Mexicans Oppose U.S. Demand to Impose "Safe Third Country" Status

The President of the Political Coordination Board of Mexico's Senate, Ricardo Monreal, informed that he has sent a letter to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, to notify him, "with full forcefulness," that the Legislative branch will not endorse Mexico becoming a safe third country. In July, the Trump administration declared Mexico a "safe third country" to which all migrants who attempt to enter the U.S. through Mexico must apply for refugee status before applying for asylum in the U.S. and requested that Mexico sign on to a "safe third country" agreement to that effect.

"We cannot accept pressure from Donald Trump; it would have negative consequences for Mexico," said the coordinator of the MORENA senators.

In the letter he stressed: "in advance, the Political Coordination Board expresses its unity around the absolute rejection of such an agreement, and its members will ensure that no member of this Legislature will cast a single vote in favour of Mexico becoming a safe third country."

He noted that the approval of the Senate is required for it to happen, and that the benches he has consulted on the subject have expressed "their resounding rejection" of it. "That is, there are no conditions for it," he said.

"I understand that Donald Trump (president of the United States) is tightening immigration policy to force Mexico to accept being a safe third country (but) we cannot accept it, we will not accept it," he added.

In the same way, he said, we cannot accept pressure from the United States to achieve its aim, as it will have negative consequences for our country.

"That is why, from now on, we have told the Foreign Minister not to even think of signing on as a safe third country, because the Senate will not ratify it," the MORENA legislator said in an interview.

Ricardo Monreal said this was also communicated to the U.S. Congress, "that the Mexican Senate would not ratify Mexico as a safe third country, definitely. It's a domestic issue for Donald Trump, the Republicans and Democrats."

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 25 - August 31, 2019

Article Link:
Mexicans Oppose U.S. Demand to Impose "Safe Third Country" Status


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