DPRK Calls on U.S. to Mark First Anniversary of Historic Joint Statement by Implementing It with a New Spirit

DPRK-U.S. Summit, one year ago, June 12, 2018.

On June 3, the eve of the first anniversary of the historic first Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)-U.S. Summit between Chairman Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump, the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK issued a statement summing up the year since that meeting, June 12, 2018 in Singapore.

The statement begins by noting that the DPRK-U.S. Summit was a momentous event that inspired the hope of the Korean people and the whole of humanity that a new day had dawned in relations between the DPRK and the U.S., which had been adversaries for close to 70 years. The DPRK Foreign Ministry emphasizes that the DPRK-U.S. Summit showed the world that "even the countries with the most hostile relations could lay out an avenue for establishing new relations once they make politically decisive steps to defend peace and stability, giving these issues top priority."

The statement then points out that the government of the DPRK over the last year has worked tirelessly to establish "new DPRK-U.S. relations, build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula and achieve denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, as has been stipulated in the June 12, 2018 DPRK-U.S. Joint Statement..." that was signed by the two leaders at the first-ever DPRK-U.S. talks.

However, it adds, the U.S. has not reciprocated in the same spirit and continues to plan to "annihilate us by force," has disregarded its obligations to act in accordance with the letter and spirit of the DPRK-U.S. Joint Statement and has continued to insist unilaterally that the DPRK denuclearize first.

The Foreign Ministry statement notes that the stand and approach of the U.S. was made abundantly clear at the second DPRK-U.S. Summit talks in Hanoi in February this year. There, the statement notes, the "United States made the biggest mistake of missing a lifetime opportunity" by insisting that the DPRK dismantle its nuclear arsenal as a precondition to negotiations, and that unilateral demand was unacceptable.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry statement points out that had the U.S. approached bilateral relations with a "serious position and sincere attitude for implementing it" and "done anything of a little help" then the issue of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula would have made some headway.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry also references the major policy statement made by Chairman Kim to the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK on April 13 this year where he emphasized that given the "deep-rooted hostility between the DPRK and the U.S." it would require both sides to give up unilateral demands in order to implement the June 12, 2018 Summit Agreement and since the DPRK had already made moves in this direction, that the U.S. must do the same.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry reminds the U.S. that the June 12, 2018 Joint Statement "is the commitment which the two countries have pledged to the world and to humankind, and it is the task both sides should be jointly accountable for."

The Foreign Ministry statement affirms that the DPRK remains firmly committed to implementing the June 12, 2018 DPRK-U.S. Joint Statement in good faith. But it warns that if the U.S. fails to carry out its obligation and keeps resorting to its anti-DPRK hostile policy, the fate of the Joint Statement will be bleak.

The Foreign Ministry's statement underlines that the fate of the June 12, 2018 DPRK-U.S. Joint Statement is in the hands of the U.S. and calls on the U.S. government to reflect on the past year, stop testing the patience of the DPRK, and recommit to engaging with the DPRK in a sincere and serious effort to realize the lofty aims of the Joint Statement.

(Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 22 - June 15, 2019

Article Link:
DPRK Calls on U.S. to Mark First Anniversary of Historic Joint Statement by Implementing It with a New Spirit


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