Conditions of the Palestinian People on the Eve of the 71st Commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba

Dr. Ola Awad, President of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, through historical and current data, reviewed the geographic, demographic and economic situation of the Palestinian people on the eve of the 71st anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba on May 15. Information based on that data follows.

The Nakba: Ethnic Cleansing, Displacement of Palestinians
and Settler Colonization

Nakba in Palestine describes a process of ethnic cleansing in which an unarmed nation was destroyed and its population displaced systematically by gangs and individuals from all over the world. The Nakba resulted in the displacement of 800,000 of the 1.4 million Palestinians who lived in 1,300 villages and towns in historical Palestine in 1948. The majority of the displaced Palestinians ended up in neighbouring Arab countries and in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and other countries around the world. Further, thousands of Palestinians -- who stayed in the area controlled by the Israeli occupation in 1948 -- were driven out of their homes and lands, which were seized by the Israeli occupation.

According to documentary evidence, the Israelis controlled 774 towns and villages and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns and villages during the Nakba. The atrocities of Zionist forces also included more than 70 massacres in which more than 15,000 Palestinians were martyred.

Demographic Reality: The Palestinian Population Has Doubled Nine Times Since the 1948 Nakba

The population of Palestine in 1914 was around 690,000, of whom only 8 per cent were Jewish. In 1948, the number of Palestinians in Palestine exceeded 2 million, 31.5 per cent of them were Jews, their numbers doubling more than six times during this period. Between 1932 and 1939, the number of Jewish immigrants to Palestine reached 225,000 and between 1940 and 1947, more than 93,000 migrated to Palestine. Palestine received around 318,000 Jews between 1932 and 1947, and 540,000 from 1948 to 1975.

Despite the displacement of more than 800,000 Palestinians in 1948, and the displacement of more than 200,000 Palestinians (the majority of them to Jordan) after the 1967 War, by the end of 2018 the Palestinian world population totalled 13.1 million, which means that the number of Palestinians in the world has doubled more than nine times since the events of the Nakba in 1948. More than half of them live in historical Palestine, where at the end of 2018 their numbers reached 6.48 million (compared to 1.57 million in the occupied territories in 1948). Estimates indicate that the population in the West Bank at the end of 2018, including Jerusalem, was 2.95 million, with around 1.96 million in Gaza Strip. The population of Jerusalem Governorate, was about 447,000, of which approximately 65 per cent (about 281,000) live in those parts of Jerusalem which were annexed by Israeli occupation in 1967, an area referred to as J1. The data show that Palestinians represent 49 per cent of the population living in historical Palestine, while Jews constitute 51 per cent at the end of 2018. The Israeli occupation continues to control over 85 per cent of the area of historical Palestine, which amounts to 27,000 square kilometres, while the remaining areas continue to endure further attempts at usurpation and control. It should be noted that under the British Mandate only 1,682 square kilometres of historical land of Palestine was used by Jews, which represents 6.2 per cent.

Palestinian Refugees Status

Writing on wall of UN Refugee agency office in Bethlehem reads "Dignity is priceless."

Records of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) reported on January 1, 2018 that the total number of Palestinian refugees was 6.02 million, 28.4 per cent of whom live in 58 camps (10 in Jordan, nine in Syria, 12 in Lebanon, 19 in the West Bank and eight in Gaza Strip). Estimates, however, indicate that this is a minimum number of refugees as many are not registered. This number does not include the Palestinians displaced in the period from 1949 till the Six-Day War in June 1967. The UNRWA definition of refugees does not cover the Palestinians who migrated or who were displaced after 1967 because of the war and who were not registered refugees. On the other hand, the Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 showed that refugees represented 43 per cent of the population of the State of Palestine.

Population Density: Gaza Strip Has One of the Highest Population Densities in the World

The population density in the State of Palestine at the end of 2018 was 816 individuals per square kilometre: 522 individuals per square kilometre in the West Bank and 5,375 individuals per square kilometre in Gaza Strip, noting that 66 per cent of the total population of Gaza Strip are refugees. The flux of refugees has turned Gaza Strip into one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Despite the small area of Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation set up a buffer zone more than 1,500 metres long along the Eastern border. Consequently, the Israeli occupation controls about 24 per cent of the total area of Gaza Strip (365 square kilometres).

Continuous Siege of Gaza Strip

The continuous Siege of the Gaza Strip, one of the most densely populated areas in the world, has led to a sharp rise in unemployment. The unemployment rate has reached 52 per cent, around 72 per cent of youth aged 15-24 years are unemployed. The siege also shakes the economy of Gaza Strip and has made over half of its population poor (53 per cent), and 11 per cent of households use an improved drinking water source in Gaza Strip due to the deterioration in the quality of water extracted from the coastal basin.

More than 100,000 Martyrs Since the Nakba 1948

Funeral, March 31, 2019 for Tamir Abu Al-Khair, one of 4 youth killed in land day protests in Gaza.

The number of Palestinian and Arab martyrs from the Nakba in 1948 up to the present day (inside and outside Palestine) has reached about 100,000. The number of martyrs killed between September 29, 2000 and May 7, 2019 was 10,853. The bloodiest year was 2014 with 2,240 Palestinian martyrs, of whom 2,181 were from Gaza Strip. The number of Palestinian martyrs reached 312 persons during 2018, among them 57 children and three women. The Israeli occupation also detained the bodies of 15 martyrs.

About 17,000 Wounded Since the Start of the Marches of Return

Youth injured on Land Day, March 30,  2018 as the Great Return March begins.

The number of wounded Palestinians reached about 29,600 persons in 2018, while data from the Ministry of Health indicates that the number of wounded in Gaza Strip has reached 16,800 since the Marches of Return began on the occasion of Land Day, March 30, 2018. It is noteworthy that 136 citizens have had amputations as a result of the Israeli occupation forces' aggression against the Palestinians in the March of Return and breaking the siege east of Gaza Strip. The number of martyrs was 272 citizens, among them 54 children and six women and elderly, along with four paramedics and three journalists.

About 1 Million Detentions Since 1967

The Israeli occupation has detained about 1 million Palestinians since 1967. This year, the Israeli occupation had arrested about 5,700 Palestinians, as of the end of March, of whom 250 were children and 47 were women. Since the beginning of 2018, the Israeli occupation has arrested 6,500 Palestinians, including 1,063 children and 140 women. In addition, the Israeli occupation has imposed house arrest on 300 children in Jerusalem since October 2015. Around 36 children are still under house arrest.

Continuous Confiscation of Land

The Israeli occupation uses land classification according to the Oslo Agreement (A, B, C) to tighten control over Palestinian land, especially in areas classified as (C) -- an area of 3,375,000 dunums. About 2,642,000 dunums -- constituting 76 per cent of the total area classified (C) -- is exploited by the Israeli occupation directly. The area classified (A) is about one million dunums, the area classified (B) is 1,035,000 dunums, and the area classified "Others" is 250,000 dunums and includes Natural Reserves, J1 in East Jerusalem and H2 in Hebron, along with unclassified areas. In 2018, the Israeli occupation confiscated 508 dunums of Palestinian land, in addition to confiscating hundreds of dunums of the Palestinians through the expansion of Israeli checkpoints and the establishment of military checkpoints to protect the settlers.

Israeli Occupation: Continuous Expansion of Settlements

There were 435 Israeli occupation settlements and military bases in the West Bank (including 150 settlements and 116 outposts) by the end of 2017. Data indicate that the total number of settlers in the West Bank was 653,621 by the end of 2017; 306,529 (47 per cent) lived in Jerusalem Governorate, including 225,335 of them in Jerusalem J1. In demographic terms, the proportion of settlers to the Palestinian population in the West Bank is around 23 settlers per 100 Palestinians compared with 70 settlers per 100 Palestinians in Jerusalem Governorate.

The expansion and annexation wall isolates more than 12 per cent of the West Bank area. This has imposed restrictions on 1.9 million people living in areas close to the wall and/or settlements. Around 400,000 people live in Area "C." The expansion and annexation wall that surrounds the city of Jerusalem is about 93 kilometres long and isolates about 84 square kilometres of the area of Jerusalem Governorate; while the incomplete part of the wall, about 46 kilometres long, will isolate about 68 square kilometres.

The Jurisdiction Area of the Israeli occupation settlements in the West Bank reached 541.5 square kilometres at the end 2018, representing about 10 per cent of the West Bank, while the confiscated areas for the purposes of military bases and military training are about 18 per cent of the West Bank, which deprives the Palestinian farmers and herders of access to their farms and pastures. The Israeli occupation places obstacles to tighten the siege and restrict the Palestinians' urban expansion, especially in Jerusalem and Area (C), in the West Bank, which are still under full Israeli occupation control.

Theft of Agricultural Land

The total area of land classified as being of high or medium agricultural value in the West Bank is 2,072,000 dunums, constituting about 37 per cent of the West Bank. The Palestinians use only 931,500 dunums which constitutes about 17 per cent of the West Bank area.

The reason for the non-exploitation of agricultural land in the West Bank is that Area (C), which constitutes about 60 per cent of the area of the West Bank, is still under full Israeli occupation control. The Israeli occupation prevents many farmers from accessing their land and cultivating or caring for cultivated areas, which has led to the destruction of most of the crops in those areas. Israeli occupation forces have also bulldozed and uprooted 7,122 trees in 2018, bringing the number of trees uprooted to more than one million from 2000 to the end of 2018. Thousands of dunums have been confiscated by settlers to be cultivated. The area planted in the Israeli settlements in 2018 reached about 110,000 dunums, the majority irrigated agriculture.

Jerusalem: Intensive and Systematic Displacement of Palestinians

Protest against July 2018 Israeli destruction of Bedouin village of Khan al-Amar near East Jerusalem, to extend an illegal settlement.

The Israeli occupation forces have issued deportation orders for 12 Bedouin communities in East Jerusalem, comprising about 1,400 people.

In 2018, the Israeli occupation issued orders to demolish 546 buildings in the West Bank and Jerusalem, at a time when the need for new housing units for Palestinians increases. According to figures and the data of the Housing Conditions Survey 2015, about 61 per cent of households in Palestine will need new housing units over the next decade. The Israeli occupation demolished 471 buildings in 2018 (houses and establishments), of which about 46 per cent were in the city of Jerusalem with 215 demolitions, leading to the forced displacement of 217 people, including 110 children. Of the demolished buildings, 157 were residential buildings and 314 establishments. During 2018, the Israeli occupation approved building permits for 5,820 settlement units.

A Bitter Reality: 22 per cent of Available Water in Palestine Purchased from Israeli Water Company "Mekorot"

Israeli occupation measures contribute to limiting the ability of the Palestinians to exploit their natural resources, especially water. Palestinians are forced to compensate for the water shortage with purchases from the Israeli water company "Mekorot." In 2017, the quantity of water purchased for domestic use reached 83 million cubic metres (MCM)(22 per cent of the total 375 MCM of water used), in addition to 23.5 MCM flowing from Palestinian springs, 264.5 MCM from underground wells, and 4.0 MCM of desalinated drinking water.

77 per cent of Available Water from Surface and Ground Water

Data show that the percentage of surface and ground water exploited from available water in the year 2017 was high, with an average of 77 per cent. It should be noted that the Palestinians have been denied access to extract from the Jordan River since 1967, which was estimated at about 250 MCM. On the other hand, the quantity of water pumped from Palestinian wells in the West Bank in 2017 was 86 MCM from the Eastern, Western and North-Eastern aquifers.

The amount of water extracted from the coastal aquifer for domestic use was 178.7 MCM in Gaza Strip in 2017, an amount which jeopardizes its sustainability, as it is known that the yield should not exceed 50-60 MCM per year. More than 97 per cent of the water pumped from the coastal aquifer in Gaza Strip does not meet the World Health Organization's water quality standards. It also leads to the depletion of groundwater reserves, which in the coastal aquifer have reached 19 metres below sea level.


1. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics 2018: Israeli settlements in the West Bank, 2017. Ramallah-Palestine.

2. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2019. Revised estimates based on the final results of Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017. Ramallah-Palestine.

3. Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel. Jerusalem, 2018.

4. Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission 2019: Summary of the most Important Violations in Palestine, 2018. Ramallah- Palestine

5. Commission of Detainees and Ex-detainees Affairs, Annual Report, 2018.

6. Abdullah Al-Hourani Center for Studies and Documentation, Israeli Violations 2018, Ramallah 2019.

7. National Gathering of Martyrs' Families, Database of Martyrs Families, 2019, unpublished data.

(Photos: Times of Gaza, Great Return March, Palestine Info Centre, Active Stills.)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 18 - May 18, 2019

Article Link:
Conditions of the Palestinian People on the Eve of the 71st Commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba - Dr. Ola Awad, President, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics


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