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No Harbour for War

All Out to Oppose the Halifax War Conference!

Oppose the Halifax International Security Forum!
Rally, Meeting and Panel Discussion

Saturday, November 23 
Rally -- 1:00 pm
Halifax Peace & Freedom Park
(formerly Cornwallis Park) Hollis & South Sts.

Meeting and Panel Discussion -- 6:30 pm
Room 302, Dalhousie Student Union Building
6136 University Ave.

The U.S.-based Halifax International Security Forum (HISF), known to the anti-war movement as the Halifax War Conference, returns to that city for the 11th year in a row from November 22 to 24. The notion of security promoted by the HISF is intrinsically linked to NATO and its aggressive agenda and demands for Canada to increase its military spending by tens of billions of dollars. It is also part of further integrating Canada into U.S. Homeland Security, putting its people, lands, seas and harbours at the disposal of U.S. imperialist aims. It is linked to NATO's political apparatus, the Atlantic Council (and its Canadian chapter the NATO Association of Canada), which is pushing an agenda that opposition to NATO constitutes "foreign interference" in Canada's affairs.

The HISF is anathema to Haligonians who have long declared that their city is "No Harbour for War!" and should not provide a venue for warmongers and war criminals, and their handmaidens, to plan further aggression against the peoples of the world. Nor do they accept that the Canadian government should be funding this U.S.-based organization with tens of millions of dollars.

Some 300 participants from 90 countries are expected to take part in this war conference. In an October 24 press release, HISF President Peter Van Praagh stated that this year's conference will "highlight the need for a coordinated strategic response among democratic allies to the challenge posed by China, the increasingly urgent problem of climate change, the security of our democratic systems from foreign interference, international law and order, inclusive security, and how the world is responding to American leadership." The press release indicates that the HISF is considered a platform where the U.S. will issue its dictate, "As is customary, the conference features a delegation from the United States Congress, as well as leaders in the United States military and wider security community. Internationally, joining them from more than 75 countries are ministers, experts, chiefs of defense staff, and top media personalities."

What working people consider foreign interference is the concept of security promoted by the HISF that comes from U.S. and NATO warmongers, and is not based on their own demands. Working people want the security that comes from being able to exercise control over the economy, their working conditions and all the matters that affect their lives, the youth desire the security of a bright future, seniors want security and dignity in retirement, and women, the Indigenous peoples and others are fighting for the security that comes from the recognition of rights which belong to us by virtue of being human. Nor does the HISF reflect the desire of Haligonians for friendly relations with other countries, as epitomized by the recent conference hosted by the city, "The Cuban Revolution at 60" that highlighted Nova Scotia's friendship with Cuba for over 100 years.

TML Weekly calls on everyone to go all out to take part in the rally against the HISF at 1:00 pm on November 23, and other activities, and stake their claim on Halifax and Canada as a Zone for Peace. Besides the rally, there will be a panel discussion at 6:30 pm on November 23 at the Dalhousie University Student Union Building, concerning the HISF and Obama's visit to Halifax on November 13. This panel will include Margaret Kimberly, Senior Editor of Black Agenda Report. This is an important opportunity for everyone to speak in their own name against war preparations and any role for Canada in aggression and war.

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 26 - November 10, 2019

Article Link:
No Harbour for War: All Out to Oppose the Halifax War Conference!


Website:  www.cpcml.ca   Email:  editor@cpcml.ca