Action at the National Border Patrol Museum

The protest at the Border Patrol Museum in El Paso was a collaboration between local residents and activists from around the country. Recognizing the interlocking nature of all our struggles, we staged an intervention to uplift and remember both the experiences of migrant families and the many lives that have been lost. Since its inception in 1924 the United States Border Patrol has expanded a colonial system that inflicts violence and death along the U.S.-Mexico border.

We believe that the Border Patrol and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should be held accountable for their human rights violations. We believe all migrants deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. We assert the only crisis on the border is the experiences of vulnerable migrant and undocumented populations bearing the weight of U.S. immigration and foreign policy and Indigenous peoples who have been terrorized and harassed by Customs and Border Patrol on Tribal lands. We stand behind all migrant indigenous families exercising their ancestral claim to migration in the Americas.

We took action because the museum and spaces like it exhibit a one-sided perspective of what is happening on the border. Nowhere in the museum would you find the problematic reality of the Border Patrol and its history of oppressive treatment towards Indigenous peoples of this land, asylum seekers, and migrants. Our presence in the space was to centre the voices that were missing from this memorial and the human rights violations inflicted upon them: Jakelin Caal Maquín, Felipe Gómez Alonzo, Claudia Patricia Gómez González, and the more than 100 others who have died as a consequence of Border Patrol violence. They died because of the action of Border Patrol. They deserve to be remembered in Border Patrol spaces.

We are in a crisis of the consciousness of this country. A path towards reconciliation cannot begin unless institutions responsible for telling this country's story take that responsibility seriously and tell its whole truth. We must, as we have historically, fight for the sanctity of black and brown lives. It is irresponsible for any institution to claim to be apolitical while erasing the entire history of a people and using politically charged words, like "illegal alien" in their exhibits.

We recognize that an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere. Therefore, we will continue to resist state-sanctioned violence that places the lives and memories of law enforcement above those who have died as a result of systems of oppression, whether it be at the U.S. Borders, in Palestine, or in the streets of Ferguson, El Paso, Albuquerque/Tiwa Territory, or Tucson. No one is free until we all are free.

Protesters from Museum Action Face Criminal Charges

Sixteen activists are facing criminal charges stemming from a February 2019 protest at the National Border Patrol Museum in El Paso, Texas. The activists were part of a coalition of various struggles that traveled from across the U.S. to El Paso to bring attention to the inhumane detention of children at the now-infamous Tornillo detention facility.

The sixteen activists are facing felony and misdemeanor charges and warrants have been issued for their arrest. El Paso police have grossly inflated the charges from this nonviolent protest in an apparent attempt to intimidate these individuals and stop others from standing up and speaking out against the human rights abuses being committed at the southern border. These sixteen activists are facing potential prison time for their nonviolent protest. Meanwhile, the true criminals, the people separating families and putting children in cages, have not been brought to justice.

Stand with these advocates who are exposing the Trump administration's violence and donate what you can here.


This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 14 - April 20, 2019

Article Link:
Action at the National Border Patrol Museum - Tornillo: The Occupation


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