Accountability Begins at Home with Deeds Not Words

The federal government asserts that collecting a sales tax on carbon and then distributing the revenue back to those who paid the tax will somehow provide incentive for the development of clean energy. This is nothing more than illusion-mongering and nonsense.

To suggest that the market and consumer decisions within that marketplace, which the oligarchs control, will miraculously give rise to humanizing the social and natural environment and guarantee a new direction towards a healthy environment is an attempt to sabotage discussion and any movement forward to deal with the problem of climate change. Those who advocate the carbon tax, have devised yet another measure to pick the pockets of working people.

As far as returning the revenue to the people or for green projects, no guarantees exist as to how governments will use the additional revenue. The people do not have any control over government because the people have no effective power over government. The cartel party system of governing gives those who get elected and form party government the main task of keeping the people's opposition in disarray so that the rich have free rein over the public treasury.

As far as doling out public money for projects, green or otherwise, this is routinely done for the narrow private interests of big corporations and conglomerates. Canadians hear endlessly of large private development projects that include state funds of some sort as subsidies or free infrastructure. Pay-the-rich schemes for the private interests of big corporations have become commonplace and synonymous with being "open for business." The people are even subjected to spectacles of oligopolies such as Amazon demanding cities, states and provinces make offers of public funds in a degrading competition to land their operations.

The fight over green projects is intense business competition and involves the entire arsenal of the big powers including boycotts, embargoes, threats of regime change, sabotage, war and invasion by the private and state militaries of the big powers and their appeasers, such as Canada. The term "green wars" has even been coined to suggest inter-imperialist wars could be waged in a more environmentally friendly way. All of it seeks to justify slaughtering those they seek to control.

The global oligarchs have recklessly plundered the planet and exploited and killed the people of the world without blinking an eye. The U.S. war machine is the biggest polluter on earth, yet the Canadian establishment has no qualms about completely integrating into and applauding every wild U.S. war adventure and interference in the sovereign affairs of others, such as Venezuela, Iraq and west Africa, which leave economic and environmental devastation and death in their wake.

Canadians are expected to believe that a carbon tax will change the outlook and practice of the oligarchs who control the world, and force them to take up environmental and social responsibility. How can those who pretend to be political parties speak of this with a straight face when they themselves just handed over billions to U.S. oligarchs for a sixty-year-old pipeline from Alberta to Vancouver and swear by hook or by crook that they will force its expansion to double the capacity to rip and ship bitumen from Alberta to the U.S. west coast to fuel its war machine? They are utter failures as environmental stewards and developers of an independent self-reliant Alberta and Canadian economy. Their rip and ship mentality viewed from any angle is anti-social and anti-environment. Their claims have no credibility whatever.

Accountability begins at home with deeds not words. The deeds of the political parties which form party governments prove they are morally bankrupt and beholden to their oligarch masters and the U.S. war machine.

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 14 - April 20, 2019

Article Link:
Accountability Begins at Home with Deeds Not Words


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