Bolivia During the Government of Evo Morales

Celebrations following President Evo Morales' election to a fourth term, October 29, 2019.

1. Bolivia went from being the poorest country in the Americas to the country with the highest rate of economic growth in the Americas.

2. Bolivia increased its GDP by 400 per cent.

3. The eight U.S. military bases in Bolivia were eliminated, and Evo removed the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the CIA from his nation.

4. Gas and water were nationalized -- these vital services were established as a human rights, overturning their previous privatization.

5. The recovery of the nationalization of gas to put it at the service of the people of Bolivia enabled the development of this great nation.

6. Twelve lithium factories, three cement factories, two automotive factories, and 28 textile factories were built.

7. Twelve thousand six hundred and ninety-four cooperatives were created.

8. Discrimination against the majority of the population, that is the Indigenous population, was eliminated and Bolivia became the Plurinational Republic of Bolivia, thus establishing the self-determination and culture of Indigenous peoples constitutionally.

9. Half of public positions are held by women, of which 68 per cent are Indigenous.

10. Minimum wage increased by 1,000 per cent.

11. Bolivia launched its first satellite, called Tupac Katarí [named after an Indigenous Aymara leader who led a rebellion against the Spanish from 1781-82] .

12. The Government of Bolivia exercised power together with the social movements, so it governed hand in hand with the people.

13. The government became the promoter of culture and respect for the environment, which implies "Loving the Pachamama [Mother Earth]."

14. A pension plan for the elderly was created for those 65 and older.

15. A financing program was established for all students in Bolivia.

16. Illiteracy dropped from 22.7 per cent to 2.3 per cent.

17. More than 25,000 kilometres of roads were built.

18. One hundred and thirty-four hospitals were built.

19. Seven thousand one hundred and ninety-one sports centres were built.

20. One thousand one hundred schools were built.

21. A new Constitution was created that recognized the rights of workers, peasants, students, women and the Indigenous peoples.

(Regeneración, November 12, 2019. Photo: AVN)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 27 - November 16, 2019

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Bolivia During the Government of Evo Morales


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