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Standing As One With the Chilean People

Militant Actions Support Chilean People and Demand an End to Brutal Repression


Montreal, November 2, 2019

Montreal's Chilean community and its allies organized four actions over five days in support of the people of Chile against the untenable living and working conditions imposed upon them by the neo-liberal agenda of the Chilean ruling elite. Participants at the actions also condemned, and demanded an end to, the bloody violence being deployed by the Chilean state against a valiant people fighting for their rights and well-being. President Sebastián Piñera, a billionaire businessman and one of the richest men in Chile, is using the country's police and military forces to criminalize and repress opposition to his neo-liberal, anti-social measures.

The demonstrations took place in downtown Montreal outside the Consulate General of Chile and on Saturday, November 2, at Émilie-Gamelin Park, where close to 200 people of all ages and backgrounds gathered as one with the Chilean people and the peoples of the Americas, who are demanding the recognition of their rights and a pro-social direction for the economy which they elaborate themselves. The many participants at the actions declared that never again will the Americas become the backyard of the U.S. imperialists and of an oligarchy with only repression to offer to preserve their power and privilege in the face of the people demanding their fundamental rights.

From 1:00 to 5:00 pm on November 2, songs of resistance, slogans and dancing enlivened the atmosphere around the demand that Piñera must be removed from office and a new constitution written, so that scores are settled with the dictatorship of the past. The crimes committed by the Piñera government against the Chilean people must not go unpunished, participants declared.

As of November 8, the Piñera government's repression has resulted in at least 23 deaths (with some sources reporting dozens more), 1,659 persons injured and more than 7,000 detained, including 475 minors. As of November 6, Chile's National Institute of Human Rights had commenced 181 legal proceedings for homicide, torture and sexual violence committed by the repressive forces of the state. The spirit embodied by participants is the conviction that Chilean resistance and solidarity between the peoples is what will bring an end to the violence of the state against them.

Montreal, October 30, 2019

The Trudeau government was directly called out for its refusal to condemn Piñera's repression. Participants highlighted the fact that on October 29, Prime Minister Trudeau issued a provocative press release where, in reference to Piñera, he said he "shared his concern about election irregularities in Bolivia" then "welcomed the collaboration between Canada and Chile on a range of shared priorities, including efforts to address the crisis in Venezuela." This brings to the fore the fact that organized support for the Chilean people and the other fighting peoples of the Americas is intrinsically linked to the struggle here to condemn liberal hypocrisy and warmongering against the peoples and the need to make Canada a zone for peace. Many activists present noted that the struggle of the Chilean people and of all the peoples for their rights and dignity is one and the same struggle and that it is the duty of one and all to step it up.


In Calgary, over 200 people gathered in Olympic Plaza to show their support for the ongoing mass actions in Chile and to oppose police and military repression. The protest was lively and energetic with music and noisemakers from start to finish. Many people passing in vehicles honked their horns in support.


A rally was held in Windsor on October 24 in solidarity with the people in Chile fighting for their rights and against brutal repression by state security forces. It took place at the University of Windsor facing the entrance of the Ambassador Bridge to the USA, where participants banged on pots and pans and were updated by speakers about recent events and the conditions of life in Chile that sparked the people's uprising.

(Photos: TMLW)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 26 - November 10, 2019

Article Link:
Standing As One With the Chilean People: Militant Actions Support Chilean People and Demand an End to Brutal Repression


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