Celebrations of International Women's Day 2019

Women All Over the World Fight for Empowerment

Toronto, March 9, 2019.

One hundred and eight years ago, International Women's Day was first celebrated to highlight the fight of women for the right to vote, to fully participate in the political affairs of their countries, and to take their rightful place in the vanguard of all fields of human endeavour.

Since then, women everywhere have stood in the front ranks of the struggle for empowerment and this year was no different. Activities took place across Canada to mark March 8 and mass actions could be seen around the world, as women asserted their claims to a say and control over all the affairs of society. A society's progress is measured by the degree to which women have won their emancipation, which goes hand in hand with the emancipation of the working class.

In Canada, at rallies, marches and gatherings of all kinds, women discussed their concerns and reiterated their demands for an end to the brutal neo-liberal anti-social offensive and that the government take up its responsibilities on such questions as workers' rights, housing, health care and childcare. Importantly, they demanded an end to Canada's participation in U.S. imperialist aggression and specifically that it keep its "Hands Off Venezuela!" Participants demanded status on arrival for migrant workers and stood with the courageous Indigenous women demanding the situation where women and girls are considered a legitimate target of attack must be made a thing of the past.

In the U.S., International Women's Day meetings and gatherings followed the mass actions organized on January 19 in support of women's rights and against the Trump presidency and what it stands for, organized on the two-year anniversary of Trump's inauguration.

In Cuba, the 10th Congress of the Cuban Women's Federation held in Havana March 8 to 10 was attended by some 360 delegates and 40 guests. The Congress summed up the progress made since the ninth Congress in the level of women's participation in leadership positions and seats in parliament -- where women are now 52.3 per cent of the National Assembly of People's Power. Also reported on was the progress made in involving many thousands of youth in the work of the Federation, ensuring its continuity. The Federation adopted a declaration of solidarity with the women of the world on the occasion of International Women's Day.

Venezuelan women, standing second to none in defending their homeland from aggression and the attempted regime change by U.S. imperialism and its allies, this year celebrated International Women's Day with an anti-imperialist conference in defence of peace, sovereignty and independence organized by Unamujer, the national women's union. Sending greetings to women marching in the streets, President Maduro stated: "My greatest acknowledgement of the patriotic women who have taken to the streets of Caracas this March 8 to celebrate their day and to express their profound rejection of the imperial aggressions against the Homeland of Bolívar and Chávez. You are the soul of Venezuela."

In Brazil, demonstrations took place in many cities nationwide as women mobilized against the Bolsonaro regime. In Rio de Janeiro, and other cities, women carried portraits of the late city councillor Marielle Franco and demanded answers as to who ordered her brutal execution on March 14 last year.

In Bolivia, President Evo Morales, speaking alongside representatives of women's rights groups at an International Women's Day program in La Paz, announced a number of government measures to improve women's wages and conditions of work, and to curb violence against women.

Mass actions marking International Women's Day took place in many countries of Europe and Asia, including Norway, Italy, Turkey, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. In Spain, many thousands poured into the streets in Pamplona in the north of the country. Many of the actions focussed on the right of women to participate fully in the society without the threat of violence.

On International Women's Day in the Philippines, thousands of women organized in their national women's organization Gabriela, took to the streets of Manila and other cities against the Duterte government. Participants expressed their determination to resist the government, one of the worst violators of women's rights in the region, whose neo-liberal tax reform law in particular further impoverishes women and their families. Gabriela also celebrated the advances made in mobilizing women across the country against Duterte, which has led to the passage of a law extending maternity leave that came into effect March 8, and to successes in advancing other legislative measures to address the worsening violence and abuse against women and children.

A national meeting in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was held at the People's Palace of Culture in Pyongyang to celebrate the occasion and women's full participation in all aspects of the life of the country. In Seoul, Republic of Korea, a mass demonstration organized by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions took place demanding the improvement of women's working conditions.

TML Weekly salutes the fighting women of the world for their courageous leadership in advancing the fight for their rights and the rights of all at a time counterrevolution has the initiative worldwide, with its vicious neo-liberal anti-social offensive, privatization of public assets, aggression and war. Women's further development of their leading role is one of the most important contributions to the emancipation of all working people, the end of imperialism and war and the creation of a society that recognizes the rights of all by virtue of being human.


Dartmouth, NS

Montreal, QC

Ajax, ON

Barrie, ON

Brampton, ON

Toronto, ON

Winnipeg, MB

Edmonton, AB

Calgary, AB

Prince George, BC

Vancouver, BC

Victoria, BC

Asia and Oceania

Pyongyang, DPRK

Seoul, Korea

Beijing, China

Manila, Philippines

Delhi, India

Karachi, Pakistan

Lahore, Pakistan

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Kabul, Afghanistan

Beirut, Lebanon

Melbourne, Australia


Mombasa, Kenya

Latin America

Havana, Cuba

Puerto Rico

San Salvador, El Salvador


Caracas, Venezuela

Bogotá, Colombia

São Paulo, Brazil

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Feira, Brazil

Recife, Brazil

La Paz, Bolivia

Lima, Peru


Olso, Norway

Berlin, Germany

Falkirk, Scotland

Dublin, Ireland

Madrid, Spain

Pamplona, Spain

Milan, Italy

Istanbul, Turkey

(TML, PSAC Atlantic, OFL, Unifor, Calgary Women's Centre, Vancouver Cuba Solidarity, B. Ma, A. Dvies, Yonhap, Xinhua, Bulatlat, F. Koofi, George, Rania, Ny Nia, akawire, Cuba Debate, D. Alvarez, Min Mujer, Brazil de Fato, Rzaconeta, Thiago, G. Pardo, Derv Berlin, B. Harkin, E. Cremaschi)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 9 - March 16, 2019

Article Link:
Celebrations of International Women's Day 2019: Women All Over the World Fight for Empowerment


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