Condemn Zionist Occupiers Latest Criminal Bombardment of Gaza Strip

Israeli bombardment on Gaza May 4, 2019 kills 14-month-old girl and pregnant woman.

The people of Gaza were once again assaulted from May 3 to 5, as the brutal 12-year siege by Zionist Israel and its occupying military forces continues. Twenty-seven Gazans have died and at least 154 have been injured due to the Israeli assault. The aggression got underway Friday, May 3, after Israeli forces killed four Palestinians, two in an air raid on southern Gaza and two in an attack on protesters taking part in the weekly Great March of Return actions near the border fence separating Gaza from the Occupied Territories. A ceasefire was reached on May 6 that has brought the Israeli aggression and Palestinian acts of resistance and self-defence to an end for the time being. It is said to include conditions that require Israel to mitigate the siege of Gaza.

As usual, Israel justified its aggression in the name of "self-defence" claiming two of its soldiers near the fence were wounded by Palestinian gunfire on May 3. However, it is well-documented that for more than a year, Israeli forces have regularly attacked and killed unarmed protestors taking part in the Great March of Return, as well as clearly identified medical personnel and journalists at these protests, with utmost disregard for human life.

This latest attack on Gaza underscores once again the need for all peace- and justice-loving people to stand with the heroic people of Palestine and Gaza in their just resistance to the illegal Israeli occupation and its war crimes.

(Photo: Palestine Information Centre)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 17 - May 11, 2019

Article Link:
Condemn Zionist Occupiers Latest Criminal Bombardment of Gaza Strip - Nick Lin


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