Message of Solidarity Received from
the African Union

On February 1 Venezuela's Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs informed on its website that the vice president of the African Union, Thomas Kwesi Quartey, sent a message of solidarity with the people of Venezuela and in support of the constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros. The Ministry noted that the message from the African Union, a political bloc of 55 states, was sent through the Venezuelan ambassador in Ethiopia, Modesto Ruíz.

The Ministry also reported that there were marches in support of the Venezuelan Government in Mali, Tunisia and Namibia on January 30 in which demonstrators denounced "the repeated, savage coup attempts U.S. imperialism has been plotting against Venezuela."

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 3 - February 2, 2019

Article Link:
Message of Solidarity Received from the African Union


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