Call for Hemispheric Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Conference for Democracy and Against Neo-Liberalism

International Solidarity Conference, May 2, 2019 in Havana.

At the International Solidarity Conference for World Peace and Against War, held May 2 in Havana, peoples of the world converged to express their united demand for world peace, condemning the Helms-Burton Act and demanding an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba for 60 years by the U.S. government, and for the return of territory illegally occupied by the U.S. Naval Base in Guantánamo.

It was in this context that Fernando González Llort, President of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), invited all those present and the Cuba Solidarity Movement as a whole to take part in the Hemispheric Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Conference for Democracy and Against Neo-Liberalism, to be held in Havana, November 1-3. "No matter how dark the path, the response of the Cuban people will be to resist and victory will always be ours," said González. The call states, "Without neglecting or moving away from the specific agendas of the many struggles our organizations and movements are part of, we are aware that it will not be possible to face the enemies of our peoples in isolation, dispersed."

Thus, the call invites "the continent's networks and organizations, popular movements and left-wing political forces, the solidarity movement, campesino movements, women and feminists, trade unionists and excluded workers, environmentalists, youth and students, religious, Indigenous, ethnic, regional, and LGTBI movements... all sectors committed to the struggle to stop the advance of the neo-liberal right, to construct and defend a common emancipatory project." The second call to the Hemispheric Conference is posted in full below.

TML Weekly calls on Canadians to organize to take part in this conference that will serve as an important converging point for all those fighting for social change at home and to support those in common struggle abroad.

Text of the Call

When the Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neo-Liberalism was initiated in 2015, social and popular movements and networks of regional organizations promoted the building of links based on ecumenism and pluralism, with the main objectives being consensus, the defence of democracy, sovereignty and integration of the peoples, as well as the fight against free trade and the expansion of transnationals in the region.

Recent years have witnessed an escalation of the restoration of conservative neo-liberalism in the continent, characterized by the plunder of common property; exploitation and the precarization of work; deep indebtedness; dependence on the international financial system; migratory, environmental and food crises; religious fundamentalism; the breakdown and even destruction of formal democracy; the criminalization and judicialization of politics; the assassination of social leaders; the media war; attacks on progressive and popular organizations; hate speech and acts of hatred; racism, xenophobia, discrimination, total disrespect for human rights; and the absolute impunity with which all these abuses occur.

Without neglecting or moving away from the specific agendas of the many struggles our organizations and movements are part of, we are aware that it will not be possible to face the enemies of our peoples in isolation, dispersed.

The organizational expressions that we are fostering today through this process of coming together and of unity is not all that is called for to contribute to this effort of rebuilding links. Therefore, we have convoked networks and organizations of the continent, popular movements and left-wing political forces, the solidarity movement, campesino movements, women and feminists, trade unionists and excluded workers, environmentalists, young people and students, ecumenical, Indigenous, ethnic and territorial movements, the LGTBI and all sectors committed to the struggle to stop the advance of the neo-liberal right-wing, to the meeting in Havana in November of this year, to build and defend a common emancipatory project.

We have called the Anti-Imperialist Hemispheric Solidarity Conference for Democracy and Against Neo-Liberalism, to take place in Havana, Cuba, from November 1 to 3, 2019.

This second call to the Anti-Imperialist Conference for Democracy and Against Neo-Liberalism, which we convoked last January, is extended to the Movement in Solidarity with Cuba of our hemisphere to support the just causes that it takes up and also to reinforce the unity of struggle and resistance against the aggressive, fascist escalation of the imperialist policy led by the United States government, dragging along with it oligarchies and governments obedient to its interests. Many solidarity activists are also engaged in social struggles, while at the same time there are not a few organizations that participate in our platforms, like the Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neo-liberalism itself, which are very active in Cuba solidarity, which strengthens us both.

We invite you to attend this event and use it as a testimony to our will to fight, our solidarity and our victory; and to strengthen and broaden our links as much as possible with the greatest number and diversity of organizations, movements and social expressions takes root in our countries, at the base of our organizations.

We want to meet in Havana to advance a common strategic agenda and plan of action at the hemispheric level in defence of democracy and social justice for our peoples, where solidarity with all just causes is an essential weapon.

It is necessary to develop communication strategies to participate effectively in the battle of ideas, expand and strengthen the convergence of our organizations' media and ways of waging struggle, overcome differences and commit ourselves to unity in action based on dialogue about traditions, accumulated different experiences and emerging alternatives.

Cuban social, political and mass organizations and the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples once again offer a territory symbolizing rebellion, resistance and alternatives; a space of trust, solidarity and commitment to constructing paths of struggle.

Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism
Cuban Chapter of Social Movements
Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples

To confirm your participation in the Conference, send a message to the following email addresses:

(Edited for style and grammar by TML. Photo: Prensa Latina)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 21 - June 8, 2019

Article Link:
Call for Hemispheric Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Conference for Democracy and Against Neo-Liberalism - Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples


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