International Women's Day 2019

All Out to Support Our Fighting Women and Girls!

Women's Memorial March, Vancouver, February 14, 2019. The event was the 28th annual march
to commemorate the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

On the occasion of International Women's Day, on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), I send militant greetings and best wishes to all the fighting women in its ranks and to the women across the country and internationally.

All over the world women shoulder the burden of the global neo-liberal anti-social offensive and the imperialist sanctions, aggression and war which accompany it by fighting back and striving to turn things around in favour of their peoples. In the past year, women have shown what they are made of by upholding their conscience and taking up social responsibility. The striving of women for empowerment, for the affirmation of their rights and especially their conscience has had a huge impact on the demands of all for economic and social justice and for peace. The commitment shown to the justice of their cause in the past year confirms that the march of women for empowerment has begun all over again.

Congratulations to one and all! Together our stands make us a formidable force! Let us march on and realize our demands!

Best wishes for the continued success of our endeavours,

Anna Di Carlo
National leader
Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 8 - March 9, 2019

Article Link:
: All Out to Support Our Fighting Women and Girls!


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