evo Morales in Bolivia and the holding of new elections was announced, and participants listened to a live press conference with the Bolivian leadership. Participants immediately proposed an action to denounce the coup against  the Bolivian government and people, to be held with an already planned picket in support of the Chilean people on November 12. The spirit of resistance to the machinations of the United States and the highest levels of the oligarchy in the Americas was front and centre at the get-together.

(Photos: TML)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 27 - November 16, 2019

Article Link:
Cuba's 28th Victory at the UN General Assembly: Animated Exchange with the Cuban Consul in Montreal


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