Announcement of Withdrawal from Organization of American States

"Adios OEA" rally in Apure, April 27, 2019, celebrates Venezuela leaving the Organization of American States.

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, loyal to its republican and democratic principles, and in respect to the National Constitution and International Law, announces to the international community and the peoples of the world, the breaking of the chains that bind us to the dictatorship imposed by the United States within the Organization of American States (OAS).

With the denunciation of the Charter of the Organization of American States made by the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on April 27, 2017, in the framework of Article 143, as from today, no instrument signed and/or issued by the OAS shall have any legal or political effect for the Venezuelan State and its institutions.

The Bolivarian Government of Venezuela, in exercise of its political independence and its sovereign rights, has denounced to the international community the dysfunction of the OAS, which is characterized by the infringement of International Law; the systematic transgression of its founding Charter; the procedural fraud, political subordination of its bureaucracy to the interests of the United States administration; the programmed loss of the political pluralism in the American continent, under a colonial and supremacist vision; and the permanent injury of the principles of sovereignty and self-determination, among others, of its member States.

A group of satellite governments, led by the United States, has sacrificed the fundamental Charter of the OAS that rules the relations among the countries of the hemisphere, and violated all its historical operation rules and practices. As a result, a dictatorship has been imposed within the OAS, violating the rights of its 34 member States and allowing, promoting, facilitating and actively participating in the destabilization of the Venezuelan democracy.

Such group, which violated the OAS rules, has validated the foreign aggression, the illegal implementation of unilateral coercive measures, the threat about the use of force by third States, the economical sabotage and suffocation against our nation and the seizure, forfeiture and plundering of the Republic's assets.

Also, said group of satellites governments has instigated the repudiation of the National Constitution, the democratic institutions and legitimate elected authorities, inciting violence, chaos and trying to provoke a civil war in our nation, by corrupting the OAS to the extent of making of it a conspiracy instrument for a foreign military intervention against our people.

The dictatorship within the OAS is a threat against the regional and international peace and security. In this context, the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela alerts the international community on future actions that such warmongering group intends to execute against our nation, in open violation of International Law.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is grateful to an important group of countries within the Organization that rejected the abuses and violations perpetrated by a dictatorial group, and showed respect to International Law in defense of sovereignty, self-determination and independence of all States. We assure to these sister nations that our government and people shall not rest in the defense of their freedom and assurance of peace.

Today, the people and government of Venezuela break the chains of the racist Monroe Doctrine and ratify that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is irrevocably free and independent, and its moral heritage, as well as its values of freedom, equality, justice and international peace have their roots in Simón Bolívar's Doctrine.

In Caracas, Cradle of Liberators, the 27 of April, 2019

(Photos: O Vivas, PSUV Miranda. MPPRE News)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 16 - May 4, 2019

Article Link:
Announcement of Withdrawal from Organization of American States - Bolivarian Government of Venezuela


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