Hands Off Venezuela!

CARICOM Rejects Canada's Proposal to Undermine Petrocaribe

Meeting of Caricom, February 26-27 in St. Kitts-Navis reiterated their rejection of outside interference in Venezuela.

Canada is trying to position Juan Guaidó in the Caribbean to the detriment of the constitutional government of Nicolás Maduro. The U.S. needs to break Venezuela's strategic alliance with Caribbean nations and shift the voting balance in the Organization of American States. Canada, which has meddled in the British West Indies with "aid" and warships for decades, is sent as its errand boy to pull the chestnuts out of the fire. Yet the Liberal duplicity is to feign that it is merely acting in a disinterested manner at the request of the same Guaidó. According to this fairy tale, Guaidó himself is not able to make such an overture! A document from Global Affairs admits "there has been no consensus among the countries of the America."


The online Misión Verdad periodical has access to a confidential document ("Non-Paper") drafted by the government of Canada, led by Justin Trudeau, with which they tried to build a bridge of contact between the president of Venezuela's National Assembly (in contempt) and some countries of the Eastern Caribbean by proposing an instrument to displace Petrocaribe.

On March 14 the Canadian government sent a low-level official to a meeting of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), held on the island of Guadeloupe, with the aim of facilitating a direct link between Guaidó's team and the prime ministers whose governments make up Caricom.

In Guadeloupe, Trudeau's special envoy asked for a meeting with the OECS leaders, which was rejected because he did not possess the appropriate diplomatic level necessary for such a meeting to take place. However, Caribbean representatives accepted a courtesy lunch where the Canadian delivered the following document:

The government of Canada in principle would have offered a meeting between Juan Guaidó himself and the representatives of these countries, which turned out to be false something that annoyed the Caribbean leaders because it represented a sign of little diplomatic seriousness.

In spite of this, they received the document with the proposal of the Trudeau Administration, which at all times acted as representative of the Venezuelan opposition, which proposed creating an organization parallel to Petrocaribe called "Cooperation and Energy Stability Agreement."

The proposal to undermine Petrocaribe produced yet another sign of annoyance from the representatives of the Caribbean countries, who reminded the Canadian envoy of their full support for dialogue between the parties in Venezuela. They also urged the opposition to sit at the same table with the government of Nicolás Maduro.

They also reminded Canada of the fact that Petrocaribe is being sabotaged by both U.S. sanctions and regional pressure against Venezuela, supported both by the Trudeau government and by the Venezuelan opposition represented in the National Assembly (in contempt).

Without further ado, the Caribbean rejected the Canadian proposal.

The Canadian-led anti-Venezuelan coalition tried it this way:

- Buying off the good will of some Eastern Caribbean countries with negotiations that the Caribbean representatives themselves described as petty; and

- Offering high-level diplomatic meetings that did not materialize, and sending low-level advisors, thus showing disrespect to the Caribbean governments.

Finally, the Caribbean representatives made it clear that they do not recognize Juan Guaidó. They insisted on their common position that proposes peaceful means of dialogue and respect for international law, outside the strategy of coup d'état and "humanitarian intervention" planned by Washington.

It should be remembered that the OECS is a regional body that promotes technical cooperation and the sustainable development of six independent countries and three territories of the United Kingdom and one of France in the Caribbean Sea.

- OECS Member States (full membership):

Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Montserrat (UK Dependency)

- OECS Member States (associated membership):

Anguilla (UK Dependency), Martinique (French Overseas Department), British Virgin Islands (UK Dependency).

(March 15, 2019. Slightly edited for grammar.)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 10 - March 23, 2019

Article Link:
Hands Off Venezuela!: CARICOM Rejects Canada's Proposal to Undermine Petrocaribe - Misión Verdad


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