No. 37

June 18, 2024

No to NATO! Get Canada Out of NATO!

Demonstrate Against NATO Secretary General's Visit to Ottawa!

Business Council of Canada Calls for More NATO Military Spending

Canada's 2023 Military Goods and Technology Exports

– Nick Lin –

Shameless Export of Weapons to U.S./Zionist Warmongers

Genocidal Weapons Showcase at CFB Suffield, Alberta

– Merryn Edwards –

Two-Way Canada-Israel Arms Embargo Now!

Evidence of NATO's Increasing Desperation

U.S./NATO Proxy War in Ukraine Expanded with No Limits

NATO Defence Ministers Adopt Ukraine Support Plan Without Hungary's Approval

Reconstruction Conference Focuses on Rebuilding Ukraine as Investment Opportunity

U.S./NATO War Preparations

U.S./NATO Largest Baltic Sea Naval Exercise

NATO "Land Corridors"

• Rim of Pacific 2024 War Games, June 27 to August 1

U.S.-South Korea Large-Scale River Crossing Drills

No to NATO! Get Canada Out of NATO!

Demonstrate Against NATO Secretary General's Visit to Ottawa!

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) calls on peace-loving Canadians and Quebeckers to denounce the visit to Canada of Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on June 19.[1]

Stoltenberg arrives in Ottawa on June 19 to meet with Prime Minister Trudeau. He will be met with a militant demonstration of the opposition of Canadians to NATO and to Canada's militarization and participation in the U.S./NATO wars and war preparations. A NATO news release informs that in Ottawa he will receive the Louis St-Laurent Award of Excellence and give a speech followed by a Q and A at the Sir John A. Macdonald Building, 144 Wellington Street.

Stoltenberg is a virulent anti-communist who advocates expanding the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia and pursuing U.S. attempts to impose its hegemony on the entire world. This is being done at a time the peoples everywhere are demanding the Ukraine War be ended but the U.S., Britain and Canada are advocating direct NATO involvement in attacks on Russian territory. The Trudeau government is virulently pro the Nazi regime in Ukraine and is desperate to legitimate its appeasement of U.S./Zionist genocide in Palestine as well.

Stoltenberg's visit to Canada and the U.S. is no doubt directed at trying to pump new life into an unraveling NATO on the eve of its 75th anniversary Summit to be held in Washington, DC on July 9-11. Most importantly, however, it is also to further legitimate the travesty that NATO stands for peace. The extent of the travesty the government of Canada is attempting to pull off can be seen in the announcement that Stoltenberg will be awarded the Louis St-Laurent Award of Excellence during his visit.

The Louis St-Laurent award of Excellence is the highest award conferred on a member of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) "in recognition of a lifetime of outstanding service and professional achievement to the benefit of the legal profession, the CBA and society at large."[2]

According to the CBA, the "breadth and scope of achievement are significant factors in receipt of this award, as is the contribution that the individual has made to the goals and objectives of the CBA."

The Award was named in honour of Louis St-Laurent, a former Prime Minister of Canada and former President of the CBA.

Stoltenberg is clearly not a member of the CBA. We also doubt very much whether the members of the CBA were even consulted about this award, since the nomination procedure does not involve them. So why is he receiving this award? To answer this question we must go to Louis St. Laurent's role in the period after World War II as the architect of Canada's Cold War foreign policy.

In September 1946, St. Laurent became Secretary of State for External Affairs. He served in that post until two years later, when he became leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister, succeeding the Hitler-loving wartime prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King who retired in 1948. St. Laurent was Prime Minister from 1948 to1957. It was under his aegis that Canada became a founding member of NATO on April 30, 1949 when St. Laurent signed Canada's Instrument of Accession.

Canada is praised for contributing NATO's Article 2 which commits members to maintain a "free" political system and to promote economic cooperation. To cover up that NATO is an aggressive military pact pushing the hegemonic designs of the Anglo-American imperialists, a NATO "retrospective" praising Canada's role says: "From the beginning, Canada emphasized that NATO needed to be more than just a military pact -- it needed to promote political, economic and cultural bonds between its members. Since signing the North Atlantic Treaty, Canada has participated fully in NATO activities -- including stationing troops in Europe for the duration of the Cold War. Ultimately, Canada has worked to expand the definition of security at NATO, pushing for greater emphasis on civilian aspects of security while also contributing to the Alliance's military capabilities."

All of it is to perpetuate the ideology of the Cold War today according to which peace, freedom and democracy are secured by maintaining the monopoly over the use of force -- something which the peoples of the world as one humanity reject.

All Out to Oppose the Visit of NATO's Secretary-General to Canada!
Get Canada Out of NATO! Dismantle NATO!


1. In Washington DC on June 17, Stoltenberg will meet with President Biden. He is also scheduled to deliver a speech followed by a Q and A at the Wilson Center Auditorium. On June 18, he is scheduled to meet with the U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A NATO news release says he will also engage with U.S. senators, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and members of the Senate NATO Observer Group (SNOG).
On June 20, after his unwelcome visit to Canada, Stoltenberg is scheduled to meet U.S. National Security Adviser to the President, Jake Sullivan, Congressman Mike Turner and Congressman Gerry Connolly.
2. Nomination Procedure for the Louis St-Laurent Award of Excellence
Nominations may be submitted by individuals from the following groups: CBA National Section Chairs, CBA Branch Presidents, CBA National Committee and Subcommittee Chairs, and CBA Board of Directors.
Each candidate requires a minimum of one letter of support, to a maximum of three, from active CBA members.
Each nomination must include the candidate's curriculum vitae and completed application form.
Candidates must be CBA members in good standing at the time of nomination.
Governance and Equality Committee and current Board members are not eligible for the Award.
Groups are not acknowledged as candidates.
Selection Process
Applications are reviewed by the CBA Award Selection Panel and recommendation made to the Governance and Equality Committee.
The deadline for nominations is February 19, 2024 at 8:00 pm (ET).
The winner is presented with an engraved bronze medallion. The design of medallion was inspired by the bronze statue of The Right Honourable Louis St-Laurent which sits in front of the Supreme Court of Canada Building in Ottawa.
Award Winners 
For a list of award winners click here.

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Business Council of Canada Calls for More NATO Military Spending

On June 12, Business Council of Canada (BCC) President and Chief Executive Officer Goldy Hyder sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Canada regarding Canada's military spending and the July 9-11 NATO Summit in Washington. It calls for increased military spending to be offset by cuts to other areas of government spending. The BCC describes itself as an organization "composed of the chief executives and entrepreneurs of over 170 leading Canadian companies, operating in every sector and region of the country," who are "united by a deep commitment to Canada and a desire to help the country reach its full potential."

The letter expresses concern about the lack of government commitment to increase military spending to meet NATO's demands. The major failing of the Liberal government's most recent defence spending update, it says, is two-fold. First, it fails to have a definite plan to reach the target of military spending equivalent to two per cent of Canada's gross domestic product. The BCC calls for the target for that to be 2029-30. Second, it says, insofar as the government's current military spending plans, it has failed to indicate "that new investments in defence would be offset by a strategic program review which reallocates funds from other areas of government."

Posing a rhetorical question as to "why an organization comprised of the chief executives of the leading and largest companies in Canada would have a position on defence spending," the letter says the first reason is that "we are proud citizens who believe our country must have the sovereign capacity to protect Canadians in a far more turbulent world, one marked by growing geopolitical confrontation." The second reason is that, "like all Canadians, [we] believe our country must keep its word once it has been given. Our standing on the global stage is undermined when we shirk our responsibilities and fail to share the burdens of upholding the open and free global order, that has provided Canadians with unprecedented levels of safety, security and prosperity."

Confirming once again that Canada is in lockstep with the U.S. warmongers, the letter continues: "To be clear, the world is watching. Just last month you received a letter from 23 U.S. Senators, both Democrats and Republicans, calling Canadians out for our shortfall in defence spending. The reality is that Canadian business leaders are met with similar calls and questions as we travel internationally and visit the capitals of our main allies."

The government often argues that it makes up for falling short of the NATO demand that all members devote at least two per cent of their GDP to NATO by supporting NATO in all kinds of other ways but Canada's big business interests are on a bandwagon to press for more spending on NATO come what may. The letter suggests that among the NATO members, "there is growing concern that Canada -- one of the 12 founding members -- will be singled out at that summit as the only member of the 32-nation alliance who has not committed to invest at least two per cent of GDP on defence by the end of this decade." "The consequences that would result from this diplomatic isolation, in terms of both our security and economic partnerships, will have broad ramifications for all Canadians," it threatens.

Canadians need to escalate their opposition to the all-round militarization of all of life which the Business Council of Canada promotes. How to defend Canada's security is an important topic of discussion. A good place to start is to oppose NATO and Canada's membership in NATO and demand that NATO be dismantled. At this time, every effort is being made by the ruling circles to impose the use of force as the only way to resolve problems in the world. NATO is an aggressive military alliance which also exercises its political dictate on governments of member states. As the Business Council says, "new investments in defence would be offset by a strategic program review which reallocates funds from other areas of government." Canadians do not support spending on aggression and war or the vicious anti-social offensive which cuts back social spending in favour of the arms industry and increasing the wealth of narrow private interests.

The letter concludes: "We live in increasingly perilous and uncertain times. It is vital that Canadians work cooperatively with our NATO allies to defend our borders, our interests, and our values. If we, as a country, fail to make this benchmark level of investment in defence, as successive Canadian governments including yours have promised, we will put lives and livelihoods at risk."

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Canada's 2023 Military Goods and
Technology Exports

– Nick Lin –

Edmonton, June 8, 2024

Canada's membership in NATO is used to promote more and more spending on the military and increased integration of Canada into the U.S. war machine and war economy in the name of peace, security and other fabrications. Canada's role in the manufacture and export of weapons worldwide is a matter of serious concern for working people in Canada and Quebec. They do not want their productive capacity to be used in wars of destruction and for the killing of working people and peoples all over fighting for their right to be, the wrecking of the social and natural environment or to benefit those who seek to enrich themselves from wanton killing and destruction.

Based on the latest available information from the Canadian government, in 2023 Canada exported more than $4 billion worth of military goods and technology, with at least half of this going to the U.S. Besides the U.S., Canada issued a total of 2,353 export permits to 97 countries. Of these, 1,987 permits were utilized by 78 countries. By far, the greatest number of permits were utilized by Israel, 348. The next four highest were the UK with 305; Germany, 210; France 110; and Australia, 94. By value, the five highest recipients of Canadian military exports besides the U.S. were Saudi Arabia, $904,557,860.32; Ukraine, $416,742,800.09; Germany, $111,190,177.50; UK, $106,943,589.16; and Qatar, $73,075,125.33.

This information comes from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) which recently released its report 2023 Exports of Military Goods and Technology. The first paragraph of the report states that it "is tabled annually in the Parliament of Canada to promote transparency around Canadian exports of military items. The report provides information on the export of military goods and technology (including parts and components) from Canada in a given calendar year."

Once again, the government's use of the word transparency is fraudulent. It is commonly used by official circles to divert attention from the essence of any matter. In the case of weapons exports, the government's definition of transparency applies only to those goods that require export permits, while arms exports to the U.S., for example, take place under a different framework and those figures are not provided in the report.

The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC), once known as War Supplies Ltd., has as one of its aims to assist Canadian arms makers to sell their goods to the U.S. It states on its website that the U.S. Department of Defense "relies on Canadian exports for a vast array of military goods and services -- everything from technologies and transportation to manufacturing and R&D -- to the tune of more than $2 billion a year. Some of the most sought-after solutions include search, detection, navigation and guidance technologies ($506 million), aircraft parts and auxiliary manufacturing ($263 million), aircraft manufacturing ($61 million) and small arms ammunition and manufacturing ($60 million)."

The CCC says of Canada's role to supply the U.S. war machine: "As the world's largest military spender, the U.S. Department of Defense (U.S. DoD) is on the radar of defence companies worldwide. Thanks to the Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), Canadian firms enjoy a unique relationship with the U.S. DoD market that allows them to compete on equal footing with American firms. [...]

"The DPSA views Canadian companies as vital to North America's industrial base and puts their bids on equal footing with those of U.S. firms. While it opens the door for the U.S. DoD to buy from Canadian companies, the actual laws and regulations that govern purchases are detailed in a different document called the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS).

"U.S. DoD procurement regulations also contribute to Canada's advantage in accessing the largest defence market in the world. The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) helps U.S. DoD procurement specialists understand how they should treat Canadian bids and how they should contract with Canadian suppliers."

This separate system for export of military goods and technology to the U.S. -- the largest arms supplier and military funder of Israel -- further disproves Canada's claim that it has now stopped arms shipments to Israel. A case in point is the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets that are relentlessly bombing Gaza, which include many components made in Canada. 

This shows that the export control system implemented by Global Affairs Canada is reflective of which countries are considered hostile and which are considered allies according to U.S./NATO hegemonic aims and Canada's self-promotion as a so-called defender of human rights. This is evident in which countries are subject to export controls or are outright banned from receiving Canadian military goods or technology. For example, the high level of exports to Saudi Arabia in 2023 directly implicates Canada in the U.S.-backed Saudi war on Yemen. So too, the extent of Canada's military support for Zionist Israel is presented as purely a business affair, while the large amount of public funds sent to Ukraine is more often than not touted as humanitarian aid. Since February 2022, besides $4 billion in military assistance, Canada has donated Leopard 2 battle tanks, anti-tank weapons, M777 howitzers, artillery ammunition, winter clothing, and more to Ukraine.

The Department of National Defence issued a press release on June 12, which announced that "the first four of 50 new Armoured Combat Support Vehicles (ACSVs) built by Canadian workers for donation to Ukraine are departing for Europe, where members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) will be trained in their use this summer. The first 10 of these vehicles being donated are the ACSVs ambulance variant."

Defence Minister Bill Blair and Peter Fragiskatos, Member of Parliament for London North Centre, visited General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada "to see the initial tranche of departing vehicles and to thank the workers who built them. The vehicles are being transported from London, Ontario for delivery to Europe." The implication that London workers support wars of destruction and wanton killing because they build these vehicles is a cheap shot because Canadians have no say whatsover on these matters.

Canada is investing $650 million over three years to provide Ukraine with these Armoured Combat Support Vehicles. "These state-of-the-art armoured vehicles will fulfil a wide variety of roles on the battlefield -- including transporting troops, providing secure locations for command and control, and enabling medical evacuations. These ACSVs, also used by the Canadian Army, provide a high degree of manoeuverability and protection to their crews and payloads, DoD says. "The ambulance variant of ACSVs is equipped with medical equipment and an internal layout that will allow for the treatment of a wide range of injuries."

After saying "members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) will be trained in their use this summer," the DoD press release says, these initial 10 vehicles "will be delivered to Ukraine by the fall and will enable the AFU to safely evacuate wounded personnel from combat zones."

In the absence of being honest about what Canada is doing in Ukraine or what its support for Israel and membership in NATO are all about, to suggest that Global Affairs' report on export of weapons is transparent is absurd. It brings Global Affairs no credibility whatsoever.

The report betrays the outlook of the ruling circles, namely that the integration of Canada's economy and foreign policy into the U.S. war machine is a fact of life about which Canadians and Quebeckers are not permitted to have any say whatsoever, which is why peace-loving people use every opportunity to oppose the arms shows and sales which take place as part of the militarization of all of life.

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Shameless Export of Weapons to the
U.S./Zionist Warmongers

Protest at CANSEC armaments trade show, May 29, 2024

Global Affairs Canada (GAC) reports, "Canadian companies exported a record-breaking total of $30.6 million in military goods to Israel in 2023." The annual GAC account tracks exports of military goods to foreign countries excluding the United States. The report continues, "Canada's exports of military goods to Israel in 2023 were the highest on record, surpassing the previous record of $28.7 million in 1987 (adjusted for inflation) by 6.6 per cent. Over the past 10 years alone, annual Canadian exports of military goods to Israel have increased more than sixfold from $4.8 million in 2013."

The Canadian government attempts to whitewash its relations with the U.S./Zionist proxy regime committing genocide against the Palestinian people by saying only permits for non-lethal goods have been authorized since the beginning of the latest U.S./Zionist campaign of genocide that began last October. Most experts concur that the term "non-lethal" carries no legal meaning and could refer to components of deadly military hardware.

Also, military exports flow indirectly from Canada to the Zionist regime through U.S. and European military production including necessary material used in the production of Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter jets and bombs. These warplanes of mass destruction are the main delivery system of the bombs that kill and maim Palestinians, including thousands of children. Wings Magazine reported in January 2020, "Canadian contributions to the manufacture of the F-35 are numerous. More than 20 Canadian firms are providing key elements of the Lightning II, but the number of domestic firms contributing to the F-35 is much higher. For example, Magellan Aerospace supplies parts for the horizontal tail, and other parts for the armaments bay. Canadian expertise in composite parts, locking mechanisms, lighting, circuit boards, navigation aids, electronic warfare capabilities and engine health monitoring systems contributes to the F-35's growing capabilities."

In early June the U.S. militarists announced a $3 billion purchase agreement with Lockheed Martin to supply the Zionist military with a third squadron of 25 F-35 fighter jets. The purchase is wholly financed using U.S. military aid to its Zionist outpost in occupied Palestine.

With gross hypocrisy GAC reports, "No permits [for military exports] have been issued since January 8, 2024." In fact, the federal government has not issued a formal notice to pause authorizations of new permits even though the Liberals promised to do so following the passage of a non-binding vote in Parliament on March 19. Also, any pause, whether real or not, does not apply to any permits authorized before January 8. The Trudeau government authorized new permits for military exports to the U.S./Zionist regime valued at $28.5 million during the last quarter of 2023. Those export permits include a broad range of military goods.

GAC says the U.S./Zionist regime remains on the Automatic Firearms Country Control List, which contrary to its title "allows Canadian residents to apply for permits to export prohibited firearms, weapons and devices to that destination." The government has not denied any category of exports to the Zionist regime even though GAC says Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister must "deny exports and brokering permit applications for military goods and technology if there is a substantial risk that the items would undermine peace and security, or could be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws, acts constituting an offence under international conventions relating to terrorism or organized crime, serious acts of gender-based violence or serious acts of violence against women and children."

The U.S./Zionist regime brazenly and without shame daily kills hundreds of Palestinian children, women and other civilians as can be seen on television and social media. The murderous regime is currently under official investigation and trial by the International Court of Justice of the United Nations for its genocidal campaign in Gaza in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention. UN experts say continued arms exports to the Zionist regime called Israel "including export licences and military aid [...] likely violate international humanitarian law." Exports will tie any country to the crime of genocide. The UN statement specifically names Canada as one of several countries that continue to export military goods to the Zionist regime.

Of note, GAC does not disclose the nature or amount of Canadian exports of military goods to the United States, which end up committing war crimes against humanity throughout West Asia including Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Project Ploughshares estimates the total value of annual military exports to the U.S. to be more than $1 billion and growing as Canada becomes more firmly ensconced in the U.S. war economy. Project Ploughshares explicitly warns that some Canadian-made components, including those found in F-35 fighter jets, are first shipped to the U.S. and then ultimately supplied to the Zionist occupying regime in Palestine.

Canadians Stand with Palestinians and the World Against Genocide and for a Free Palestine!

Stop Arming Child Killers!
Stop All Contact with the U.S./Zionist Genocide Regime!
Make Canada a Zone for Peace!
Break Free from the U.S. Militarists!

(With files from Alex Cosh, news editor of The Maple. The GAC report is available here )

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Genocidal Weapons Showcase at
CFB Suffield, Alberta

– Merryn Edwards –

Israeli weapons companies are being featured at a Department of National Defence (DND) arms showcase that opened May 27 and runs to June 21 at Canadian Forces Base Suffield in southern Alberta. CFB Suffield is hosting a demonstration of Israeli weapons made by companies who sell arms used by the Israeli Occupation Forces against Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank. Canada hosting this showcase of Israeli weapons even as the International Court of Justice has issued its ruling demanding that Israel immediately cease military operations in Rafah is shameful and unforgivable.

The DND website promoting the event aims to attract guests ready to try out drone prototypes on anti-drone systems made by 15 companies from Canada, the U.S., the UK, Australia and Israel. These companies, dubbed by DND as "innovators," are selling anti-drone systems equipped to detect and/or destroy uncrewed aerial drone weaponry. The DND list includes Israeli company Twenty20Insight Inc., which is demonstrating the Smash Hopper system, and the U.S./Israeli collaboration Sentrycs with their Counter Uncrewed Aerial Systems.[1]

Participants in the weapons testing event are promised "[u]p to five days of your free, personal full-time use of our fully equipped Counter Uncrewed Aerial Systems (CUAS) test range including targets." DND calls on "Innovators" to "[bring] your A-game to beat our Red Team drones" as they compete for "[m]onetary prizes for selected Sandbox game-changers."

Presenting this event where merchants of death gather to best one another with their "toys" as akin to a jovial video game gathering shows the depths of depravity and shamelessness to which Canada and its military have descended.

Sindhu Sundarakumar, a guest at the DND 2022 Sandbox event, is featured in a promotional video on the site. She explains that CFB Suffield's southern Alberta location, with its wide-open skies and 360-degree sight lines, is ideal for such testing.

While they "play" with weaponry and listen to sales pitches, participants can also chit chat with "subject matter experts" from branches of the Canadian military and the RCMP, as well as the U.S. Department of Defense Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate.

The website The Maple describes the real life use in Palestine of weapons being tested in Canada:

"The 'Smash Hopper' is a remote control weapon system developed and manufactured by Israeli arms company 'Smart Shooter,' whose technology is deployed by the Israeli military in fortifications that are used to suppress Palestinian dissent in the occupied West Bank, as well as in military hardware currently being used in Israel's assault on Gaza.[...]

"Last December, Smart Shooter CEO Michal Mor, a former employee of Israeli missile maker RAFAEL, boasted that her company's goods, which include high-tech rifle optics as well as remote control turrets, were being used by the Israeli military in Gaza in both face-to-face combat and to take out drones.[2]

While the DND site speaks of "anti-drone" capabilities, in fact the Smash Hopper is designed to also attack "ground targets" such as "dismounted hostiles and moving vehicles" -- that is Palestinian men, women and children. The Israeli military claims that Smart Shooter's rifle optics technology quadruples its soldiers' chances of hitting their targets in Gaza.[3]

Smart Shooter's marketing of its products as battle-tested on Palestinians during the latest war is a typical practice among Israeli arms companies. For example, Elbit Systems has been advertising the "key benefit" of a new precision-guided 120mm mortar bomb called the Iron Sting that is used in Gaza, being its "high lethality and precision."[4] The Iron Sting is promoted as one of the weapons that "aids IDF troops in eliminating enemies with precision."[5]

The claims of "precision" strikes are clear statements of genocidal intent in the targeted killing of Gaza's doctors and other health care workers, top scholars, historians, scientists, writers, poets, artists, aid workers, journalists, and their families, and the mass killing of more than 37,300 Palestinians in Gaza, with 11,000 missing people and more than 85,000 wounded.

Another Israeli-based company participating in the "sandbox" event is Sentrycs, which offers an "autonomous and integrated counter-drone solution providing detection, tracking, identification, and mitigation."

Despite the extravagant claims about the overwhelming advantage of these high-tech weapons, the resistance has found ways to use homemade attack drones to outsmart Israel's high-tech defence systems. For example, the Gaza border fence was deemed "impenetrable."

The event is a disgusting display of the Canadian government's enthusiasm to fully integrate with the U.S./Israeli war project specifically and the U.S. war machine and economy as a whole. Philippe Hebert, Director General, Defence Research and Development with the DND, also appears in the promotional video, where he expresses his hopes that the event will let participants know about "our role in terms of supporting innovation for the Canadian Armed Forces as a research and development establishment."

Canadians say No! to the Canadian Armed Forces acting as salesman for weapons used in the commission of crimes against humanity!


1. "Counter Uncrewed Aerial Systems Sandbox 2024," Department of National Defence. 
2. "Canada to Host Tests of Israeli Arms Tech Used on Palestinians," Alex Cosh, The Maple, April 23, 2024.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. "The IDF's Most Precise GPS-Powered Mortar: The Iron Sting," X, March 17, 2024.
(With files from, Al Jazeera, AP News, France 24, DND)

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Two-Way Canada-Israel Arms Embargo Now!

The House of Commons voted on March 18 to "cease the further authorization and transfer of arms exports to Israel to ensure compliance with Canada's arms export regime."

Although the motion gives the impression that Canada is banning arms exports, this is not the case. Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly stated after the vote that a record number of approvals totalling $28.5 million between October and December 2023 would still go ahead despite the vote. Furthermore, loopholes clearly exist for the sale of components which in and of themselves are classified as "non-lethal," but which are in fact used in lethal weaponry.

Canadians are demanding an arms embargo now, a clear two-way embargo in which Canada does not permit the sale of any weapons or components to Israel, nor does it permit the purchase of arms from Israeli companies, all of which are providing the weapons for Israel's genocide.

Hosting a sale of weapons "battle tested" on the Palestinian people constitutes active support for genocide, and those responsible must be held to account. The call for a two-way arms embargo also brings to the fore the necessity to end Canada's integration into the U.S. war machine and economy as Canadian arms and components would continue to make their way to Israel via the U.S. to be used against the people of the world in U.S. wars of aggression and revenge.

A transparent, two-way arms embargo is an important and urgent measure that people of conscience are demanding. The reprehensible provision of a "sandbox" on Canadian territory for purveyors of genocide must not pass! Halting the sale of all arms used to attack the people of the world and the struggles of people for their independence and sovereignty is an important part of the work to Make Canada a Zone for Peace!

(With files from, Al Jazeera, AP News, France 24, DND)

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Evidence of NATO's Increasing Desperation

U.S./NATO Proxy War in Ukraine Expanded
with No Limits

On June 5, for the first time in the U.S./NATO proxy war, Ukraine used long-range cruise missiles provided by the U.S. to directly attack Russia, having received the U.S. go-head in mid-May.

This pronounced shift in the war alliance's approach to the U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine was made official at the Parliamentary Assembly meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on May 30 and 31 in Prague, Czech Republic. There, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called for allies to lift restrictions on using Western-supplied weapons against targets in Russia.

U.S. officials informed the Associated Press prior to this meeting that the U.S. decision to remove such restrictions was actually taken on May 15 without any public statement by the Biden administration about the change of policy. Meanwhile, in typical irrational U.S. double-speak, officials even continued to publicly deny the decision to expand military attacks by their proxy Ukraine into Russia while at the same time claiming they are only being given a limited use. In an official statement on May 31, the Biden administration claimed, "Our policy with respect to prohibiting the use of ATACMS or long-range strikes inside of Russia has not changed" and that the change in authorization is for the "limited purpose of defending Kharkhiv."

Several other NATO countries have also given Ukraine long-range cruise missiles. The New York Times notes, "Britain weeks ago allowed Ukraine to use its Storm Shadow long-range missile systems for attacks anywhere in Russia, and France and Germany recently took the same position." France 24 reported on May 24 that French President Emmanuel Macron said Ukraine should be allowed to "neutralize" military bases on Russian territory that are firing missiles into Ukraine. While Canada has no such weapons, on May 29 it gave authorization for whatever materiel it has provided to Ukraine to be used against Russia.

Up to this point, NATO countries had been going to great lengths to deny direct involvement in the conflict, so as to be able to claim that they are not escalating an already dangerous situation and to give credibility to so-called peace initiatives that do not get to the heart of the matter.

Besides calling for all NATO-supplied weapons to be used to attack Russia, the meeting in Prague was also for purposes of planning the agenda for the NATO Washington Summit in July. Stepping up the supply of weapons and funding the proxy war against Russia was the key agenda. Secretary General Stoltenberg highlighted the fact that "practically all military aid to Ukraine -- 99 per cent -- comes from NATO Allies," affirming it made sense that NATO should play "a greater role" in these efforts.

"Allies have provided approximately 40 billion euros worth of military aid to Ukraine each year," Stoltenberg emphasized. He added that, in order to accelerate the end of the war, NATO members must maintain "at least" current levels of support to Ukraine "for as long as necessary. Russia must understand that it cannot wait us out."

This confirms that the U.S./ NATO proxy war against Russia has, besides other things, been unsuccessful in mobilizing the rest of the world behind its nefarious agenda. It is also known that Ukraine's military is critically short of ammunition, troops and training at current levels of support. Its eventual defeat is a forgone conclusion. NATO's decision to expand its war into one with no limits confirms its desperation and the dire situation it is forcing on the Ukrainian people by offering them more death and destruction.

Regarding the imminent deployment of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine by various NATO members, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on May 30: "The supply of increasingly destructive weapons to the Kiev regime indicates the West's lack of interest in ending the conflict. The delivery of American F-16 fighters will not change the situation on the front lines. These aircraft will be destroyed, just like other types of weapons supplied by NATO countries to Ukraine. It is important to note that F-16 fighters have long been a primary means of delivery in NATO's so-called joint nuclear missions. Therefore, we cannot help but view the supply of these systems to the Kiev regime as a deliberate signalling action by NATO in the nuclear sphere. They are trying to convey that the U.S. and NATO are ready to go to any lengths in Ukraine."

For his part, then Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, speaking to the Defence Ministry's board on April 21, pointed out that Ukraine has lost almost half a million soldiers since the beginning of the special military operation in 2022. According to him, the Zelensky regime failed to achieve its goals in the counteroffensive prepared by NATO instructors. The Russian military has more intensively targeted Ukrainian logistic centres and storage facilities storing Western weapons, he said. "We will increase the intensity of strikes against logistics centres and storage bases for Western weapons," Shoigu said.

Shoigu pointed out that meanwhile, most of the $61 billion assistance package that the United States allocated to Ukraine will finance the U.S. military industry. The Russian military industry will continue to increase the production of weapons and military equipment in proportion to the threats posed by the U.S. and its allies he added.

The Russian Army will receive the first units of new-generation anti-aircraft systems, Shoigu said: "This year the troops will receive the first units of the new-generation S-500 anti-aircraft missile system in two modifications -- long-range anti-aircraft missile systems and missile defence systems; S-400, S-300V4, Buk-M3, Tor-M2U anti-aircraft missile systems; and new-generation radar stations."

He pointed out that NATO has deployed up to 33,000 servicepeople, about 300 tanks and more than 800 other types of armoured vehicles near borders of Russia. Shoigu also said that NATO drills involving up to 90,000 servicepeople were taking place at that time, and the exercises are mimicking supposed impending Russian aggression. The defence minister also said that NATO is trying to strengthen its activity in the Arctic, while Sweden's accession to NATO has increased tensions. "Sweden's entry into the North Atlantic Alliance in early March has increased military and political tensions in the Western and Northwestern strategic directions," Shoigu said.

Response from Russia

On June 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated to media that Russia has no illusions about what is going on in Ukraine. While Ukrainian troops might be pulling the trigger, the U.S. and its allies are providing the intelligence and targeting information. In response, Russia will boost air defences and destroy these missiles, Putin said, while reserving the right to respond in like manner.

"Secondly, if someone deems it possible to supply such weapons to the war zone, to strike our territory why shouldn't we supply similar weapons to those regions of the world, where they will be used against sensitive sites of these countries? We can respond asymmetrically. We will give it a thought," he said. If the U.S. and NATO countries continue to escalate such actions, it "will completely destroy international relations and undermine international security," Putin added.

"If we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against Russia, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way. This is a recipe for very serious problems," he warned.

Putin warned prior to this in remarks made May 28 while in Uzbekistan that long-range strikes on Russian territory using weaponry supplied by the U.S. and other NATO countries represent a conflict escalation and will lead to "serious consequences."

Putin explained that long-range precision strikes require space reconnaissance assets -- which Ukraine does not have, but the U.S. does -- and that this targeting is already done by "highly qualified specialists" from the NATO countries, without Ukrainian participation.

The Russian Security Council's Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev warned on his Telegram channel, noting that the participation of NATO specialists could be seen as a casus belli: "All their military equipment and specialists fighting against us will be destroyed both on the territory of former Ukraine and on the territory of other countries, should strikes be carried out from there against Russian territory." He added that Russia is basing itself on the reality that all long-range weapons supplied to Ukraine are "directly operated by servicemen from NATO countries," which is tantamount to participation in the war against Russia and a reason to start combat operations.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview that this development "is not only significant for us. In a joint statement following the recent visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China, it was noted that such destabilizing actions by the U.S. represent a direct threat to both our country and China. Therefore, we have agreed with our Chinese partners to increase cooperation to counteract Washington's irresponsible behaviour, which undermines international stability. The implementation of U.S. plans to deploy ground-based INF missiles [ground-based intermediate and shorter-range missiles] will not go unanswered by us. Specifically, in this scenario, the abandonment of unilateral self-imposed restrictions introduced by Russia after a U.S. withdrawal from the INF [Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces] Treaty is inevitable. Additional steps in the field of nuclear deterrence are also not ruled out, as forward-deployed American missiles could target our command posts and locations of our nuclear forces. Decisions on these matters are within the competence of the president of the Russian Federation. [...]

"Let's hope that sooner or later, political forces will emerge in Ukraine that care about the interests of the people. For now, there is no other option but to continue the Special Military Operation until its goals are achieved."

Speaking of Russia's participation in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a body that is meant to enforce how such weapons are used, Lavrov gave the view that "the OSCE is in deep crisis. This is the result of the West trampling on all the principles upon which this organization was founded. The total 'Ukrainization' of its agenda nearly nullifies its activities in traditional areas: military-political, economic-environmental, and humanitarian. Perhaps the only reason for Russia's continued participation in the OSCE is the opportunity to directly convey our position on current issues to the other 56 participants, including those Western states that have 'frozen' dialogue with us in other formats. Additionally, the organization's consensus rule allows us to block proposals from unfriendly countries that do not suit Russia." 

Concerns Expressed by Other Countries

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on May 30 expressed his concerns about the prospects of an ever-expanding NATO war on Russia. "Next to us, the war between our Black Sea neighbours, Russia and Ukraine, is in its third year. Unfortunately, the Istanbul Process, which we worked for and which aimed to reach fair peace agreements, was sabotaged and blocked by war lobbyists who obstructed it," Erdogan said. He also pointed out that "no one knows when and how the war will end," which "constantly increases the financial costs for the region and the world."

The government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for its part has for some time been expressing its concerns about NATO's ever-expanding war against Russia. In April he said he would be ready to declare Hungary neutral if NATO were to send troops to Ukraine and thereby get involved in a direct war with Russia. The European Union (EU) is openly talking about retaliatory measures against Hungary for its opposition to escalating military and financial aggression against Russia. for example reported that Hungary is to be meted out a dose of "punishment" by fellow EU leaders for its staunch opposition to arming Ukraine. Hungary has resisted pressure from all sides to march in lockstep with other EU and NATO patrons of Ukraine.

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NATO Defence Ministers Adopt Ukraine Support Plan Without Hungary's Approval

NATO Ministers of Defence held a two-day meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on June 13-14, their final meeting before the NATO Summit in Washington, DC, July 9-11. The meeting was co-chaired by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. It was held in coordination with the 57-country U.S.-led "Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG)."

The main aim of the meetings was to guarantee military support for Ukraine while it faces defeat in the U.S./NATO proxy war with Russia. Since last year, Ukraine has been trying to overcome a dire shortage of troops through a new mobilization law that came into effect in May after military officials said in December 2023 that another 500,000 troops were needed. Ukraine has also been unable to overcome a shortage of ammunition since last year and this is expected to be the case throughout the rest of this year as its so-called allies still do not have the capacity to produce what is needed. Former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter, a knowledgeable commentator on Ukraine, on June 14 gave the view that Ukraine is losing close to 2,000 troops on the battlefield every day and that the Ukrainian army does not have the weapons or tactical skills to prevail in the battlefield.

On the first day, Ukrainian Defence Minister Rustem Umerov briefed the NATO-Ukraine Council meeting on battlefield developments and Ukraine's "most pressing needs." Speaking after the meeting, Stoltenberg admitted, "Delays in our support have had serious consequences, and we must not let that happen again. The good news is that Allies are stepping up. But Ukraine needs predictable support for the long term."

Stoltenberg added: "The paradox is that the longer we plan, and the longer we commit, the sooner Ukraine can have peace." He added that such "credible, long term commitment" will show Russia that it cannot "wait out Allied support." Gone is the confidence of the U.S./NATO when they began their proxy war in Ukraine against Russia that the latter would soon be defeated.

On the sidelines of the first day of meetings, NATO member states adopted an operational plan for enhanced support to Ukraine, which provides for a bigger role for NATO in its proxy war with Russia, through the provision of armaments and training for Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrainska Pravda reports, "According to the NATO-approved plan, in the future, the Alliance will be responsible for the international coordination of armament supply and training for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"Among other things, the plan provides for the creation of an analogue of the Security Assistance Group-Ukraine (SAG-U) by NATO, which operates under the European Headquarters of the U.S. Armed Forces in the German city of Wiesbaden and includes about 300 soldiers." The SAG-U, the U.S. military claims, "coordinate[s] the training and equipping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and also help[s] to increase their situational awareness."

A news report from Politico explains that the reason for the operational plan and the coordination with the UDCG is for NATO to take over the role of the U.S. in coordinating military aid to Ukraine, to "Trump-proof" the UDCG "given the possibility that former U.S. President Donald Trump could return to the White House in November elections" and that he could roll back U.S. commitments to Ukraine. A NATO official told Politico, "The U.S. leadership of UDCG will stay. But NATO will play a coordinating role."

NATO likes to claim that it takes its decisions by consensus, however, it was forced to abandon this "principle" and adopt the operational plan without it. The operational plan had been blocked by Hungary, which would not give its approval due to concerns expressed by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that the plan could lead to a "direct confrontation" with Russia. Orbán later explained that he and Stoltenberg had come to an agreement that Hungary would not block NATO decisions regarding Ukraine, but it would not participate in supporting Ukraine either.

At the end of the second day of meetings, Stoltenberg announced that through the plan, NATO will oversee the training of Ukrainian armed forces at training facilities in NATO member countries, the coordination and deployment of military donations to Ukraine, and the transfer and repair of equipment. NATO will also "provide support to the long-term development of Ukraine's Armed Forces."

At a press conference following the NATO Defence Ministers' meeting, Austin repeated the disinformation that the war was instigated by Russia, not the U.S. which orchestrated regime change to bring in a reactionary and virulently anti-Russian government in 2014 that the U.S./NATO has now armed to the teeth. Despite evidence of the eastward expansion of the warmongering alliance NATO, Austin nonetheless insisted, "Putin's war is not the result of NATO enlargement. Putin's war is a cause of NATO enlargement, and NATO is more resolute and more capable than ever."

Austin blustered about NATO's "enduring commitment to a free and sovereign Ukraine," saying the Washington Summit will create steps to Ukraine's membership in NATO and re-affirm the U.S.' continued military and financial support for the war against Russia in Ukraine. Should Ukraine be given membership, this would surely be another unacceptable escalation by NATO.

Canada's Participation

Canada was represented at the UDCG and NATO Defense Ministers' Meeting by Defence Minister Bill Blair.

At the UDCG meeting, Blair announced that Canada will be sending 2,300 CRV7 rocket motors to Ukraine. He also announced that Canada will provide more than 130,000 surplus rounds of small arms ammunition as well as 29 Nanuk Remote Weapons Systems that are installed on armoured vehicles, also surplus from the Canadian Armed Forces inventory. In addition, he announced that the first four of 50 armoured vehicles built by General Dynamics Land Systems-Canada in London, Ontario will be sent to Ukraine as well.

Following the UDCG meeting, Blair signed a Letter of Intent for the Armour Capability Coalition, a grouping within the UDCG focused on procuring armoured vehicles for Ukraine. Canada is also a member of the "Drone Capability Coalition" and "Air Force Capability Coalition" of the UDCG. At a separate meeting with the members of the "Drone Coalition," Blair announced that 900 Canadian-built drones will be delivered to Ukraine in June with more to arrive in the following months. He also informed the UDCG that Canada has recently invested $3 million to support the production of drones in Ukraine.

At the NATO Defence Ministers' meeting Blair announced that Canada is "steadfast" in its commitment to NATO and is deploying HMCS Charlottetown from Halifax to "join and assume leadership of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 in the Mediterranean Sea." This battleship will participate in NATO exercises over the next six months.

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Reconstruction Conference Focuses on Rebuilding Ukraine as Investment Opportunity

The Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 (URC2024) took place in Berlin, Germany from June 11-12, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in attendance. It is the second such conference, with the first taking place in London, England in June 2023. The conference said it is "dedicated to the swift recovery and long-term reconstruction of Ukraine" and that the "key goal of the URC2024 was to mobilize continued international support for recovery, reconstruction, reform, and modernization of Ukraine. This includes providing emergency assistance for immediate needs, implementing rapid recovery projects and creating attractive conditions for businesses to unlock the private sector investments in Ukraine, and civil society to actively engage in the reconstruction process."

The reconstruction conference did not deal with the need for peace negotiations as the basis for successful reconstruction, but was positioned as "an integral part of international diplomatic efforts such as the upcoming G7 Summit in Italy, as well as the Summit on Peace for Ukraine hosted by Switzerland."

As was the case in 2023, this year's conference was also organized on the basis of putting private business interests in the first place as the basis for rebuilding Ukraine, not the Ukrainian people and what is needed to ensure their well-being. The conference listed four "thematic dimensions" as follows:

- Business Dimension -- Mobilizing the Private Sector for Reconstruction and Economic Growth;

- Human Dimension -- Social Recovery and Human Capital for the Future of Ukraine;

- Local and Regional Dimension -- Recovery of Municipalities and Regions; and

- European Union (EU) Dimension -- EU Accession and Related Reforms.

A statement issued following the conference said that it "offered business representatives a forum to seize new opportunities, announce new collaborations and strengthen existing partnerships. With the support of its international partners, the forum presented a comprehensive set of existing and new measures and incentives designed to facilitate and de-risk investments and trade under the current circumstances. These measures include guarantees from G7 countries and the EU, political and risk insurance tools, commercial reinsurance projects, state-sponsored programs for investment support, streamlined processes for construction and infrastructure projects, long-term housing finance, tax incentives and access to affordable project financing." The conference promoted "Flagship projects of international business [that] showcased their success stories of doing business in Ukraine in key sectors such as defence, manufacturing and energy."

Underscoring the neo-liberal, capital-centred approach to reconstruction is the wording of the statement that "For the first time, the URC2024 also placed the human dimension at the centre of the discussion." It said, "The URC2024 promoted solutions for the mobilization of human capital for reconstruction, as well as for social cohesion and inclusiveness issues. Participants discussed topics such as education, health care and the provision of social services and infrastructure, as well as advancing mine action, the role of the cultural sector and the integration of veterans, internally displaced persons and returnees." Left unsaid is that putting private business interests in first place is not compatible with the sound provision of education, health care, social services and infrastructure, as the neo-liberal anti-social offensive around the world has shown.

Regarding the "Local and Regional Dimension" the statement said, "The URC2024 also involved around 200 local and regional actors for the first time, acknowledging their crucial role in reconstruction. Participants discussed how increased and sound distribution of financial resources, capacity building and partnerships can boost recovery. Participants showcased their needs, recovery project proposals and best practices for creating liveable resilient communities by promoting sustainable urban development, housing, energy and thermal efficiency, quick and smart winterization solutions, and strengthening local self-government for integration into the EU, and economic activity."

The "EU Dimension" is aimed at keeping Ukraine in line with so-called European values and EU demands to achieve membership on the basis of "reforms, economic growth, investment security and the sustainable recovery of a competitive economy. It also supports stable political institutions and guarantees human rights and the rule of law, as well as functioning public service institutions." Integrating Ukraine into the EU, the conference claims, would "significantly contribute to regional stability and peace, justice, freedom and security across Europe. Ukraine's progress towards EU integration exemplifies the transformative power of the EU's values and standards, reinforcing the EU's role in promoting stability, prosperity and democratic governance in the region."

All of this talk about reconstruction takes places without mentioning the elephant in the room -- Ukraine's massive debt and its takeover lock, stock and barrel by narrow private interests. 

On June 18, media reports inform that Ukraine "has suffered a setback in its quest to complete the outline of a debt restructuring before the end-of-August expiry of a two-year payment freeze agreed by private holders of near $20 billion in outstanding international bonds.

This raises the spectre, Reuters says, that it might slip into default.

"Earmarked for restructuring are all international bonds issued before February of 2014 -- including a $3 billion Eurobond that was issued under English law and is owed to Russia, and still subject to court proceedings," Reuters says. The last two years alone have seen:


March - The Group of Creditors of Ukraine (GCU) including Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Britain and the U.S. provides financing assurances in support of an expected loan from the International Monetary Fund. This includes the extension until 2027 of a previously-agreed payment moratorium.

March - The IMF board approves a four-year $15.6 billion loan program for Ukraine to support the country's economy.

November - In its 2024 budget, Ukraine details an expected $44 billion deficit.


March - Reuters reports Ukraine's overseas bondholders are in talks to form a creditor committee ahead of debt rework talks. The formation of the group is made official in April.

April - A sweeping foreign aid package passes in the U.S. Congress after months of delay, clearing the way for $61 billion in funding for Ukraine.

May - Ukraine pushes to agree on a restructuring with its private creditors ahead of expiration of a payment freeze.

June - The Group of Seven agrees to provide Ukraine with $50 billion in loans by using interest earned on frozen Russian assets.

June - Ukraine says it was unable to reach an agreement during formal talks with a group of bondholders over restructuring its commercial debt, pushing the country closer to default. Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko says, opens new tatalks will continue and he expects the government to reach an agreement by August 1.

All of it makes talk about Ukrainian sovereignty nonsense as the country has been taken over lock, stock and barrel by narrow private interests. What doesn't belong to the banks and bondholders belongs to other oligopolies such as those which have taken over Ukraine's agricultural production. Open Democracy in October 2023 revealed that ten private companies controlled 71 per cent of the Ukrainian agricultural market, including, “in addition to the Ukrainian oligarchy, multinational corporations such as Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Bunge, Cargill, Louis Dreyfus and the Chinese state-owned company COFCO.” This is just a small piece of the story when it comes to the neo-liberal take-over of Ukraine.

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U.S./NATO War Preparations

U.S./NATO Largest Baltic Sea Naval Exercise

The largest Baltic Sea naval exercise ever launched by the U.S./NATO alliance is taking place from June 7 to 20. Code-named BALTOPS 24, it is comprised of more than 50 ships, more than 85 aircraft, and approximately 9,000 personnel. Participating countries include Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Türkiye, the United Kingdom and the United States. The exercise is led by U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa and U.S. Sixth Fleet (NAVEUR-NAVAF/SIXTHFLT). It will be command-and-controlled by Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO, headquartered in Oeiras, Portugal.

In addition, this year features naval assets assigned to U.S. Indo-Pacific Command -- the first time in recent history an asset tied to the Pacific theatre has participated within the U.S. Navy Europe area of operations. The war games include practice of amphibious landings, "multi-domain" operations (meaning air support from NATO's Allied Air Command), anti-submarine warfare, and interdiction (interception) operations.

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NATO "Land Corridors"

 The newspaper Kyiv Independent informed that NATO is creating a series of "land corridors" that it says "would be used to rush U.S. troops across Europe to confront Russian forces in the event of a major conflict with Moscow." The British newspaper The Telegraph said "U.S. troops and armour would land at one of five ports in the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Turkey or Norway from where they would travel through land corridors to NATO countries bordering Ukraine."

According to the newspaper, "These land corridors would be free of bureaucratic local restrictions which in the past have held up the movement of troops and armour, leaving them stuck at borders. Previous NATO plans only allowed for U.S. troops to land at Rotterdam in the Netherlands, but Ukraine's experience of long-range missile attacks since the launch of the full-scale invasion has prompted a rethink. Expanding the number of ports and having multiple land corridors would mean if one was hit, others would still be available to use."

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June 27 to August 1

Rim of Pacific 2024 War Games

The U.S.-led Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) war exercises will take place in and around the Hawaiian Islands from June 27 to August 1. This is the 29th biennial RIMPAC and will involve 29 countries and more than 25,000 personnel. The U.S. Navy boasts that this is the world's largest international maritime military exercise. Participating armed forces are coming from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Vessels involved will include three submarines, 14 land-based units and more than 150 aircraft. Aircraft will include F-35 Lightning II fighter jets (infamously deployed by Israel to bomb Gaza), P-8 Poseidon reconnaissance planes and V-22 Osprey tiltrotors, which will operate out of Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam and Marine Corps Base Hawaii on Oahu.

Drills planned for RIMPAC 2024 include the sinking of a vessel, "multi-domain warfare in a range of scenarios from anti-submarine warfare, multi-ship surface warfare, multinational amphibious landings, and multi-axis defence of the carrier strike group against live forces," a U.S. Navy press release states.

On June 2, the Department of National Defence announced that "[HMCS] Vancouver will depart from Esquimalt for Hawaii to take part in Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2024 before proceeding to Operation HORIZON in the Indo-Pacific. HMCS Vancouver will be joined on RIMPAC 24 by HMCS Max Bernays, Motor Vessel Asterix and a shore-based contingent of approximately 300 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members."

RIMPAC is vehemently opposed by peoples around the world, who are organizing various actions calling for it to be scrapped.

The Malu 'Aina Center for Non-Violent Education and Action in Hawaii issued a call to action on June 1 that stated: "RIMPAC usually involves the sinking of ships (and harm to marine life) by bombing and shelling in Hawaiian waters, onshore military beach assault landings, bombing, shelling, and troop training at the Pohakuloa Training Area on Hawaii Island and possibly other areas, as well as human trafficking with military troops entering tourist areas. Canceling the RIMPAC War Games Now & Forever will be a Peace victory for all!

"If RIMPAC goes forward, extensive protests are planned. Presently protests are scheduled for Saturday, June 22 from 10:00 am till noon in Hilo on Kamehameha Ave near the Mo'oheau Bandstand, Saturday, July 6 from 10:00 am till noon at the Pohakuloa Main Gate, Saturday, July 20 from 10:00 am till noon fronting the Kamehameha Statue on Hilo Bayfront. Please pass the word! Mahalo."

Besides the dangers to the natural and social environment posed by these war exercises, Israel's participation is also a matter of concern.

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa (PSNA) argues New Zealand's participation shows complicity in war crimes and that withdrawing would be a symbol of solidarity and show that New Zealand takes the prevention of genocide seriously, Te Ao Maori News reported on June 13. "We are calling on our government to withdraw from the exercise because of Israel's industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza," PSNA national chair John Minto said. "Why would we want to join with a lawless, rogue state which has demonstrated the complete suite of war crimes over the past eight months?"

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Malaysia has issued a petition that calls on the Malaysian government "to immediately withdraw from the RIMPAC 2024 military exercise to protest against the participation of the Israeli military in that exercise."

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U.S.-South Korea Large-Scale River Crossing Drills

U.S. and South Korea troops carried out large-scale river-crossing drills from June 3 to 7 in order to boost operational abilities. The drills began at Namhan River in the city of Yeoju, southeast of Seoul not far from the border with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the Yonhap news agency reported, citing the South Korean armed forces.

The exercise involved 590 troops, 243 vehicles and aircraft, including K1A2 tanks, K808 armored vehicles and H-47D helicopters. During the drill, the U.S. and South Korean troops said they built a 918-foot pontoon bridge in three hours, which allowed the vehicles to cross the river, reaching the exercise's destination.

In addition, South Korea held major three-day drills in May to practice defending its islands of Baengnyeongdo, Yeonpyeong and Daecheongdo in the Yellow Sea near its border with the DPRK. The drills involved simultaneous shooting and landing operations.

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