Expressions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarity

Militant Actions in Support of Bolivian People

Toronto Rally Stands with Evo Morales and the Bolivian People

More than 80 people participated in an emergency rally on November 12 at Matt Cohen Park in Toronto to express support for President Evo Morales of Bolivia and the Bolivian people, and to condemn the coup, and its instigators including Canada, the U.S, and the Organization of American States (OAS), which ousted him from power two days earlier. The action was organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Support Network with the participation of many organizations and activists.

Speaker after speaker denounced the coup and condemned the violence and terror organized by the army and police forces against the members of President Morales' family, and members and supporters of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS). Speakers demanded that the Canadian government and the political parties in the parliament express the will of the Canadian people and condemn the coup and end Canada's interference in the affairs of sovereign nations.

What was also brought out by the speakers is the counterrevolutionary interference in Latin America by the U.S., Canada and others with the aim of bringing in anti-social governments, such as the one in Brazil, that enable the plunder of the resources and impoverishment of the peoples of the continent by the biggest mining and other multinationals in the world. It was noted that President Morales, Bolivia's first Indigenous leader, introduced many reforms that lifted the people, particularly the Indigenous peoples, out of poverty and built new housing, schools, hospitals and infrastructure raising the standard of living. At the same time, President Morales spoke out for peace and justice internationally.

A statement issued by the MAS on November 10 was read, condemning the coup and stating in part that "[today] we begin a long road of resistance to defend the historical achievements of the country's first Indigenous government which ended today with the forced resignation of our President Evo Morales at the hands of a civic-police coup. Let history bear witness to our commitment to defend our nationalization and industrialization program, our public companies, our social policies, and national symbols."

The rally ended with a short march to the Toronto office of Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland to demand that Canada stop its criminal interference in Bolivia, Venezuela and other countries in Latin American and around the world.

Militant Ottawa Demonstration in Support of Bolivian People

On November 12, people from Ottawa and Gatineau mobilized on short notice for an emergency demonstration at the office of the Prime Minister, in support of the people of Bolivia and their president Evo Morales. Despite being democratically re-elected on October 20, President Morales was forced from office by a violent foreign-instigated coup on November 10. Canada under the Trudeau government has been among those pushing for regime change, including dictating to Bolivia that the October 20 results are illegitimate and that it must hold a second round of voting.

Montreal Picket Calls for Justice for Chilean and Bolivian Peoples

On November 12, people in Montreal rallied in support of the Chilean people, who are opposing the violent repression of the Piņera government, and to oppose the coup in Bolivia and the violence and division being brought by the reactionary forces there. They also called on the Canadian government to take a stand against the violation of rights in Chile and against the coup in Bolivia.

Canadian Union of Public Employees' Statement on Bolivia,
November 13, 2019

CUPE joins the international community in raising our concern about the developing situation in Bolivia, which has led to a coup.

CUPE calls on the Government of Canada to recognize and respect the sovereignty of the Bolivian people to determine their own political future, without military or foreign interference.

We further call on the Liberals to stop taking their foreign policy cues from some of the world's most right-wing governments.

We extend our solidarity and support to the Bolivian people who will be most affected by the social or economic instability that accompanies this attack on their democratic rights.

(Photos: TML, Y. Cabana)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 27 - November 16, 2019

Article Link:
Expressions of Anti-Imperialist Solidarity: Militant Actions in Support of Bolivian People


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