Hands Off Venezuela!

All Out to Defend Venezuela's Sovereignty and Peace on the American Continent! Speak Out Now!

Mass rallies in the streets of Venezuela, February 23, 2019, stand for peace against U.S.
imperialist plans for invasion in the name of humanitarian aid.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) denounces with all its might the U.S. imperialist preparations to invade Venezuela and the actions of all its appeasers in the neighbouring states which have opened their territories to the would-be invaders. It also denounces the policy of the Government of Canada which is playing a nefarious role claiming the cause is humanitarian and in defence of freedom and democracy.

CPC(M-L) calls on Canadians to take urgent action to oppose the provocations being launched to justify this U.S. invasion in the name of humanitarian aid, the violence being committed at Venezuela's borders with Brazil and Columbia, and Canada's active role in fomenting this violence and participation in the plans for an invasion.

U.S. and Canadian monopoly media are doing their utmost to spread lies and incite passions, including about the killing of two Pemon Indians at the border between Venezuela and Brazil on Friday, February 22, which they blamed on the Venezuelan armed forces. The ballistics reports show the killings were not carried out by the Venezuelan military. The violence originated with the opposition forces, which are doing whatever they can to start a war.

The U.S. has announced it plans to forcibly transport its "humanitarian aid" across the Venezuelan border on February 23. This must not pass! President Maduro has rejected the aid and suggested it be distributed to the Colombian people instead. The damages to the economy of Venezuela and the hardship the people are suffering are the result of U.S. sanctions against Venezuela, hoarding by opposition forces and the theft of Venezuelan bank accounts and assets abroad.

Demonstration in Sydney, Australia  as international day of action "Hands Off Venezuela,"
begins, February 23, 2019.

Enough of the lying and disinformation by the Canadian government and media! A war against Venezuela must not be permitted! A war on the American continent must not be permitted!

All out to join the demonstrations and International Day of Action against the danger of war against Venezuela and U.S. imperialist interference into Venezuela's affairs.

All Out to Demand that Canada BACK OFF!
Hands Off Venezuela!

February 23, 2019, Caracas, Venezuela.

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 6 - February 23, 2019

Article Link:
Hands Off Venezuela!: All Out to Defend Venezuela's Sovereignty and Peace on the American Continent! Speak Out Now! - Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), February 23, 2019


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