Cuba Says YES, Loud and Clear

Voting in Havana, February 24, 2019.

The 86.85 per cent of voters who cast ballots on February 24 said YES to the new Constitution -- 6,816,169 Cubans who reaffirmed their commitment to the country's socialist project, respect for rights, and inclusion -- that is the full dignity of the people.

This support, undoubtedly massive, in a popular process in which every citizen acted as a constituent, acquires greater resonance in the current adverse international context, with imperialism beating the drums of war and announcing the end of all utopias.

But Cuba, with 150 years of struggle behind us, is not willing to surrender.

Unity, consciousness, legal culture, revolutionary reaffirmation ... are what prevailed in the constitutional reform process, an experience that will not end with the proclamation of the new Magna Carta.

Next will begin the tremendous challenge of adjusting laws to the Constitution's essence: implementing, acting and, above all, respecting the letter of the supreme law, which is sacred. Every statement is to be put into practice -- that is the challenge -- one that Fidel alerted us to, and that has been assumed as the central focus of the next steps.

The country that results from this YES will be one that is with all and for the good of all, for every citizen of Cuba, regardless of their vote, one that is better every day, always in Revolution, with the willingness to change what must be changed, and confidence in human improvement.

Voting in Santiago de Cuba (left) and Veradero.

(March 1, 2019. Slightly edited by TML for style.)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 8 - March 9, 2019

Article Link:
Cuba Says YES, Loud and Clear - Granma


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