Provincial Government Announces "Cutbacks and Wage Restraint" for All Public Sector Workers

The Kenney UCP government is reported to be preparing a "Charter proof" law on "wage restraint" for public sector workers. Apparently, this is the plot behind its illegal obstruction of arbitrated wage re-openers for public service workers. Kenney wants to stall for time until his newly appointed "Blue Ribbon Panel on Alberta's Finances" releases the government's plan to cut social programs and public services and drive down the working and living standards of all public sector workers.

In an article published by the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary in 2017, "Putting the Alberta Budget on a New Trajectory," authors Janice MacKinnon, who just happens to be the Chairperson of Kenney's "Blue Ribbon Panel" and Jack Mintz, renowned or rather infamous for his slavish devotion to powerful private interests, call for wage cuts followed by zero increases for all Alberta public sector workers. The authors outline the process for imposing collective agreements, which they insist will withstand a Charter challenge that such anti-worker actions and laws of the government violate the right to collective bargaining.

Alberta working people have the right to a say and control over their wages, conditions of work and their living standards generally, at the very least the right to negotiate their terms of employment in a climate of equilibrium. No "Blue Ribbon Panel," academic experts, rich oligarchs or provincial law can dismiss, deny or negate the right of workers to negotiate collectively their terms of employment without expecting serious consequences in an atmosphere of disequilibrium.

The use of force and dictate to impose wage cuts, unsustainable working conditions, and work that is increasingly precarious on workers in the public sector and other working people, and, in the process, cut the social programs and public services the people need for a modern humane existence, must not pass!

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 20 - June 1, 2019

Article Link:
Provincial Government Announces "Cutbacks and Wage Restraint" for All Public Sector Workers


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