Go All Out for Petition to End U.S. Blockade and Remove Cuba from U.S. List of State Sponsors of Terrorism

On the occasion of Moncada Day, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) calls on Canadians and Quebeckers to go all out to get signatures for the petition on the Parliament of Canada website calling on the Government of Canada to demand that the U.S. end its blockade of Cuba and remove Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism. On June 18 petition e-5014 opened for signatures which as of the eve of Moncada Day stand at 712. The U.S. blockade of Cuba and CubaÆs spurious inclusion on the list of sponsors of state terrorism are aimed at undermining the Cuban people from pursuing their chosen path and socialist nation-building project. These actions by the U.S. are illegitimate, unjust and profoundly violate the human rights of the Cuban people.

The petition was initiated by Pierre Hivon from Ste-Marcelline and is open for signatures until October 16. Since it has surpassed 500 signatures, it will be presented to Parliament by Gabriel Ste-Marie, Bloc Qu b cois MP for Joliette who sponsored it, after which the government must respond within 45 days.

All out to get signatures for the petition! Call three friends to call three friends to call three friends. Get as many signatures as possible to win more support for Cuba and the just cause of its people to live free from foreign interference and aggression!

All Out to Get Maximum Signatures for the Petition!
End the U.S. Blockade of Cuba!
Get Cuba Off the List of Terrorist States!

Petition to the Government of Canada


• The Quebec and Canadian people have numerous and significant economic, historical and cultural ties with the Cuban people;

• The blockade of Cuba has lasted for 60 years and Canada is opposed to it;

• The international community has repeatedly shown its support for the Cuban people, particularly through votes at the United Nations General Assembly;

• The embargo has led to more severe shortages that affect the daily lives of Cuban residents; and

• American economic sanctions and the economic blockade against Cuba violate international law, as well as the right to self-determination and the human rights of the Cuban people.

We, the undersigned residents of Quebec and Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:

1. Ask United States representatives, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to lift the blockade against Cuba as well as to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism;

2. Reaffirm the importance of the Cuban people's human rights, which must be respected, and denounce the blockade against Cuba as one of the key barriers to the Cuban people's full enjoyment of their human rights;

3. Act immediately to preserve the sovereignty of Quebec and Canada, ensuring that Quebec and Canadian corporations and other entities, particularly governmental ones, do not participate in the American economic sanctions against Cuba; and

4. Ensure that Quebec and Canadian relations with Cuba continue to be based on equality and respect for sovereignty, independence and the right to self-determination.

To sign the petition, click here.

This article was published in
Volume 54 Number 43 - July 25, 2024

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Website:  www.cpcml.ca   Email:  editor@cpcml.ca