Long Live Revolutionary Cuba

Resounding Rejection at the United Nations of U.S. Blockade of Cuba

For the 28th successive year, on November 7, 2019, the United Nations General Assembly resoundingly rejected the criminal U.S. blockade of revolutionary Cuba. The vote result was 187 nations for the resolution to reject the blockade and three against, with two abstentions. Only Israel and Brazil joined the U.S. in supporting the blockade. The resolution, titled Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba, explains the damages inflicted on the Cuban economy and people as a result of the U.S. economic war against Cuba, which continues unabated with the objective of negating and extinguishing Cuba's right to self-determination and independence. Moreover, Washington continues its ongoing campaign of subversion, and maintains the U.S naval base that sits on the illegally occupied Cuban territory of Guantánamo Bay.

Every U.S. government has pursued the illegal and immoral attempt to strangle Cuba into submission. The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump is finding new ways to escalate hostility and aggression against Cuba on a daily basis. The United States continues to zealously pursue and implement the extensive series of economic sanctions, including the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, which allows U.S. companies and citizens to sue, in U.S. courts, not only Cuban companies but also companies engaged in business and other economic activity in Cuba, no matter the country of origin.

The response of the Cuban people is to strengthen their resistance and create evermore ways to overcome. The Cuban people are not surviving by adapting to the conditions the blockade has imposed on them. To the dismay of the Trump administration, the Cuban people are living life to the fullest under all conditions and circumstances, humanizing their social and natural environment and flourishing as a people despite the hostile acts committed against them.

On the occasion of the vote at the UN, the Canadian Network on Cuba pointed out: "The Cuban people can be confident that they can count on the ongoing undiminished support and friendship of Canadians. That support and friendship is rooted in the overwhelming respect of Canadians for Cuba's rights, independence and self-determination and a profound admiration for what the Cuban people have accomplished despite facing the unceasing aggression of the United States. This respect and admiration have forged unbreakable ties of friendship between the people of Canada and Cuba."

(Photos: Radio Havana, Martirena)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 26 - November 10, 2019

Article Link:
Long Live Revolutionary Cuba: Resounding Rejection at the United Nations of U.S. Blockade of Cuba


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