World March of Women

The World March of Women salutes the rebellion of the Chilean youth who have offered an example of their courage since October 17. We stand in solidarity with the Chilean people, who, fed up with neo-liberal polices that infringe upon their rights, are joining the protests of the high school students.

In solidarity, we embrace all Chilean women participating, along with their pots, in the demonstrations of discontent. In doing so, they are clearly expressing their commitment to life.

The Chilean people are experiencing a loss of their social, economic and cultural rights. Their rage was born from the increases in the price of water and its restricted access, the migration law, the approval of the [Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP11)] and its repercussions on small producers through the pillage of their lands at the hands of extractivists, of the non-recognition of the right of women to decide what to do with their bodies and from the systemic violence against women, the Mapuche people, migrants, students and workers.

The protests and demonstrations are the overwhelming expression of the rejection by Chileans of the neo-liberal state, which imposes its democracy by way of harmonizing resources with the capitalist interests and their big public relations firms. People in the street have clearly made it known that they will not allow the capitalists to continue to transform their lives into a commodity, that they no longer want the state to subsidize the private sector and businesses at the price of precariousness in the life of women, of the working class, in education and in public health, to the detriment of life itself.

Through the World March of Women we have never been more involved in Chile. Our hearts go out, in particular, to the families grieving because of the excessive reaction of the government and of the police.

We firmly repudiate the Piñera government, which is resorting to Pinochet's tactics in its attempts to suppress the demonstrations.

We repudiate the criminalization and the trivialization of the demonstrations. We firmly reject the application of the law on the internal security of the state which constitutes a manifest infringement on the most fundamental of democratic rights and recalls the worst moments of the dictatorship. We demand the demilitarization of the streets and the recognition of the right to protest that belong to the people. We call on the members of the Chilean army to remind themselves that they are part of the people, that their families and their communities are in the street and that no order can be respected which violates their duty to protect the people.

Across America and worldwide, let's continue to march against neo-liberalism and authoritarianism until all are free.

We resist in order to live, we march in order to transform.

(October 28, 2019. Photo: TMLW)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 26 - November 10, 2019

Article Link:
World March of Women


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