in Venezuela by Military or "Diploma"> in Venezuela by Military or "Diploma">

Lima Group Meeting in Ottawa February 4

No to Foreign-Inspired "Regime Change"
in Venezuela by Military or "Diplomatic" Means!
Hands off Venezuela!

On Monday, February 4, Canada is hosting the 10th ministerial meeting of the group of countries said to number "more than a dozen" known as the Lima Group who since August 2017 have been operating as a private clique in cahoots with U.S. imperialism as it attempts to force regime change on Venezuela.

In a statement on its website announcing the meeting which will take place in Ottawa, Global Affairs Canada notes that foreign ministers from the Lima Group will be joined by participants "from the broader international community." It says they will discuss how to support Juan Guaidó, the hand-picked U.S. puppet who has proclaimed himself the "interim president" of Venezuela and "explore ways in which the international community can further support the people of Venezuela."

In trying to suggest that its gross interference in Venezuela's affairs is somehow a project of "the international community" the Trudeau government is being disingenuous. There are not only many countries but many more people, including people living in the U.S. and Canada, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and other countries whose governments have lined up behind the U.S. project for regime change, who oppose the dirty work their governments are engaging in against the Venezuelan people.

What the U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia and certain others reveal with their pretence of representing "the international community" is that they adhere to the post-World War II racist conception of the Anglo-American imperialists that the English-speaking peoples should decide and rule over the destiny of the world. For them the "international community" includes whoever they deem to be part of it.

Under this racist world view the fact that the U.S. could not get a resolution recognizing its puppet Guaidó passed at either the Organization of American States or the UN Security Council because the majority refused to go along with violating Venezuela's sovereignty and right to self-determination, is dismissed as irrelevant. So is the fact that Russia, China, Turkey, South Africa, India, Iran, Syria, and other UN member states have refused to go along with the U.S. replacing Venezuela's president with a puppet of its own, with many expressing full support for Nicolás Maduro as the duly elected president. No importance is given either to the expression of solidarity with the Venezuelan people and President Maduro by a ranking authority of the 55-member African Union, or the fact that many countries from different parts of Asia have not weighed in thus far.

Military Intervention vs. "Diplomacy"

The scenario operating in the background is similar to the one NATO employed against Libya and before that, Yugoslavia -- just as the twentieth anniversary of NATO's precedent-setting "humanitarian" bombing of that country in March 1999 approaches: engineer the creation of a crisis and use it as the pretext for an invasion. In the case of Venezuela there has been much talk by the U.S. and those it works with of the need to "open up a humanitarian corridor" allegedly to deliver food, medicine and other necessities its economic warfare has deliberately targeted in the country. This aid would be delivered to its puppet "president" in defiance of the authority of the Bolivarian government, requiring the use of force to "open up" and maintain such a swath of territory off-bounds to the sovereign authority of the country.

Talk of this serves another purpose as well -- to encourage speculation about the prospects of a U.S. military intervention and how and when that might take place. While preparations for an invasion are clearly being put in place, with threats of all kinds issued left and right by the U.S. bully about the military option being "on the table." (Trump just repeated on television  that it was still "an option.") It was also the main issue raised in a CBC interview with Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan on CBC's Power and Politics on February 1. Asked specifically if Canada was prepared to take part in a military intervention against Venezuela should it come to that, Sajjan refused to give a direct answer, making references instead to Canada's wish for a "peaceful" coup d'état, using imperialism's euphemism for it: "transition." After being pressed three times by the interviewer about what Canada was prepared to do, all he would say was, "I think it's far too premature to have any discussion regarding any type of military actions. We need to allow the diplomatic space and the experts to be able to move forward." All this speculation about whether or not foreign military action is planned diverts attention from the central fact which is that regardless of the means -- whether military or coercion and threats of other types, that Canada cynically refers to as "diplomacy" -- foreign-inspired regime change by any name and violation of a people's sovereignty and right to self-determination are crimes that deserve universal condemnation and must be unequivocally rejected. Period.

Hands off Venezuela!

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 3 - February 2, 2019

Article Link:
Lima Group Meeting in Ottawa February 4: No to Foreign-Inspired "Regime Change" in Venezuela by Military or "Diplomatic" Means! Hands off Venezuela! - Margaret Villamizar


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