No. 9

February 5, 2024

Photo Review -- January 27 to February 4

Worldwide Actions Demand Ceasefire and
Condemn Attack on UN Aid Agency

Sana'a, Yemen, February 2, 2024

National Capital Region

Close to 3,000 people marched for the 16th consecutive weekend in Ottawa to demand an immediate ceasefire and to stop the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. Slowly beginning to gather at the Human Rights Monument on January 28 at 2:00 pm, people chanted their love and support for the Palestinian people and its heroic Resistance. Within an hour the ranks had swelled from dozens to thousands before taking to the streets.

A spokesperson for the Palestinian Youth Movement said that even in the wake of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision, Canada continues to shamefully support the murder and genocide of the Palestinian people.

She said: "Following the ICJ ruling on Friday [January 26], a ruling that hardly offered the bare minimum that our Palestinian people are entitled to, the Court called on Israel to do all it can to prevent the genocide. Yet, our Canadian government still claims it does not accept the premise of the ruling and the case against genocide. It claims that it will continue to support Israel's ‘right to defend itself'. Defend against whom?! Colonial powers as occupiers do not have a right to defend themselves. The Palestinian people and our brave Resistance have a right to defend themselves. The EU and every European country stated that Israel should abide by this ruling and still Canada shamefully rejects this ruling. We know that the liberation won't come from any International Criminal Court, it won't come from any phony politician. It will come from the Palestinian people and the brave Palestinian Resistance alone. Our Resistance will reign victorious over the Zionist entity!"

A representative of Independent Jewish Voices noted that January 27 marked the anniversary of the Liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in 1945 and that the United Nations General Assembly designated this day as the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. As Jews, she said, some of us are the children, grandchildren or relatives of those who survived the horrors of the Holocaust. In the face of apartheid Israel's systematic mass murder, starvation, forced displacement and dehumanization of Palestinians, crimes for which it was brought before the International Criminal Court and the ICJ, we reiterate the fundamental lessons of the Holocaust: Never again for anyone!

She added that on January 26, "the ICJ ruled that there is plausible evidence that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Canada has failed to support the ICJ order, publicly dismissing the Court's legally binding provisional measures that aim to prevent genocide against Palestinians. We demand that Canada fulfill its legal obligation under the UN Convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, adopted in 1948 as a direct consequence of the Holocaust. We demand that Canada demand an immediate ceasefire and call for an end to the siege on Gaza. Canada must rescind its shameful decision to suspend UNWRA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East] funding."

January 28


January 27


January 28


Montrealers again took to the streets during the week of January 27 to February 2. They called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and demanded that the Canadian and Quebec governments and four Montreal universities take a principled stand in support of the right of the Palestinian people to resist and to be.

On January 28, for a 17th consecutive week, close to 500 people gathered in front of the Israeli Consulate, heavily guarded by the Montreal police and barricaded to prevent anyone from nearing the building's main entrance. With their banners and placards, the participants then took to the streets to stop in front of the U.S. Consulate, with the action ending outside the Egyptian Consulate. They listened to speeches denouncing the hypocrisy of the Trudeau government, that refused to take a principled stand in regard to the recent statement of the International Court of Justice about Israel's role in committing genocide against the people of Gaza, while immediately joining the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries in suspending funding to UNRWA, which will affect, as one of the speakers noted, all the Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank, Jordan and Lebanon, to name but a few.

Outside the Egyptian Consulate, one speaker said, "As we mark the 13th anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution on Tahrir Square, we demand the unconditional opening of the Rafah crossing, allowing the entry of all aid to Gaza . [...] This is the test. The test is that Egyptians did not carry out their revolution only to improve their situation, but also to establish a just state. [...] Gaza is attached to the world's conscience. Together, we will break the shackles of oppression, together, we will break the siege on Gaza!" As the march concluded, the number of participants swelled to over a thousand.

January 28

On the afternoon of February 1, at the call of student organizations on the four Montreal university campuses which fight for the human rights of the Palestinians, walkouts were organized at UQAM, Université de Montréal (UdeM), McGill and Concordia Universities. Hundreds of students gathered at McGill to hear speeches from representatives of Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR McGill), McGill professors and student organization such as the one representing Algerian students. They all denounced the McGill administration's double standards when it comes to taking a stand on Palestine. From there they marched to Sherbrooke St. where they met up with Concordia students to hear more speeches.

A representative of SPHR Concordia said amongst other things, "For the past three months, students at Concordia and McGill have been fighting their administrations and urging them to stop the funding of bombings not only of civilians, hospitals, ambulances, refugee camps, and journalists, but also of universities in Gaza. [...] We've been taught that all universities are based on freedom of speech and education. [...] Despite being complacent toward a genocide that deliberately targets universities as well as schools [...] we need that ask Concordia University this question Which is more violent – to fight for a genocide or to fight for the end of it? "

The students that now numbered close to 500 took again to the streets and marched for another hour downtown until they reached UQAM where they went inside the main university building with banners and placards until they reached the agora to meet up with other students from UQAM and UdeM, with more chanting, slogans and speeches echoing through the building for another hour.

February 2

February 4


On January 28, at least 600 people turned out in solidarity with the Palestinian people, demanding a ceasefire, an end to the Israeli genocide in Gaza and an end to Israeli occupation, for a Free Palestine from the river to the sea.

Organized by Davenport for Ceasefire and Parkdale-High Park for Palestine, the event started with a rally at the constituency office of Davenport Liberal MP Julie Dzerowicz, then marched along Bloor St West to the constituency office of Arif Virani, Parkdale High Park Liberal MP and Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

Both MPs have merely repeated the Trudeau government's line and refused to condemn the genocide. The protesters denounced their cowardice and refusal to represent the demands of their constituents and the Canadian people. Virani in particular was called out because he had past experience as an international lawyer in prosecuting the genocide in Rwanda.

A number of speakers spoke at each office. An Indigenous activist reminded the crowd of Canada's shameful colonial history as a prime example of apartheid and genocide. Others denounced Canada's role in supplying the Israeli war machine with weapons, saying it must be stopped. Speakers also applauded South Africa for taking their case against Israeli genocide to the International Court of Justice. One speaker spoke of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, marked the day before, emphasizing that this occasion must not be used to justify what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. "Never Again means Never Again for anyone, no exceptions," she pointed out.

The march was high energy and was greeted enthusiastically by local residents who came out of local businesses and residential buildings to join in shouting slogans, to applaud and cheer. Marchers cheered the Palestinians, as well as Yemenis and other resistance fighters for their heroic defence of Gaza. Slogans chanted included Free, Free Palestine!, No More Arms for Genocide!, Ceasefire Now!, No Justice, No Peace!, No Food, No Peace!, No Water, No Peace!"

Organizers called on members of the community to speak to their neighbours and friends and involve them at this critical time to stand with the Palestinians, in whatever way they can. The protest ended with a rousing musical performance.

January 28

February 4


The January 28 action for Palestine began with a rally at the riverfront. Speakers addressed the ruling of the ICJ and the Canadian government’s suspension of funding to UNRWA.

The point was made that with its move against UNRWA Canada is no longer just complicit but has become a party to the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza. It is also directly contravening the ruling of the ICJ applicable to it as a signatory to the Genocide Convention which obliges it to act to prevent the commission of genocidal acts against Palestinians in Gaza. This would include any obstruction of the Court’s order that “immediate and effective measures” be taken to “enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.” Speakers emphasized the importance of Canadians continuing to speak out against the crimes and violations of international law Israel is committing and to demand that Canada stop its shameful supporting, covering for and participating in them.

Margaret Villamizar of the Windsor Peace Coalition said Canada talks about upholding the international rule of law or what it calls a rules-based system. She asked what does this mean when on the very day that the ICJ issued its ruling, which Canada is obliged to fulfil, it instead follows the U.S. lead in further punishing the victims of Israel's war of annihilation by cutting funding to UNRWA.This is a move potentially forcing its collapse right at a time Palestinians are in desperate need of the services and humanitarian aid that it alone is equipped to provide. Where are the consequences to Israel for murdering 152 UNRWA staff members and repeatedly targeting its facilities for bombing? she said. It is the resistance of the Palestinians and the world’s people speaking in their own name, upholding the rights of the Palestinian people and finding ways to hold governments like Canada’s to account for supporting the crimes Israel and the U.S. are committing that will be decisive in stopping the genocide, she said in conclusion.

Malak Alhajsaleh of Windsor4Palestine began by applauding South Africa for its bravery in charging Israel with genocide at the ICJ. But, she said, the Court’s failure to order Israel to immediately suspend its military operations and withdraw its troops from Gaza as South Africa requested, and instead order it to submit a report after one month on steps it has taken to abide by the Court’s ruling had the feel of an assignment given to school children, and was not a serious measure aimed at stopping a genocide in progress. You can’t put a pause on a genocide like you do on a video game, she said, and denounced Justin Trudeau and Mélanie Joly for being partners with Israel in actively starving the people of Palestine. As Canadian citizens, we demand that Canada support the ICJ's orders aimed at protecting Palestinians in Gaza from genocide and that Canada end its complicity and involvement in this war crime, she said.

“We are all gathered here to tell our Prime Minister to speak up and represent our voices and those of the majority of Canadians” Malak concluded. She called on everyone to keep speaking up and coming out to the weekly protests being held around the city until Palestine is free and the Nakba stops being repeated from one generation to the next as it has for four generations of her family.

The rally was followed by an hour-long march through downtown streets with participants vigorously chanting slogans and receiving support from people they passed along the way.

January 28
February 4


Hundreds of people came out to stand with Palestine on January 28. MC Fatima Saleh began the rally by calling for Canada to end all arms sales to Israel and to impose sanctions now! It is our collective responsibility, she said, to raise our voices against all oppression, against bombs being dropped on some of the most populated areas on earth, against apartheid, colonialism, imperialism and genocide, and against injustice. She then introduced Bear Clan leader Judith Gale and knowledge keeper Earth who have been fighting for the rights of the unhoused, to demand an end to their criminalization and abuse by the police and Alberta government. They spoke of their shared experience of genocide and shared vision for a world where the rights of all are upheld, and everyone is cared for as is the tradition of the Indigenous peoples. Michael Litwack spoke on behalf of Independent Jewish Voices, followed by a speaker whose family perished in the Holocaust. High school student Janna read a moving poem she had written to the mothers of Palestine.

Speaking to the recent ruling of the International Court of Justice, organizer Mousa Qasqas said, "We know that the freedom of the Palestinian people will not come just because of this decision. But we should use it as momentum ...We are part of the generation that could finally say the words ‘Israel is on trial for genocide' ... This really puts pressure on our Canadian government, to either blindly side with the U.S. and Israel or to follow international law, follow the rest of the world's opinion, follow public opinion, follow the highest mark in the line of sight and stand on the side of peace and justice.

"We still need to see an end to the occupation. We still need to see an end to the ethnic cleansing, we still need to see an end to the apartheid and we still need to see a free Palestine." In the face of the demonizing of the Palestinian community by the media and politicians and in our schools, he said, "the resilience and courage of the Palestinian people, and the people fo Gaza specifically, give us the strength to keep speaking our truth. They will try to silence us but we won't stop and we will never shy away. Today as always, we will say what we mean and we will mean what we say. Thank you very much. Free Free Palestine. From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free!"

A lively Town Hall meeting was organized by Independent Jewish Voices at the University of Alberta (U of A) on January 30, attended by about 150 people in person and online. Students, faculty, staff spoke out, showing their determination to stand fast in their defence of the rights of the Palestinian people. Speakers condemned the firing of the director and all three staff of the U of A Sexual Assault Centre for their support for Palestine.

Several speakers pointed out that the administration which is defaming students and staff with accusations of anti-semitism has harboured and given a privileged place to the perpetrators of genocide, to Nazi collaborators and war criminals and it is they who must be held to account.

Through their actions the people of Edmonton are ensuring that the voices for Palestine will not be silenced. The people of the world are speaking out in their own name with their own agenda, to stand with the Palestinian resistance, and to demand an end to genocide, ceasefire now, and a free Palestine, from the river to the sea. This is what is decisive.

January 28


Hundreds of people gathered in front of Calgary City Hall on January 28, to rally and march for Gaza on Day 113 of the continuing genocide against the Palestinian people.

A speaker for Justice for Palestinians (JFP) gave an update on the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza and spoke on the ruling of the ICJ and JFP's view on the significance of the ruling, followed by comments on the victories of the resistance fighters in Gaza. He explained that the resistance is "fighting a guerilla war against what is supposed to be one of the most technologically advanced armies in the world and they have failed in destroying the resistance and in fact are losing militarily to a resistance that is inflicting great damage on Israeli equipment and forces."

People were informed about the situation faced by a Canadian citizen Mansour Shouman, formerly of Calgary and a journalist and humanitarian aid worker who has gone missing and is believed captured by Israel, likely the IDF. JFP calls on everyone to contact the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and their own MP to demand that the Canadian government take action to guarantee Mansour's safety and to have him released immediately. Mansour's mother, Dr. Mai Hussein, then addressed the rally by telephone saying, "Good Morning, I am very happy I am talking to you now. Please let's focus on looking for Mansour and find out where he is now. We think he has been taken by the IDF as confirmed by eye witnesses. Ask the government to find out where he is and demand his safety and bring him back to his family. He was a civilian volunteer who helped in publishing the words of the people of Gaza to the international world. He left his family and his work and is taking a chance to help the people on the ground. I hope all of you can do whatever you can to ask the government to find Mansour and bring him home." Great applause broke out with people calling out "we love you."

To sign the petition, demanding the immediate release of Mansour Shouman click here.

Speakers from the Calgary Palestinian Council, one of whom has lost 20 family members in the genocide in Gaza, spoke about recent allegations about the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and the cuts to funding for UNRWA by the Canadian government and other countries. He said, "It is a very alarming event that happened one day after the ICJ ruling. Was it a coincidence? No! It is part of the plan to ethnically cleanse all Palestinians wherever they are. It is part of the plan and we have to stand against it. Shame on our government to act as quickly as they did to stop the funding to UNRWA."

Following the speeches, participants marched to the Harry Hays Federal Building. Here several people made brief remarks condemning the Canadian government for being complicit in the genocide in Gaza, demanding it call for a ceasefire and calling it to account for its crimes. They shouted the slogan over and over: "Justin Trudeau, you will see, Palestine will be free, Melanie Joly, you will see Palestine will be free." The march carried on throughout downtown, and back to City Hall for an open mic session.

January 28
February 4

British Columbia

January 28


January 28

February 1, blockade of Port of Vancouver demanding end to arms shipment to Israel.


January 28


February 3

Chicago, IL 

January 27

City Council passes resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, January 31.

Washington, DC

January 30, protest inside Congress opposes defunding UNRWA.
Shutdowns of four highways, February 1.

New York City, NY

January 27
February 4



January 27

February 3


January 27


January 27

January 27


January 27

January 27


January 29

January 27

January 27
February 4



January 27

February 3



January 27


January 27



January 28
February 3

February 4

Vienna, Austria

January 27
February 3

Toulouse, France

January 27

Madrid, Spain

January 28

Athens, Greece

February 4

Al-Yamun, Palestine

Funeral, January 29, 2024, for Palestinian youth, Thaer Hammo, killed by the Israel Defense Force
in al-Yamun, a town west of Jenin.

Sana'a, Yemen

February 2

Amman, Jordan

February 2

Manama, Bahrain

January 27, protest U.S. Navy's 5th fleet stationed in the city

Jakarta, Indonesia

January 29

Manila, Philippines

February 3

Managua, Nicaragua

January 30, Inauguration of Gaza Avenue in Managua honouring the resistance and heroism of the Palestinian people



January 27


January 27

Melbourne, Australia

January 31, blocking plant making components for Israeli military.
February 3

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