Provincewide Actions Oppose Ford
Anti-Social Offensive in Education

Toronto, January 25, 2019

Across Ontario, post-secondary students are in action to oppose the Ford government’s anti-social offensive on education, including the attacks on their right to organize collectively in their student unions and associations. They boldly affirmed that education is a right and that the wealth of the society must be put at the disposal of realizing this right in practice, so that their skills and talents flourish and they can have a bright future and make their contribution to society. They refuse to be impoverished or criminalized for affirming their right to education.

Students are organizing a provincewide dayof action on February 4. Join in the actions and go all out to support the students!

This article was published in

Volume 49 Number 2 - January 26, 2019

Article Link:
Provincewide Actions Oppose Ford Anti-Social Offensive in Education


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