Rapid, Organized Response to Tornado
Damage in Havana

At around 8:30 pm on Sunday, January 27 a powerful tornado ripped through an area of eastern Havana, causing severe damages in four municipalities. It is reported to have been the strongest tornado to hit Cuba in nearly 80 years. Four lives were lost and 195 people were injured. The most recent report indicates that 2,699 houses were affected, with 342 of them completely destroyed.

Immediately after the tornado hit, rescue, cleanup and recovery efforts were put into motion by the Cuban government, with brigades of workers from different sectors and students mobilized to assist in the work and neighbours pitching in to help one another.  The article that follows provides information on reports given and discussions held the day after the tornado struck.


Council of Ministers' meeting, January 28, 2019.

After 8:00 pm, the evening of January 28, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez chaired another meeting of the Council of Ministers to evaluate progress being made on recovery efforts underway in Havana, after a tornado struck several capital city municipalities, the night of January 27.

"Reinforcing attention to the population at times like these is vital," the President insisted. Work was undertaken promptly, beginning immediately after the disaster, and it is imperative to explain to the people what is being done, he stated.

From this very moment, we must begin to gather all the experiences we have gained from this weather phenomenon, to incorporate them in plans for disaster prevention and risk reduction, he indicated.

Division General Ramón Pardo Guerra, head of the National Civil Defense General Staff, reported that, according to an aerial inspection conducted the morning of January 28, "The tornado developed close to the Casino Deportivo and weakened east of Alamar.

"Estimates indicate that it travelled a distance of 11.5 kilometres, at a speed of 42.6 kilometres an hour, over 16 minutes. It began with an impact diameter of 500 metres, later widening to 1,000 metres at the end of its course," he explained.

At this point, he said, significant damage has been reported, such as totally and partially collapsed buildings, fallen trees and utility poles, broken doors and windows, as well as automobiles and containers that were dragged and turned over by the strong winds. Expeditious work began early on the clearing and collection of rubble across the city, he emphasized.

The number of deaths caused by the extreme weather rose to four and a total of 195 injuries had been reported, with these individuals receiving attention in several hospitals, according to Public Health Minister José Ángel Portal Miranda. Material damage is concentrated in the municipalities of Diez de Octubre, Regla, Guanabacoa, and San Miguel, he said, in 11 health care facilities.

The most difficult situation exists at the Hijas de Galicia Maternal Hospital, from which 196 patients were evacuated, 18 of whom were released and are now at home.

Regarding housing, Minister of Construction René Mesa Villafaña confirmed that the greatest amount of damage was to roof tops, which will need to be surveyed to begin deliveries of repair materials.

Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, Party first secretary in Havana, reported that initial surveys indicate that the number of dwellings affected has reached 1,238, of which 123 have totally collapsed and 625 partially, along with 224 that have lost their roofs entirely, and 124 to a lesser degree.

Given this information, President Díaz-Canel indicated that, as soon as losses are specified, distribution of the necessary resources to the population is to begin -- via the different established means -- so that these problems can be alleviated as soon as possible.

In terms of re-establishing electrical service, Minister of Energy and Mines Raúl García Barreiro reported that the issue should be resolved by January 31. Damage is concentrated in overhead lines, including both transmission and distribution lines, while only two substations remain out of service, those in Berroa and Guanabacoa, he said.

Antonio Rodríguez Rodríguez, president of the National Water Resources Institute, reported that damage to the system has been repaired. Affected neighbourhoods are being served via tank trucks and large water storage tanks have been placed at a variety of points accessible to the population.

More than 13,000 telephone lines have been reported out of operation at this time, informed Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, minister of Communications, while 12 brigades of 80 power line workers, with specialized vehicles, are already working to re-establish service. Work is underway, as well, on the mobile phone network and WiFi hotspots, as well as outdoor equipment, where the principal damages are concentrated.

The most significant agricultural impact was to tobacco, in the Pinar del Río municipalities of San Juan and San Luis, sector Minister Gustavo Rodríguez Rollero reported. Damage to fields and greenhouses in areas that experienced heavy rain are yet to be accurately determined, he said. Iris Quiñones Rojas, Minister of Food Industry, stated that during the early hours of January 28, bread production was resumed, to ensure the basic regulated supply, despite the fact that 36 bakeries remain without electricity.

Some 48 means of automotive transport are estimated to have suffered some type of damage, said the sector Minister, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila. At the time of the meeting, he reported that the central rail line had been re-opened, and the Regla ferry was operating by early that morning, an important commuter service for the municipality. Minister of Economy and Planning Alejandro Gil Fernández reported that the main resources needed to begin recovery work are available.

Schools were projected to reopen January 29 at all of the city's educational institutions, with alternate sites being prepared in some cases, to avoid affecting the academic year, said Minister of Education Ena Elsa Velázquez Cobiella.

It was reported that as recovery work advances, the communications media will continue promptly providing the people with all details.

(Granma, January 30, 2019. Edited slightly for style and grammar by TML.)

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 3 - February 2, 2019

Article Link:
Rapid, Organized Response to Tornado Damage in Havana - Yaima Puig Meneses


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