Civil War Conditions Evident in the United States

U.S. Federal, State and Local Clashes on Immigration

The federal government is clashing with states and local police and sheriffs as it tries to use immigration enforcement to integrate the many policing agencies in the country into a federal command structure. Currently at the border with Mexico, for example, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are demanding that all the local forces join them in immigration enforcement. At this time, they too are to come under military control. It is a live exercise in federal authority, including the military, over all others.

Along with broad united actions by the people both sides of the border and in cities and towns across the country defending immigrant rights, various states and counties are also opposing federal action. At times this takes the form of state laws, like those in Utah, Colorado, New York, California and Washington which in various ways stand against federal actions. Utah's recently passed law, for example, blocks the federal government from automatically deporting people convicted of misdemeanors that carry a sentence of one year or more (see below). California and New York are sanctuary states and have similar laws to Utah's.

Elsewhere, resistance is at the county and local area, by sheriffs refusing to cooperate with ICE. In those situations, along with threats, ICE and similar federal authorities work with state legislatures to pass laws requiring cooperation. These are being resisted, not only by the communities impacted, but by the sheriffs themselves. North Carolina is one such example.

These clashes are significant in a situation where Trump has already declared a "national emergency" on the southern border and could declare one more broadly. Or he could declare martial law in the name of "national security." Then the military openly takes control at the state and local level.

As resistance among the people broadens and even other policing agencies oppose federal action, the need for control, by the Commander-in-Chief, of all the policing agencies at all levels increases. The already continuing resistance by various authorities, whether state legislatures or sheriffs or local police show, these clashes are increasing. They are part of the growing conditions of civil war, currently still hidden but conditions that could develop into an open violent conflict among the rulers as they vie for power.

It is a situation where every effort will be made to intimidate and threaten resistance and call on all to instead line up behind one or the other faction. State forces, like Governor Cuomo, for example, presents himself as "pro-immigrant," while on the ground ICE and other policing agencies across the state, but especially in New York City, are notorious for their anti-immigrant, anti-youth stand. The solution does not lie with the rich and their contending interests. Rather it lies with stepping up the organized resistance defending the rights of all.

(Voice of Revolution, April 12, 2019.)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 14 - April 20, 2019

Article Link:
Civil War Conditions Evident in the United States: U.S. Federal, State and Local Clashes on Immigration - Voice of Revolution


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